WrA Information & Directories

Post Disclaimer

Original post by Shaysinn, reposted with permission. Please keep in mind that some of the information below is submitted by the community, and therefore constantly changing/updated. Therefore, this post is forever a “work-in-progress.” If you see any errors in the post, please post a reply to notify me.

:sparkles: :dragon_face: WELCOME TO WYRMREST ACCORD :dragon_face: :sparkles:

Wyrmrest Accord (or WrA) is an active, RP-focused West Coast server. (PST) The server opened in 2009 and is home to many flourishing guilds and communities catering to each and every aspect of the game! Below, you will find helpful info for any looking to transfer or begin their journey on our server. Following that is a variety of directories in drop-down menus that can guide you to the perfect guild, community discord, regular events, and other useful RP/community tools!

Table of Contents


:globe_with_meridians: WrA Server Info :globe_with_meridians:

Unlike most servers, WrA has a very active forum, which is a great place to find RP, guilds, and events. I highly recommend scrolling through our recent threads if you’re looking for something new to do or seeking a new group of friends! Although the server is West Coast, (PST) we have players from all over, including a good chunk of Oceanic players! Therefore, if your schedule wouldn’t work with the usual evening server-time events, you can usually find a guild that uses Oceanic times for events/activity.

Most of us on WrA are here for RP, but we understand that some are just here because they enjoy our laid-back atmosphere. If you’re here and you don’t plan to RP, you’re still going to have a great time and likely make wonderful friends as long as you are both considerate and respectful as a person and towards RP.

Below I’ve listed a few of the popular threads on this forum that are helpful to new and old WrA members alike! (I’ll be adding to the list as needed!)

Compendium of RP Guides: Compendium of Roleplay Guides

WrA Name Archive:
Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux

WrA RP Event Calendar:
🔖 [Bookmark] Roleplay Event Calendar

:busts_in_silhouette: Current Roleplay Hubs :busts_in_silhouette:

(Please let me know if any of the hubs below become outdated or of any new hubs not currently listed!)

Alliance: Stormwind, Mage Quarter & Cathedral District & Lion’s Rest
Horde: Orgrimmar, Valley of Honor
Neutral: Ratchet, Booty Bay

A few things that non-roleplayers should know:

Non-RP names on this server are generally frowned upon, and may be reported if someone feels it is necessary. This is extremely uncommon if the name isn’t offensive, but if you’re being rude in a public channel for example, the name may be noticed and flagged. (For example of non-rp names: xxphatlewtzxx)

If you’re in an area that others are currently roleplaying in and need to say something in a public channel such as /say, please place brackets around your message. This is generally known as a message being out-of-character, or not roleplay. For example: ((hey guys can you tell me where the bank is?))

In general, “trolling” or disrupting RP in any way is highly frowned upon and may be reported. This includes spamming the public chat, putting down toys, (such as the train which affects all nearby players) jumping on another player, etc. Try to be mindful of your surroundings! Most RP takes place in areas that are not high-traffic for OOC things (such as the Auction House) to avoid this, but please keep the above in mind.

:bulb: Tips for New Roleplayers :bulb:

Stepping into the world of RP in WoW can be intimidating and confusing. Most of us are more than happy to help those new to RP, but if you’re not comfortable asking strangers, hopefully the following tips will be enough to get you started!


The first thing you should do if you’d like to learn about RP is to download an RP addon. (Links and info in the “Roleplay Addons” section below.) These addons will allow you to make an in-game character sheet for your character, as well as see others’ character sheets.
These addons also have an “OOC” section that can be seen if someone glances at your character. This is a great place to mention that you’re new to RP.

Once you’ve downloaded an addon, the easiest way to get an idea for RP is to watch it. Take a seat in any RP hub and watch the RP happen! Use this time to read other players’ character sheets for ideas on your own character. Have a question? Whisper the player!

Once you’re comfortable with your character and begin to RP, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that IC does NOT equal OOC, and vice versa. To put it simply, this means you shouldn’t take things that happen in-character/in roleplay as out-of-character. For example:
You come across a character who has a hatred for all elves/orcs/etc. This does NOT mean the PLAYER of that character hates them.
Another example: If a character in RP insults yours for whatever reason, the last thing you should do is take this personally and assume the PLAYER hates YOU.
A side-note: If you are ever uncomfortable in a roleplay situation or dislike another player’s character, you have every right not to roleplay with them. It’s perfectly fine to step away. It’s also perfectly acceptable to whisper the other player if you have a question about the roleplay.

Roleplay Vocabulary & Abbreviations

RP - An abbreviation for Roleplay.

IC - An abbreviation for In-Character. This means you are currently roleplaying, or relates to your character, not you as a player.

OOC - An abbreviation for Out-Of-Character. This means you’re not roleplaying, or relates to the player instead of the player’s roleplay character.

RP-PVP - An abbreviation for Roleplay PvP. This relates to player vs. player events that are planned and roleplayed out. RP-WPVP is the same, but stands for “World PVP” instead.

RP-PVE - Similar concept as RP-PVP, except the PVE stands for player vs. environment. Examples of this would be a group running a dungeon, but roleplaying through it.

A-RP, H-RP, N-RP - These abbreviations stand for Alliance-Roleplay, Horde-Roleplay, and Neutral-Roleplay. You may also see these as “A-Event/H-Event/N-Event” which are the same concept, just specifying that its an event. It is also common for describing guild factions. (ie. N-Guild would mean Neutral guild.) These abbreviations are frequently used in forum post titles to catch the eye of their preferred audience.

Emote - A way of expressing your character’s actions in roleplay. Generally in WoW it is done by typing /e before a post about the character. For example: “/e walks to the storefront, nodding at the vendor.” Would show as “Hrofran walks to the storefront, nodding at the vendor.”

RP Gear - Pieces of armor one only uses when roleplaying. With transmog now available, this is less common but still may be used for cosmetic reasons.

RP Hub - A place in-game that roleplay frequently occurs.

Immersion - When roleplayers mention “immersion”, they mean the in-game surroundings of where they’re rping. To “break immersion” means disrupting the RP with something OOC, such as putting down a toy that causes the characters to dance. Highly frowned upon.

RP Prompt - These are topics or questions offered to inspire writing about a player’s RP character or history. For example: “Your character only has time to help their healer or their warrior in battle. Which does your character choose to aide, and why?”

Lore - Canon history within World of Warcraft. Going outside of the set lore of the game can sometimes be frowned upon.

Mary Sue/Snowflake - A derogatory term for roleplay characters who are too “perfect” to be realistic. The character may be the “best fighter in the world” or too pretty, etc. Generally just a character without any flaws. This isn’t commonly brought up anymore, but it’s still helpful to know what the terms mean.

Meta-Gaming - This term is used to describe when a character in RP uses knowledge the player would know, but a character wouldn’t. For example, a player may know that a certain character in-game has devious intentions, but the roleplay character has no way of knowing this. If they use that OOC knowledge in RP, it’d be considered metagaming and is highly frowned upon.

