The developers have never once claimed that they were against Valk being used specifically for ressurect. as showcased in these Dev Comments
as you can clearly see it’s a bunch of jargain and boils down to “Mercy be OP we gotta nerf her”
This is further exemplified that earlier into the Mercy meta the developers originally shot down the idea of only single rez Valkyrie after it was on PTR and opted for cast time instead.
further solidifying the fact that these January nerfs had nothing to do with how the hero was supposed to feel but BLizzard just giving up on this hero being rewarding and fun to play and balanced at the same time.
So there. now please when you see suggestions about Rez being Valk only do not respond with “but that’d make Valk only used for rez”
Devs aren’t against that, we’re not agaisnt that and I doubt you’re against that either if it means rez is off of static cooldown
So how about 2 instant cast rez charges like how she was before these january nerfs but with rez being locked behind valk? ;))
But for real. What if they gave her 2 insta cast rezes again and the GA speed back but locked rez behind valk.
Idk how I would feel about it. On the one hand it would make Valkyrie feel like an actual ultimate with impact, on the other her base kit would get no utility again so you might as well revert her.
I’ve been trying to suggest that for, well, since January’s nerfs actually
but I always get this comment
and apparently James found something I hadn’t so damn
of course once James finds this interview I’m going to have to look at the date and find out if it was after these Nerfs and it was them saving face since we know they were once upon a time willing to undo the double rez removal
Still I believe they do not want Valk to be Rez focused as that will mean it will only be used for Rez and not for healing or DMB or Battle Mercy.
TBH the healing sucks anyway, so with an improved Rez that is what is going to effective to use Valkyrie for which at that point why bother with the other options if Rez the best option?
Thou now I’m getting into the entire problem with Valkyrie in terms of a balanced, impactful, gameplay experience.
You think that by putting Rez only in Valkyrie will make Mercy feel better to play?
I don’t think so.
+She’ll need an ability to replace Rez.
And her healing back to 60 hp/s. Then It might work.
But Valkyrie to be only used for Rez - seems boring and bad tbh.
When 2 insta rez was available in valk and regular rez had a cast time, you rarely used rez outside of valk. I could get away with anything with valk and insta cast especially with such a fast ga speed. There is no worry with death when you can fly anywhere, swoop in to rez immediately and fly off. Even if you got hit, you could easily be back up to full because of her regen. Valk removes her weaknesses and makes using those rezes extremely easy.
Valk with 2 insta cast rez will be op again. Especially in pro play.
you could get away with a lot of bull crap rezes too, heck even more with Invuln
yet despite the annoying nature of 1.0 Mercy was a D lister
now don’t jump down my throat I’m not suggesting a revert with this but I’m pointing out the facts. Mercy was a D lister with mass rez which was even easier to pull off crazy rezes with, so dual rez attached to a nerfed Valkyrie really couldn’t possibly be OP
if the potential for 5 man rezes warranted a D list hero who only saw play because her competition was very high tier then an ult limitted to 2 rezes couldn’t be OP due to the rezes
Not necessarily. If the average now is 6 then that number could potentialy drop or go sligtly higher if rez wasnt available in her base kit but I dont see that being an issue since its an ultimate ability and its supposed to be powerful and game changing.
Mass rez was an ult that was worthless if your team dies apart, too slowly, or the enemy focussed you too hard and stops you from building it fast enough or using it when it’s needed. Invulnerability on rez was the big problem, mercy could then save herself in the middle of an ult and walk away. Mass rez was balancable and it was even up in its 1.0 days, but Bliz didn’t do that.
I know valk with 2 insta rezes is more op because it’s already been tested, Valk with 2 insta rezes means a hero who is extremely evasive, can fly into the enemy backline where some hero on her team died alone, rez and run to then rez another or that same person. I could pull off any rez I wanted because I could fly wherever I wanted while still aoe healing my team even dodge a dead eye with ga in the open. I knew I had a small chance of dying while going to rez because of my regen, mobility, and instant cast time.
Allies player during this time had no sense of personal safety because they knew I could rez them, they knew I could get to them. I hated this rework the most because way too many people forgot other healers can’t be everywhere, they can’t fix your mistakes, but mercy could. I hated this and people still are stuck with this mentality since it’s been possible for half a year.
Do you have any other idea to give Mercy some umph? I’m all ears, something that lets her make a play that’s all hers.
Cus every idea that dosen’t involve rez involves free’ing up the E key which means rez has to go back to being connected to an ult
and if you think current rez should be an actual ult then I guess it just proves to me you’re one of those people that don’t actually play Mercy