Make Mercy's Ultimate Great Again!

Or at least more impactful or fun again.


1-Give Valkyrie one instant rez.

2-Make Valkyrie an E ability and bring Mass Rez back with MAJOR tweaks.

3- Give Valkyrie Purple Beam (heal and damage boost at the same time)

4- Make rez an earned Ability.

5- They could also maybe make rez let multiple people who are no further than 5m from each other be resurrected too. You could maybe make that happen only during Valkyrie.

6- Give rez shorter CD during Valkyrie

7- Remove Rez as an ability and give her Purple Beams as an E, and bind Rez to the activation of Valkyrie. By doing that Mercy could Multi-Res 2 people instantly and continue on as current Valkyrie.

8- Make Rez a channeled ultimate where if Mercy keeps channeling one person after another gets razzed. Making Valkyrie an E ability.

Anything is better than how non-impactful, not fun, and unsatisfying Mercy is right now.


67 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018