Godmodding - This means to take control of another player’s character in RP. For example, saying your character killed the character of whoever you’re RPing with. So, if you’re roleplaying a fight against someone else, and say “Hrofor slices through Bob, taking off his head and killing him.” without specifying with the player OOC first that this is fine, this would be Godmodding. It is HIGHLY frowned upon. Generally, if someone does so, others will bring it up OOC to inform them. If they continue after that, they will likely have trouble finding others to RP with.

Combat RP - This refers to in-character fighting, in RP. This can be done in a variety of ways. Usually, roleplayers will decide the method OOC (in a whisper or such) beforehand. The usual ways include emote battles, roll duels, or PVP duels. Emote battles just mean that the two characters emote-out their fight once they’ve decided OOC on the fight’s outcome. Roll duels are similar in that they emote out the fight, but each turn before emoting the player will /roll to see if their attack hits or misses. Usually, this will go until one person has landed 3 attacks successfully. Although not as common, some decide to use PVP duels to decide who wins an IC fight. This is just the regular in-game dueling system.

Retcon - This term is used when someone erases an event in their character’s history. For example, someone decided to roleplay their character dying because they were bored of playing/RPing the character. A few months later, they change their mind and decide this never happened so they can continue roleplaying said character. That would be a retcon.

:arrow_up_small: Back to the Top :arrow_up_small:

:performing_arts: Roleplay Guides & Resources :performing_arts:

Below you will find a variety of Roleplay guides, tools, and addons submitted by or used in our community!

A Compendium of Roleplay Guides, which contains hundreds of RP guides based on character class, race, profession, and so much more can be found here: Compendium of Roleplay Guides

Roleplay Resources

Kersia’s RP Prompt Archive A listing of hundreds of writing prompts for WoW roleplayers.

Banshih’s WoW Map & House Maker a collection of over 2,700 unique in-game pieces to create your custom roleplay maps.

Ambient Mixer: A site full of background-music created by users to aide in immersion when writing/roleplaying. You can even make your own background music using their mixer with thousands of provided noises/music/etc or add your own! https://www.ambient-mixer.com/

Name Generators: This site is great for brainstorming and finding names for any type of Roleplay Character/Pet/Guild/Base/etc!

Roleplay Addons
Most of our server use one of three different addons to create their character's profile. Each of these have different pros/cons, so it's recommended to read over each one and decide which is best for you! These addons can also be found in the Twitch mods section, just like other mods you may use for WoW.

MyRoleplay (MRP): Simple addon for character profiles. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/my-role-play
XRP: Minimalist and easy-to-use addon for character profiles.
Total RP3 (TRP3): Seems to be most-common on WrA, more advanced and offers more options than just creating character profiles.

Other addons can be used to aide in running events, keeping up with/organizing chat logs, and more. Below are a few of the more commonly used addons on our server.

DiceMaster: Aides in RP events with advanced dice-rolling options, also allows you to set up visual unit frames for enemies and even create a small profile showing your characters items or attacks/abilities and health/charges.
Emote Splitter: Expands your chat so you can type or paste as much as you want without the message being cut off.
Elephant: Tracks and organizes your chat windows, so if, for example, you DC and forgot what someone posted, you can go back and look!
Listener: Helps keep track of chat in crowded/busy situations. Has a “snooper” window that can show chat history of whoever you target/click. Also can notify you if someone emotes at your character!

:fleur_de_lis: Guild Directories :fleur_de_lis:

Below are current listings of a sample of active Alliance and Horde guilds. They’re contacted at least once every 6 months to ensure they are currently recruiting and the listing is up to date. If you have a listing below and need to update it, please let me know! If you’d like to add your guild to one of the listings, please copy, fill in, and post the template below in this thread or send it to me via Discord. Thank you!

Guild Name:
Races Allowed:
Who/How to Contact:
RP/PVP/PVE?: (Which do you focus on/do/not do?)
Requirements: (Lore-compliance, website application, interview, specific ilvl, et cetera)
Currently Seeking: (Do you need more tanks/healers/dps? Short on RPers of a certain race? Have an officer slot that needs filling?)
Most Active Playtime:
Forum Post:

See guilds listed by faction in the two posts following this one.

:arrow_up_small: Back to the Top :arrow_up_small:

:left_speech_bubble: Communities & Discords :speech_balloon:

The following is a list of communities (not guilds) such as Discord servers and in-game Communities. All listed communities are specifically for Wyrmrest Accord, and overall safe for work (though some may contain NSFW channels or content). If you’d like to submit your Community’s information, please fill out the template below and respond to this thread.

Discord/or/Community Name:
Owners/Mods: (Please include at least one way to contact via Discord in case invite link doesn’t work.)
Invite Link:
Info: (Feel free to add a short description of the purpose of the discord/perks of it/anything you’d like others to know!)

Discord List

Discord & Community Name: Wyrmrest Community Project (WCP)
Theme/Focus: Event and RP Networking on WRA
Rules/Requirements: Be good to each other.
Owners/Mods: Gwyneth, Feyawen, Mäxi, Raseri, Maeshkin, Thomas and Cyli
Faction/Neutral: Alliance & Horde (with Alliance focus for now)
Invite Link: Discord | In-Game Community
Info: The Wyrmrest Community Project (WCP) is a community-led effort to revitalize and reestablish Wyrmrest Accord’s Alliance RP community through collaboration and networking.

Discord/or/Community Name: WoW RP Events
Theme/Focus: RP Event and Community Advertisement
Rules/Requirements: PG-13, No politics, Be kind
Owners/Mods: Kharris/Braedyn
Faction/Neutral: Alliance, Horde, & Neutral
Invite Link: Discord
Info: A focused place to collect RP events. Decrease your digging through Discords and Forum posts to find and advertise RP events. Event Hosts are able to post their own events easily.

Discord Name: Gadgetzan Gazette
Theme/Focus: Goblin lore, art, and roleplay, with a newspaper theme.
Rules/Requirements: It is mostly safe for work. No politics.
Owners/Mods: Keelhaul, Soxknokle, Crysanthemum, Tizko. Keelhaul#2329
Faction/Neutral: Neutral, but more Horde inclined.
Invite Link: discord.gg/A8UWNKh
Info: An active community discord that places a fair amount of emphasis on art. Newspaper themed, there is a ‘dear Abby’ like section, and the WoWhead bot channels regularly post information. Members may set their own ranks including (but not limited to) which realm they are from, their display color, and what they would like to receive pings regarding. Sometimes we talk about cute animals and the Donkey Kong Country TV show.

