Wow another Mercy Post

It took me a year to recover from my “dragonblade ptsd”, where Genji’s would sneak up and draw their blade right behind me, then the next thing I saw was Mercy’s body ragdolling while the kill feed blew up.

The alternative was Genji drawing it in front of me, and me having just enough time to shriek my head off as he inevitably came straight for me like a monster out of a horror movie.

Never mention the time when my friend pranked me by setting their ringtone to Genji’s ult line when they stayed over. I just about had a heart attack by the end of the evening.

I still wouldn’t wish “The Mercy Treatment” on Genji. No one deserves a fate as horrible as The Mercy Treatment.

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Stupid question (probably) what do you mean “the mercy treatment”?

They mean constant nerfs and “out-of-meta” excuses

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What they did to hanzo

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Her playstle has been always fun to me, probably GA and lock-on make it so, but the un-fun part is uneffectivness. 50 hps is just thrash…


Step one: rework a beloved character in a way that takes their most iconic features, then warps and twists it into a horrific uncanny valley monster.

Teddy bear before Mercy Treatment Step One:

Teddy Bear after Mercy Treatment Step One:

Step 2: Lock all dissenters into a chasm of lost souls, sentencing them to go mad from the endless echoes of screaming agony, while their god turns a blind eye to their pleas for clemency. Delete any evidence they ever existed in public, and burn anyone who tries to escape at the stake.

Step 3: Be forced to stand by and watch as the community cheerfully dehumanizes you for liking a video game character. No matter how many essays you write, no matter how many graphs and stats you provide, anything you say while you campaign for your hero to be fixed is dismissed as a garbage spewed by a (insert slur here) stepping out of line.

Step 4: Watch the monstrosity that you hero has become agonizingly slowly be hollowed out, with nerf after nerf that never addresses the real problems with the character. You plead with the devs to get it over with and fix this by reversing course, but the result is the same. They ignore your pleas, and continue to mummify a mangled mess with the face or your hero grotesquely glued on.

Step 5: The hero you loved is gone. The community hates you for existing. The devs blithely make statements about how they’ve done a marvelous job at “fixing” your hero, when all they’ve ever done is make the problem worse.


true that pocketing isn’t strictly the only playstyle right not but i do believe it’s the most ‘valuable’. with 50hps trying to juggle is both a risk and a near impossible feat (tho i guess you could try juggling between 2-3 people and not the entire team anymore). and i guess people could go battle mercy (not pistol only mercy that’s different), which is fairly the close to value pocketing.

to me personally, i just preferred juggling /shrug

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I have no words. ._.

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When did you join the game, fox?

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Not too long ago. After the nerfing really.

:weary: I wish you could have the chance to play Mercy with her real ult. As time wears on, the ratio of vets to new blood keeps tipping in the latter direction. I’m kind of scared of the idea of being one of the few ones left who remembers what Mercy was like before her rework.

Mercy 1.0 is the real Mercy to me. I view the current version as a badly-injured version of Mercy.


Indeed it is a shame. I have only seen videos of mercy’s real ult. I still wish that I played the game way earlier before she was nerfed.

All I can do is hope one day, she will be restored.

I’m not a Mercy main either.
But I find her fun.

Something I’ve noticed about the old videos is that only the once in a blue moon “huge rezzes” ever get uploaded. It’s kind of like how only huge kill streaks with dps ults get uploaded, but it’s left a false impression on a lot of new players about Mercy’s old ult that “Mass Rez always rezzed the entire team”.

Personal anecdote: most of my rezzes during that time raised 1-3 people. Practicality of avoiding getting immediately re-wiped aside, 4-5 man rezzes just didn’t happen on any sort of regular basis. The next time you play a match, keep track of how many people are respawning at the same time in a small area. You’ll notice that it’s almost always only 1-3 people at any given time, which was Mercy’s average rez count per use.


Okay, but honestly OG Mercy from the beta was legit. Beyond that, post-rework Mercy was actually like a valkyrie. It was pretty sick. Like, 1.0 was to OG what 2.0 is to double rez Mercy. Just inferior.

with the current state of overwatch it would be a real bad thing, mercy ult was way too strong, able to revive a whole team full health would make the fight powerless and just a gamble.
games like paladin (it is a overwatch clone) have no rez because it is way too strong to balance and handle. there is one guy in paladin that transform dead body to mindless turrets that stay only a small moment ( a bit like bobs in a way) but that is just it.

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Did you ever play during mass-rez Mercy? Because then you should know that ultimate could be outplayed quite easy contrary to the three others. There was a good reason Ana, Zen and Lucio were the meta picks before Mercys rework.


Not the ult change. The SLoW DoWn. 75%. it’s funny that some people likes being slowed down when you are in high mobility situation.

don’t say the slowdown is to balance res. the correct way is not putting it on cooldown in the first place, not ruining the fluid gameplay of mercy with a HALT.

In gm it’s the same, pretty much just pick a person to pocket, and if you don’t you just lose.

Pocketing is ok sometimes, but it’s kind of boring in other times.

If you don’t pocket, the enemy Ana will just get more use out of her utility than you and you lose.

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I’ll translate that:

Mercy feeling fun to play and impactful = Mercy being a must pick on every map in every comp