Was mercy's old valkyrie really that powerful?

new valkyrie is awful and pretty much useless unless you actually pull off a rez //which is near impossible at this point without a shield or a team, but most of the team your team is pushing however they want and dying, and they refuse to group up//

it’s a problem and going back to old rez is a stretch. it will never come back. she sat on her meta throne with that, so it’s 99.99% not coming back unless blizzard decides to pay attention to us mercy mains. as much as we want mercy 1.0 back, we most likely won’t. //unless it’s for an event game mode like uprising or junkensteins revenge if you want to count those//

another thing that won’t come back is your team to point. they won’t group up with you unless you have your ult. you can sometimes push with it but all you do is fly for a few seconds, heal or damage boost and die while trying to rez the rein main begging for a rez.

two charges of rez was fine. it was good. not as good as bringing your whole team back but it wasn’t horrible. not to mention the speed was nerfed too much. now rez feels even slower. and rez cast time nerfed as well is a bit much. make the ult that you charged feel like you deserve it.

i still have hope for mercy, with all these changes that come to game, it’s not like she’ll never get a buff.

-kawaiistarry //a mercy main looking for a buff//

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