Discord Name: Hearth and Homestead
Theme/Focus: General entertainment, but with a focus on MMO RP (specifically, WoW).
Rules/Requirements: This server is strictly 18 and older. We also have several rules in place that help make the server inclusive and discourage aggressive interactions.
Owners/Mods: If the invite link is not working, you can speak with RestlessAuthor#3386 or The Meme Goddess#6969 for a server invite.
Faction/Neutral: The community is entirely neutral! We also make an effort to attend any Neutral events we learn about.
Invite Link: wzqC6TA
Info: Hearth and Homestead has been a thing for roughly 8 years now. We’ve seen our membership climb to 400 people a day, and plummet to only 4 people. With all that we’ve experienced and learned from our ups and downs, we’ve decided to shift focus from strictly RP to a broader community that supports a greater number of hobbies. Our Discord server is set up in such a way that users actually join chat channels individually through roles they select by typing commands! No need to go through and mute the channels that don’t interest you - you will only ever see the content you want to be a part of. If you like TV, Movies, and Music, we have a category for that. A big fan of Cyberpunk? We have one for that, too. League of Legends player? Tabletop gamer? Anime fan? You can find a role for all of those things, and more - and if that’s not what you’re into, you will never be bothered with that content flooding your Discord! We’re really pushing for community involvement right now - attending as many public RP events as we can. If you simply want to broaden your network, or if you’re just looking for a place where you can talk about more than just WoW stuff, Hearth and Homestead wants to make you feel right at home!

Discord Name: Mechagon Factory
Theme Focus: Playable race discord. General openness to PvP, RP and PVE evenly.
Owners/Mods: Owner is Gnomest on the forums. I am listed as Insanity in the discord. Some mods are Kass Keehaul, Pangle and Bipzi(Forum and discord names). We can all be contacted in the discord. RayoftheSun#1367 is my battle:tag.
Faction/Neutral: Alliance. Open to those who’d want to rp as neutral though.
Invite Link: ~https://discord.gg/7jQTejH
Info: Created for the purpose of being a nice place for mechagnome fans to socialize and a safe haven from a lot of the negativity from outsiders. Regular gnomes are also welcome.

Discord Name: UndercityUnited
Theme/Focus: Undead/Forsaken RP, Undead Lore and Undead everything.
Rules/Requirements: No specific requirements. Listed guilds in the discord must be majority undead or undead themed.
Owners/Mods: Vradica#6666, Nosferatus#4441
Faction/Neutral: Horde
Invite Link: discord.gg/J2ThTzp
Info: Long time standing WyrmrestAccord Undead community. Roles designated for different undead guilds and RP event planning channels! Also the standard discord stuff!

Discord Name: Kalimdor United
Theme/Focus: Bringing together the people and guilds of Kalimdor, promoting unity and progress amongst the races of Kalimdor, Horde and Alliance alike.
Rules/Requirements: SFW, either faction welcome, zero tolerance for drama
Owners/Mods: Maeshkin (headlocks#1857), Varistus, Illyriana, et. al (GMs are given admin roles and have equal power)
Invite Link: discord.gg/QrD8tkq
Info: Event planning/promotion, character/story development, camaraderie, image/art sharing, and more!

Discord name: Shellhaven
Theme/Focus: Aquatic wow races and content. It is the sort of discord for if you like aquatic races like naga, gilgoblins, ankoan murlocs etc. We are also big on pirate rp here.
Rule Requirements: No special rules and requirements. If you are someone who loves aquatic stuff, you are welcome here.
Owners/mods: RayoftheSun#1367 on Bnet, (Sea Prince Gillywix also known sometimes as Lillian felheart.)
Faction: Neutral. Open to lovers of aqautic wow races regardless of faction affiliation.
Invite Link:
Info: This is a discord for lovers of naga, gilblins, murlocs, Ankoan/Jinyu and other aquatic wow races as well as pirate related stuff.

Discord Name: Warcraft World Roleplay
Theme/Focus: Roleplay Networking & Calendar
Rules/Requirements: See Discord
Owners/Mods: Lindiwe#6607
Faction/Neutral: Neutral & Faction
Invite Link: https://discord.gg/w7C8V8k
Info: Ever want to find more roleplay outside of the major hubs? Have an event in some small town and need to get the word out there? Hang out as a guild in the middle of no where and want to get more folks to play with you? Warcraft World Roleplay is likely the place for you.

We Have:

  • Event Postings by Area
  • RP Topic of the Week
  • Networking
  • Community Driven Google Calendar
  • In-game Supported Community Calendar

Discord Name: Farstrider Discord
Theme/Focus: Farstriders
Rules/Requirements: Open to all Farstriders, non-farstrider guests, and off-server players.
Owners/Mods: Kemnebi, Vanessara, Talannil. Point of contact: In game mail to Kemnebi if link is broken.
Faction/Neutral: Horde
Invite Link: http://discord.gg/QncJfcS
Info: A place for Farstrider roleplayers to meet, socialize, and network.

Discord Name: Thalassian Elves Network
Theme/Focus: Thalassian Elves
Rules/Requirements: Open to all Thalassian Elves, including Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei and Half Elves on Wyrmrest Accord. Guest of Thalassian elves are welcome as well.
Owners/Mods: Asyndel
Faction/Neutral: Horde, Alliance, Neutral
Invite Link: https://discord.gg/Nvrxttd
Info: The Thalassian Elves Network (TEN) is a Discord community looking to provide WrA roleplayers with a networking platform for Thalassian elf related roleplay. The goal of this Discord is to provide a platform where people can network and keep an eye out for other elf related guilds and events all in a remote location!

Discord: The Howling Owl
Theme/Focus: RP Events
Rules/Requirements: Be respectful to others. LGBT+ friendly
Owners/Mods: (Please include at least one way to contact via Discord in case invite link doesn’t work.) Saeil#1437
Faction/Neutral: Neutral
Invite Link: https:// discord .gg/jW2xYZn
Info: (Feel free to add a short description of the purpose of the discord/perks of it/anything you’d like others to know!) A faction neutral RP coffee shop/cocktail bar and nightclub that runs public RP events. While we are a guild, our Discord also has a public community area in our server as well as RP event info.

Discord/or/Community Name: Stormwind City Watch Community Discord
Theme/Focus: Community building / RP events.
Rules/Requirements: Minimal. No NSFW. Show respect and keep drama elsewhere.
Owners/Mods: TheHatMan#4547
Faction/Neutral: WRA-A (Horde welcome to join, but the discord is focused on Alliance)
Invite Link: https:// discord .gg/C5PrdwKurb
Info: https:// imgur .com/zh6Weix

In-Game Communities

Community Name: LFRP (Horde/Alliance)
Theme/Focus: Finding Roleplay
Rules/Requirements: See rules in link below.
Owners/Mods: Gwyneth (Owner)
Faction/Neutral: Alliance and Horde
Info: A community dedicated to providing ease of access to roleplayers seeking roleplayers and events happening around town.


