Mercy Rework Jeff

“If the Mercy rework doesn’t work, we will bring her back” - Jeff Kaplan, 2017. I’d like to think this rework didn’t work. It’s a mess. And how they treat Support, not just Mercy mains. DPS Whine about Mercy? Nerfed. Zen? Nerfed. Ana? Nerfed. Tracer? No nerf. Soldier 76? No nerf. Junk rat? Basically no nerf. Listen Jeff, I know you want to basically delete Mercy. But you really took the fun out of Mercy. You’re making Mercy mains leave, all because you cater to DPS mains and 1 tricks. Good job. Mercy mains are leaving, while DPS roam freely. You made a mess of the rework. All Mercy is now is a Heal not. Rest In Peace, Angela. It was an honor to serve with you. (And you DPS mains saying “You’re a Mercy Main you have no brain to play other characters”, Just because I play Mercy doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion)


46 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018