Horde Guilds

Horde Guilds

Guild Name: The Torn
Description: Outcast/Oddball oriented, (please see Fallyn’s post below for website link, I can’t post them.) We’re open to creativity within the bounds of lore and are split into factions within the guild. We have a lot of inner turmoil, and are driven by dark and complex plotlines.
Races Allowed: Any race, including odd races (Dragons, Demons, San’layn, Halflings, you name it) PLAYED CORRECTLY. Your backstory must make sense, and you must hide your nature in cities if you are KoS.
Leader(s): Fallynn
Who to Contact: Fallynn, send me a letter in-game, or see my battletag listed on the front page of the website.
RP/PVP/PVE?: We are strictly a roleplay guild.
Requirements: We play by lore but are open to creativity, because nothing is set in stone. See our website, (see fallyn’s post below) for specific requirements. I would like to talk to interested parties first. We have a discord, it is required.
Currently Seeking: Active roleplayers & those wanting to run events and plotlines. I tend to run most events for us myself and would like others to plan and run things as well.
Most Active Playtime: Weekends and nights later in the week.
Forum Post: [H] “The Torn” is recruiting

Guild Name: The Grim
Description: The Grim seeks to protect and further the Horde by destroying its enemies, whether that be the Alliance or some other threat. We believe that, for political reasons, our leaders are not always able to take the action necessary to do what’s best to benefit the Horde. The Grim is willing to do whatever is necessary to eliminate any threat, even if it means that some see us as radical or evil. Everything we do, we do for this one single goal: Peace through annihilation.
Races Allowed: Playable Horde races only. Any level.
Leader(s): Canaie, Dustfingur, Feyde, Keliceru, Khorviss, Syreenna
**Who to Contact:**Leaders
RP/PVP/PVE?: We RP, raid current content on Normal & Heroic and for meta achievements, PVP (casual PVP, RBG’s, arenas), Mythic+, special holiday events, old raids for achievements/transmogs.
Requirements: Recruitment is always open for the playable races of the Horde. Any character who wants to work things out with the Alliance, or be friends with them, is not suitable for The Grim. We have no class or level restrictions. Evil characters are welcome.
Currently Seeking: Anyone who enjoys their character and is looking for a friendly and active community. We do not recruit for specific roles, but versatility is a plus.
Most Active Playtime: Events usually start at 5:30 or 6:00pm server time
Forum Post: [H-RP/PVE/PVP] The Grim

Guild Name: The Vol’kar Legion
Description: The Vol’kar Legion is a special operations regiment within the Horde military. Their missions, plainly, are: 1) Protect the Warchief, 2) Enforce their command, 3) Defend the Horde in its entirety, including all of its lands, holdings, and stakes, and carry out any will made by the Warchief, 4) To never, ever forget the Siege.
Races Allowed: We allow any race within our ranks so long as they call themselves a son or daughter of the Horde (if it is lore friendly, of course!).
Leader(s): High Warlord Jan-Mak (Buliss ooc)
Who to Contact: Anyone in the guild can direct you to an officer!
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP required, PVP and PVE optional but we do dungeons/raids/rbgs as well.
Requirements: Level 30+ for regular recruits, and 75+ for death knights, as we frequently deploy in end-game content areas. Must be familiar with rules and required addons BEFORE IC interview. (Provided on our website, see below.)
Currently Seeking: Active and friendly, open-minded players who work well in a group-setting, as well as those that are willing to learn and apply guild rules, lore, and expectations.
Most Active Playtime: Afternoon-late evening/night.
Forum Post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767717605

Guild Name: Stormhowl Clan
Description:** Traditionally of orcish structure and design, Stormhowl Clan is a mixing pot between the cultures of the tribal races that make up the Horde. Very spiritualistic, which is the heart of the clan. We are currently not Horde, we don’t mind assisting it but we refuse to bend to the will of Sylvanas as she embodies everything the clan detests, especially after recent events. Grizzly Hills is our territory and we call Conquest Hold Storm Home. Very immersive and lore-driven, both canon and canon-friendly clan lore.
Races Allowed: Orcs/Mag’har, Tauren/Highmountain, Trolls/Zandalari. Pandaren and goblin handled case by case for different reasons.
Leader(s): Treeflits
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP will always be our primary focus. However, as of BfA we want to dip our toes into PvE and PvP as a guild. Tues/Weds will be dedicated to just that.
Requirements: No IC Warlocks or Death Knights or non-Loa Shadow Priests per clan customs and canon lore. Otherwise, aside from the races mentioned above, no special requirements for joining. Speak to a Mor’agh (veteran/sub-officers) or officer, join up OOCly, read the website at your leisure. If you feel the clan will be a good for you and your character then we’ll proceed to do the initiation.
Currently Seeking: We could always use more non-orcs. Maybe a coupke of IC and OOC healers. We tend to need them.
Most Active Playtime: Afternoons to late evenings. Events are generally 5pm or 6pm server time.
Forum Post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20755597142?page=1

Guild Name: Pyreanor
Description: A small PVE-RP guild focused on AotC with RP focused on slice of life, a secret war against a nebulous society of magi who play gods, and a mixture of other genres. More info at website Pyreanor dot silvermoon dot city.
Races Allowed: All.
Leader(s): Rialius, Treeguy, Keylorian
Who to Contact: Rialius, Treeguy, Keylorian
Requirements: Apply via the guild finder. Interest in our raiding or RP. Agreement to our rules.
Currently Seeking: PvErs (see Pyreanor dot silvermoon dot city for current needs), RPers, Social members.
Most Active Playtime: Evenings.
Forum Post: :star2:[H-WrA-PVE/RP] 7pm pst T/TH Semi-hardcore LFM

Guild Name: The Wolfmane Tribe
Description: The Wolfmane Tribe is a tauren themed role play guild centered around being a welcoming environment for new and experienced players alike. We are a neutral tribe, neither Horde nor Alliance, and we focus on trying to promote a more positive community for the tauren and Wyrmrest as a whole.
Races Allowed: Any are welcome except for non-tauren undead, warlocks, demon hunters, and shadow priests.
Leader(s): Huwah
Who to Contact: Any listed on this page. https://www.wolfmane.com/ranks
RP/PVP/PVE?: Casual-Heavy RP
Requirements: A willingness to learn and grow. Character must ICly be ready to live according to tauren traditions and culture. An application must be submitted on our website, and an IC interview must be undergone.
Currently Seeking: Any tauren or Highmountain!
Most Active Playtime: Our events are typically 5-6 ST, with storyline events usually being on the weekend though many other events may be peppered throughout the week.
Forum Post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20749749821?page=1

Guild Name: Swords for Sylvanas
Description: A war-band of mercenaries loyal to the Warchief, the Swords for Sylvanas banner can be found at the frontlines of most Horde campaigns. As a private military serving the Horde, our soldiers are often considered “acceptable losses” by the Horde Generals. You can expect to earn your weight in gold many times over if you serve the Swords for Sylvanas, but beware- you may not live long enough to spend it!
Races Allowed: All races allowed!
Leader: Warlord Treythalos Sunsword
Who to Contact: Liandrik or Treythalos
RP/PVP/PVE: Heavy emphasis on RP and World PvP
Requirements: IC interview for those interested in roleplaying with the guild
Currently Seeking: Dedicated roleplayers and/or PvPers!
Most Active Playtime: The night
Forum Post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767707278#post-1

Guild Name: The Strawmen
Description: A commoner/dissident faction of undead and their allies who wish to be free of the rule of the Banshee Queen and forge their own futures as they see fit, despite their curse.
Races Allowed: Undead-centric (This includes Forsaken, DK’s, potentially even constructs and ghosts, etc.), but supporters and allies of other races can join in a special, static rank within the guild. Top leadership will always remain Undead, though extra-ordinary circumstances could see other races in mid-level positions at some point.
Leader(s): Barnabas (Though IC’ly we’re a collective, so Barnabas is just the primary mouthpiece & organizer)
Who to Contact: Barnabas, Cryptstalker, Noslferatu, Scardust, Gherdá
RP/PVP/PVE?: We mostly interact in an RP context, but we’re open to most aspects of the game should members show interest.
Requirements: We’re fairly flexible, as we realize our entire theme can be seen as “Lore bending” by some, though we’re not cool with outright lore “breaking”. Some vagueness in the lore allows for experimentation, but there are hard canonical rules. That aside, our interview process is fairly informal, with the general preference being that prospects contact myself or one of our other officers (listed above) in-game or via Discord (Info in our thread). We’ll chat a bit, see if we’re what you’re looking for, and then we’ll ask you to submit a brief profile of your character including motivations for joining, etc. Then we go from there.
Currently Seeking: Nothing incredibly specific just yet. Just laid back folks who are interested in our theme and think they have a character that would be a good fit.
Most Active Playtime: Later afternoons and evenings, generally.
Forum Post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20759228836?page=1

Guild Name: Brightmoon Faire
Description: A faire guild. Like Darkmoon, but smaller and poorer. Looking for performers, vendors & security. Weekly events from performances to story-line.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Gorrimm
Who to Contact: Anyone online can invite you in - you will be RPed in later.
Requirements: TRP3 Extended if you wish to do quest events, application and audition.
Currently Seeking: All the bodies, warm or cold, that we can handle.
Most Active Playtime: Evenings
Forum Post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20769337091

Guild Name: Royal Apothecary Society
Description: Royal Apothecary Society is a forsaken/apothecary themed RP guild, based off the lore organization in game. We deal primarily in sinister magic, mad science, bio-weapons, and chemicals. We’re all about brewing up blight, perfecting plagues, and delivering these toxic payloads to their destinations. Whether you’re a researcher, an engineer, a doctor, a soldier, an assassin, or any combination of the above, if your loyalty is to the Forsaken and your passion is science, we have a place for you among our ranks.
Races Allowed: Forsaken/Undead Only
Leader(s): Dimcast
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP is our primary focus, though we occasionally have a PVE night.
Requirements: Undead-only guild, Level 20 requirement, Age 18+ guild, OOC and IC interview
Currently Seeking: Forsaken RPers!
Most Active Playtime: Evenings EST/PST.

Guild Name: Howling Owl
Description: A faction neutral coffee shop/cocktail bar that hosts several regular entertainment focused RP events.
Races Allowed: Any
Leader(s): Alaris/Zelektra
Who to Contact: Saeil#1437 on Discord
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP, with a focus on RP events in particular
Requirements: Characters who join must be faction neutral. Application and IC interview is required. The application can be found on our website howlingowl-wra.tumblr . com
Currently Seeking: Bartenders, security and entertainers.
Most Active Playtime: 5PM-10PM server time. Active throughout the day on Discord.
Forum Post: [H / A ] The Howling Owl/Club Night Owl is hiring! Bartender, security and entertainer positions available!

Guild Name: :fire: Firebrand Enterprises :fire:
Description: A Horde based Venture Capitalist company with assets in the defense, research & development, technology, and commerce sectors.
Races Allowed: All, We are an equal opportunity employeer.
Leader(s): V and Ashagar Firebrand.
Who to Contact: V Firebrand ( Veendell in game), Tamani Tightclamps ( Tamanii in game), Narkyssa Da’Eryth ( Narkyssa in game).
RP/PVP/PVE?: Our primary focus is Roleplaying, although we do regularly schedule PvE content and even non-WoW activities like Steam games and movie streaming. We vary anywhere between half a dozen to a dozen scheduled events of all kinds per week.
Requirements: We ask that our members be at least 20 years of age, mature and respectable in their conduct, and able to attend at least one event a month.
Currently Seeking: We’re looking for a variety of character types and players who’re interested in not just telling their own story, but collaborating with others to help flesh theirs out as well.
Most Active Playtime: Between 12pm and 10pm server time.

Guild Name: Blackheart Accord
Description: A special ops unit of the Horde military designed as a small team of soldiers to deal with cults and other small, but pervasive, threats to the security of the Horde as a whole.
Races Allowed: All Horde races
Leader(s): Eleeria (no special character) & Lormeus.
Who to Contact: Any member of Blackheart has the information necessary to invite, or can point you to someone who can. Feel free to whisper us!
Requirements: IC and OOC interview, generally lore abiding.
Currently Seeking: All!
Most Active Playtime: Evenings/Weekends
Forum Post: [H-RP/PvE] Blackheart Accord is recruiting!

Guild Name: Southfury Watch
Description: A small militia of orcs, Tauren, trolls and goblins; the Southfury Watch protects the Barrens and Kalimdor from all threats that threaten them. Patrols, rites, storylines and character developing RP as well as OOC PvX nights are typical events that happen at least once a week.
Races Allowed: Orcs, Tauren, trolls, goblins and their allied races.
Leader(s): Ceadrith, Zaeka and Topsail
Who to Contact: Anyone in the Watch.
RP/PVP/PVE?: We are a heavy RP guild that dabble in PvP and PvE aspects of the game when interest and activity allow. BGs, WPvP and Mythics/old content runs, etc.
Requirements: You’ll need to speak to an officer about joining. There is no formal application but we’d like to ask a few questions to gauge your interest and fit into the guild both OOCly and ICly. We are pretty chill and relaxed, willingly to help out the new and exploring.
Currently Seeking: All active RPers who have the desire to develop their characters surrounded by friends.
Most Active Playtime: Most days after 3PM. Events happen usually 5-6 PM server time on varying days.
Forum Post: [H-RP] <Southfury Watch>

Guild Name: Frostbite Contingent
Description: A Neutral Organization of Arms Dealers, Armor Crafters, Utility Gadget Creators and Scavengers. The FbC creates state of the art RP Items to help round out peoples inventories and gear. This often times includes shady business with Neutral (or even blue) colored groups as well as a lack of morality from time to time.
Races Allowed: All of them; we feel each race has unique Tech and Magic.
Leader(s): Megahes Frostbite
Who to Contact: Megahes (or Megáhes - Alt+0225), Naturasu or Scratch (McBoom in game name).
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP w/ some casual PvP/E
Requirements: IC/OoC Interview (both can be relatively brief and OoC can be done via Discord if preferred.)
Currently Seeking: Looking for RPers of all sorts to fill various roles. We look for Magically Inclined or Technologically Savvy individuals who like to create RP Items for others users. Along with this, we’re always looking for hardy individuals who like to ‘Scavenge’ (more like steal) tech from the various other in-game factions too. (Such as Titans, Ethereals, Burning Legion Remnants, Venture Co. Etc.
Most Active Playtime: Days and Evenings. (Most of our current members have jobs and families, so they’re offline typically by 10pm server.)
Forum Post: :gun: Frostbite Contingent is Hiring! [H-RP]

Guild Name: The Skyrunner Tribe
Description: A Tauren based guild focused on aspects of Horde life and the safeguarding of Azeroth. After the death of their previous chieftain, the Tribe has started to accept new members as well as set their sights too far off lands. Revolving around a culture of flight and the use of Wyverns this tribe is small but powerful, riding the winds where they are needed.
Races Allowed: Tauren/Tuanka/Highmountain Specific, but open to all
Leader(s): Chieftain Kanatu Skyrunner
Who to Contact: Kanatu, Wal’ami
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP- Casual PvE/PvP as interest and engagement allow
Requirements: Join the Discord, contact the GM for a short group of questions as a “get to know you”, initiate your IC introduction and get involved! Discord is required for communication reasons: https://discord.gg/Xqxq69u
Currently Seeking: Characters that were part of the Tribe before current events or outsiders that wish to be brought in as full members. Quality RPers in general.
Most Active Playtime: Weekdays/Evenings.
-Campaign Events on Monday and Wednesday at 7pm Server
-Various RP through the rest of the week
Forum Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/h-rp-the-skyrunner-tribe-pre-recruitment/347610

Guild Name: The Skyheart Tribe
Description: The Skyheart Tribe is a casual RP guild that strives to create a close-knit community while teaching others about shu’halo culture.
Races Allowed: Any (With consideration toward non-tauren undead and dark-magic users)
Leader(s): Taina
Who to Contact: Taina, Taurusstrong, Rizoania, Wattanwaya
Requirements: IC and OOC interview, with respect towards fellow RPers and guild members. We do not tolerate anything to make other players uncomfortable or unwelcome, especially in the guild.
Currently Seeking: Craftsmen (Profession-based characters) and healers.
Most Active Playtime: Late afternoons and evenings.
Forum Post: [H-WRA] Skyheart Tribe is recruiting!

Guild Name: Sunfury Battalion
Description: An all-Sin’dorei special forces unit funded by the Noble Houses, with the specific role of conducting asymmetrical warfare against any threat to Quel’thalas, the Sin’dorei people, or the Sunwell.
We are a WPVP guild that loves RP, and have created a rich Guild RP lore that adheres to wow Blood Elf lore. Our ranking system is based on actual Blood Elf military divisions and rankings. We are looking for a few good elves who will join us as zealots for our people’s survival, to take the fight to the Alliance.
Races Allowed: Blood Elf only, no exceptions.
GMs: Aeythyr, Ranger-General of the Sunfury Battalion (GM); Lady Shalanori, Grand Magister & Protector of the Order of the Sunfury (Co-GM).
Who to Contact: Aeythyr, Shalanori, Warwolf, and Bonemuaddib
Requirements: Maturity and respectfulness inside and outside the guild is a must, as well as agreement to adhere to our guild rules. We have a militaristic theme and culture, and expect members to acclimate to our culture and respect chain of command. We have a brief OOC interview and will conduct an IC interview upon request.
Currently Seeking: We do not recruit for specific roles, but healers or those willing to multiclass as a healer are appreciated.
Most Active Playtime: Events usually start at 5-6pm Server Time but we have many folks in central/eastern time zones who are on earlier too. There is no event attendance requirements for membership and we do allow casual membership.

Guild Name: The Oyster Business
Description: The Oyster Business is a 18+ mafia style RP guild Neutral siding, which hides their intentions behind legitimacy. We do D20 events, ranging from adventure, heists, contract killing, horror, And Comedic. Doing about one to two D20 events a week, we also have social gathering events on the weekends we do, or are invited to. If you’re looking for a place to develop your toon the way you want to, then this is the place to be with no restrictions other than keeping it to the lore
Races Allowed:. All races, and classes accepted.
Leader(s): Ingame name of officers: Spalk(GM), Sparkzle(Co-GM), Fritzanni, Rytzie
Who to Contact: Ingame name: Spalk, Snookii, Fritzanni, Razmix, Rytzie
RP/PVP/PVE?: Casual - Heavy RP, Slightly do PVP and PVE for mogs.
Requirements: IC / OOC Interview.
Currently Seeking: it’s Criminal based, but if you own business as a front, we’re happy to invest.
Most Active Playtime: Most of the time, From morning, 10am to around 10pm server.

Guild Name: Blackbird Brewery
Description: - Neutral tavern & inn / village located in Rustberg Village, Tol Barad. Weekly open event on Mondays and a focus on enriching the RP community on the whole through multi-guild events. Main host of The Maelstrom Nightclub - 1st Friday of every month.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Vynix
Who to Contact: Vynix, Meadowshine, Talyndre, Behail, Caleigh
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP. Casual PvE/PvP as want arises.
Requirements: Application required, which can be found on our website blackbirdbrewery.tumblr(dot)com
Currently Seeking: Waitstaff/bartenders, village members (though open to all our positions)
Most Active Playtime: 4-12pst , events are bi-weekly.
Forum Post: Blackbird Brewery is Hiring! (Neutral RP Guild)

Guild Name: Zuldazar Menagerie
Description: A roleplay guild that is a branch of the Zandalari Beast Ward with a large focus on the Zandalari trolls and their warbeasts, as well as maintaining the Empire’s ties to our close allies.
Races Allowed: Trolls, Vulpera, Mogu, Sethrak & Tortollans (Among potential others)
Leader(s): War-God Panjya (GM), Zalaman, Hyookanbi, Zu’massirah, Julazak & Raijin
Who to Contact: Panjya-WyrmrestAccord (Discord: Ody#3524)
RP/PVP/PVE?: Roleplay! Occasional legacy runs, but not consistent.
Requirements: Submitting an application that can be archived, which asks a few basic questions and agreeing to follow our rules. Anyone who is not Zandalari will be required to have an IC interview in order to explore their character’s motivations for joining.
Currently Seeking: Anyone whos character would have an interest in their ties to the Zandalari and their beasts.
Most Active Playtime: Occasional weekend events, otherwise spontaneous.
Forum Post: [H-RP] Zuldazar Menagerie - Dinosaur Roleplay Guild looking for members!

Guild Name: Horde Brothers
Description: <Horde Brothers> is an RP/PVE adventuring guild that focuses on the ideals of the Horde and the protection of Azeroth. We offer weekly RP events including social and D20 events and have a casual heroic raid team.
Races Allowed: All Horde races!
Leader(s): Dahkka, Alltherion
Who to Contact: Dahkka or Alltherion, or join our discord linked in our main forum post.
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP, Heroic Raid, Mythic+, Casual PvP
Requirements: Adherence to the lore of World of Warcraft and a friendly, positive attitude. Our application can be found through our forum post.
Currently Seeking: Lore-abiding roleplayers and RP-friendly raiders.
Most Active Playtime: Events and raid are at 4pm server (7pm EST) with activity from midday to late at night throughout the week.
Forum Post: [H/A RP-PVE] Violet Vanguard Recruiting for Dragonflight!

Guild Name: Gearpunk Dynamics
Description: A politically Neutral goblin run Technologies company. They sell no weapons at all. Specializing in ease of living products, such as Robot maids, washing machines, & feathlerless self-contained quills. LGBT+ Run & inclusive.
Races Allowed: Goblins, small smatterings of other races allowed. We also allow well played non-playable races, such as Gilblins & vulpera, etc.
We also have an A-Side guild for alts/gnomes.
Leader(s): Dyna & Tin Gearpunk
Who to Contact: DynaGearpunk/Dynamitt, Tingearpunk, Spirrex, Spinelli
Requirements: Website application and interview! Must be +18 due to rowdy goblin subject matter. Discord, TRP3/Compatible RP addon.
Currently Seeking: Pilot characters, engineers not focused on weaponry. Interesting and unique role players.
Most Active Playtime: 6pm-12am server
Forum Post: [H/N-WRA-RP] Gearpunk Dynamics :robot:

Guild Name: Empyrean Court
Faction: Horde
Description: The Empyrean Court is a heavy RP guild that runs deep and mature events each week, culminating in rich campaigns and major character development. We seek laid back yet active people who are willing to dedicate their time to our storylines.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Chief Arbiter Tez’can (Tezcan)
Who/How to Contact: Contact any member in game for further information.
Requirements: A quick interview and dedication to being at events. Lore-compliance is a plus, we bend it for our own campaigns but never downright break it.
Currently Seeking: Any and all RPers (healers for M+ wouldn’t hurt)
Most Active Playtime: Events are Sundays and Thursdays at 7pm server time, we’re active Afternoons and Evenings most other days.

Guild Name: The Silvermoon Registry
Faction: Horde
Description: The Silvermoon Registry handles the paperwork necessary for the preservation of Quel’thalas’ order and history. Family lineage, the census, property purchases, birth, death, and marriage certificates are just some of the services the Registry offers.
Races Allowed: All, Sin’dorei focused.
Leader(s): Amariesse
Who/How to Contact: In-game mail to Amariesse.
RP/PVP/PVE?: Roleplay specific. We have a few people who participate in Mythic dungeons but it is not our focus.
Requirements: None.
Currently Seeking: Any who would like to apply. Message Acalinia for more details.
Most Active Playtime: Evening to late.

Guild Name: Mystic Paw Caravan
Description: Mystic Paw Caravan is a rag-tag group of intrepid explorers, artifact hunters, and “liberators" of shiny things that belong to people who don’t appreciate them as much as we do.
Not long ago, the caravan left Vol’dun in search of a mystical, and priceless, artifact in the Eastern Kingdoms. A series of unfortunate events and “learning experiences” led to Caravan Master Vúl rebuilding her caravan from new vulpera explorers and mercenaries from the rest of the Horde’s races. This time, she paid special attention to the need for guards and scouts to protect the caravan members from being eaten by gorillas… again.
Despite opposition from naga, over-sized cats, and a giant, angry statue that forgot statues can’t move, the Mystic Paw liberated the artifact, and a tidy sum of treasure to boot. And nobody died! Except the naga. And the over-sized cats. And the angry statue. But nobody important! Anyway, The Caravan is ready to set off in search of their next prize. If you’re looking for adventure, to explore the farthest reaches of Azeroth, or to find your fortune, there’s always room at the campfire in Mystic Paw.
Races Allowed: Any lore friendly races. (The Caravan is technically vulpera, but all races are welcome!)
Leader(s): Raffi
RP/PVP/PVE?: Mostly RP, but casually everything. We encourage members to do all kinds of content together from leveling to tmog runs to battlegrounds etc. etc. etc.
Requirements: Generally lore abiding. After joining, there’s an IC interview to establish what the character brings to the caravan skill-wise and what their IC role will be. Maybe you’ll choose from one of these many, fine roles, such as…

  • Navigating far away from gorilla nests and mutant cat dens
  • Disarming traps some inconsiderate scoundrel put around our artifact
  • Protecting the caravan from miscreants who don’t understand the basics of “Finders Keepers”
  • Healing Vúl when her pistol jams and some beast uses her as a chew toy
  • Tending the hyenas until we figure out what to do with you
  • And more!
    Currently Seeking: Active, friendly players who are interested in our RP and storyline.
    Most Active Playtime: late evenings and weekends (server time). More, as the caravan grows.

Guild Name: The Macabre Mask
Faction: Horde
Description: The Macabre Mask is a criminal underground themed guild focused in (but not limited to) the Eastern Kingdoms dedicated to characters looking to serve themselves and their peers. Roleplay will include(Not limited to) darker themes.
Races Allowed: All Horde
Leader(s): Zheco, Azélie or Seràna
Who/How to Contact: Zheco, Azélie or Seràna
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP focus
Requirements: Small personal interview and Lore competence. Newbies Welcome.
Currently Seeking: Regular RPers who can attend events and RP on the regular.
Most Active Playtime: Evening/Night EST
Forum Post: [H]

Guild Name: South Seas Expeditions
Guild Server: US-Wyrmrest Accord
Guild Faction: Horde
Guild Type: PvX/RP

Searching for fun in the sun in far-off lands? Care to dare against pits of snakes for the uncertain promise of fantastical treasures? Wanting to sign up with other dashing adventurers to tackle tough terrors and foes? ALL ON AN AMAZING BUDGET?!? Look no further and sign on with today!

From their humble beginnings as a budget travel agency and subsidiary of its parent company (who has absolutely no ties with smuggling), South Seas Exports, South Seas Expeditions provides a variety of services to the modern adventurer - and at affordable guild prices. From expedition planning to dungeon delving, vacation reconnaissance or dig-site security, South Seas Expeditions can provide enthusiastically imaginative solutions at magnificently discounted rates!

(A guild put together by family and friends with casual PvX and RP aspirations. We wanna have fun, come up with wild adventure stories, and work together in a laid-back and helpful environment. All races and classes wanted and welcome, everyone has the desire to go out and adventure!)

Guild Name: Shadowed Star
Faction: Horde
Description: The Shadowed Star is a Forsaken paramilitary guild with a focus on a peculiar populist form of Shadow worship. Check out our forum post listed below for more info
Races Allowed: Undead characters of any race
Leaders: Fuzelock
RP/PVP/PVE: Our focus is on RP but we do have members that participate in PVP and PVE
Requirements: General Lore-compliance, short interview and abiding by our rules.
Currently Seeking: Undead and Death Knight RPers
Most Active Playtime: Generally 4-7 P.M Server Time with events typically beginning at 5 P.M Server time.
Forum Post: [H-RP] Undead/ Death Knight Military RP Guild

Guild Name: The Forward Line
Faction: Horde

Description: A task force standing in defense of the Horde’s ideals, the Line is a close-knit and organized band of the like-minded champions that operates outside of the Horde’s military command. Comprised of soldiers, specialists, and mystics, the Line draws strengths from the Horde’s myriad walks of life.

The Forward Line is a guild of players who celebrate the archetypes of the Warcraft setting and tell stories reinforcing the lore whenever possible.

Races Allowed: All races recognized as members of the Horde may be considered.

Leader(s): Dayon, Kaeska, Rokkhan, Linston, Traiy

Who/How to Contact: Dayon can be reached via in-game contact.

Requirements: Reasonable adherence to race and class fantasy.
Currently Seeking: Players that are looking for a small, close-knit guild to invest their time in, with characters that are inspired by the pillars of the Warcraft mythos.
Most Active Playtime: Weekends, 6PM Server Time and later.
Forum Post: N/A

Guild Name: The Magus Sodality
Faction: Horde (Neutral)
Description: The Magus Sodality is an organization for magic users and scholars of all types to come together to research, study, and learn. It is open to all who are interested in any type of magic, from the mystical to the elemental, otherworldly and beyond. Of course, there is also a place for those who have an interest in supporting magic-users in other ways, such as protective services. The Sodality is a neutral-based organization and welcomes all, regardless of allegiance or conflict. Everyone supports each other under one goal: uniting magic and knowledge on Azeroth and discovering as much as we can.
Races Allowed:
Leader(s): Archmage Yvatte
Who/How to Contact: Tephaine (Recruitment Officer), either in-game or on discord at Zoe#4444
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP heavy!! We also do PvE for fun, and am considering mythics and normal raids.
Requirements: We ask interested parties to be adults (21+), and an interest in fun!! We also do an IC interview but it’s mostly courtesy.
Currently Seeking: Anyone ready to engage in some magical shenanigans :slight_smile:
Most Active Playtime: Early afternoons and late evenings!
Forum Post: [H-RP] The Magus Sodality is seeking more scholars!

Guild Name: Iron Coalition
About Us: We are a fresh Horde guild filled with some friends who just want to push content together. We have scheduled days throughout the week to do weekly content (torghast, covenant callings, etc.), raid Castle Nathria, push mythic keystones, as well as roleplay events & legacy content runs. Our goal for raiding is to progress and hopefully push some heroic content. We do raids on Thursdays & Saturdays (4 & 5 PM Server Time). While we are currently small in numbers, we have dedicated members that are active and always willing to help each other out. If you’re a casual or chill player that is looking for more friends, come hang out with us at Iron Coalition!
Requirements: We just want to hang out and have fun, so as long as you can be respectful, active, and cool, then we’d love to have you!
Contact Information: For any questions, comments, or concerns please contact me! (Discord: Swoordz#0420, BattleNet: Swoordz #1221)
Faction: Horde
Invite Link: https:// discord .gg/tJP4DNRkkd
Most Active Playtime: Evenings & Weekends
Currently Seeking: Ranged DPS for Nathria & new friends to hang out with c:
Forum Post: https:// us.forums.blizzard .com/en/wow/t/iron-coalition-wants-you/820230

Guild Name: Tribe of Anshe
About Us: Old school players enjoying building friendships through Role Play, Transmog runs, Dungeons, profession building, Abysmal pvp skills, leveling, and social gatherings.

We are a small guild dedicated to getting to know you and not judging you if you’re not top dps or have a family life outside WoW. We want to create a welcoming atmosphere to new players, new Role-players, and maybe those who just can’t give 100 hours in a week to the game.

If you’re looking to be part of building a story with helpful players that are dedicated in making the game enjoyable, Tribe of Anshe may be for you.

Requirements: We’re mostly RP focused but outside of our RP time, we want to be that group of people that make you feel like you belong. We expect others to be kind and leave the toxicity of the real world out. After all, we do this to escape. Yes, your alt is fine if you want to play with us.

Contact Information: For any questions, comments, or concerns please contact any member of our Tribe or you can personally contact me (Papadean#1594)
Faction: Horde
Most Active Playtime: Evenings & Weekends
Currently Seeking: Those looking for a leveling/social/rp guild.

Guild Name: Violet Vanguard
Description: (formerly Horde Brothers) is an RP/PVE adventuring guild that focuses on the protection of Azeroth. We offer weekly RP events with multiple DMs, including social and D20 events. We are also recruiting for our AOTC heroic raid team and numerous Keystone Master teams.
Races Allowed: All Horde and Alliance races!
Leader(s): Alth, Lariyasallah, Rosebeth - Moon Guard
Who to Contact: Alth, Lariyasallah, Hic, Rehnie, Narbehke, Vellrea, Vynles, or join our discord linked in our main forum post.
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP, Heroic Raid, Mythic+, Casual PvP
Requirements: Adherence to the lore of World of Warcraft and a friendly, positive attitude. Our application can be found through our forum post.
Currently Seeking: RP-friendly players and roleplayers.
Most Active Playtime: Events and raid are at 5m server (8pm EST) with activity from midday to late at night throughout the week.
Forum Post: [H+A-RP-PVE] Violet Vanguard Recruiting for Dragonflight!
My contact: Feel free to reach out on Discord! Altherion#2512!

Guild Name: Dragalia Lost
Faction: Horde (Cross-Faction once available)
Description: Dragalia Lost is a guild made in homage of the gacha game of the same name. It is a casual guild participating in all aspects of the game with a focus on RP. Everyone is welcome to join. The guild will be cross-faction once that option becomes available.
In-character, Dragalia Lost is an expeditionary force led by Mazakaga Ironhorn at the behest of her mentor and benefactor, Ebonhorn (also known as the black dragon, Ebyssian). The goals of the coalition are to help foster the bond between mortals and dragonkind as the guardians of Azeroth and explore the newly discovered Dragon Isles (or any other places of interest).
Races Allowed: All
Leaders and Contacts: Mazakaga
RP/PvP/PvE: Focus on RP but dabbling in all game-play aspects
Requirements: No hard requirements. We do ask that all members be civil and supportive regarding all aspects of the game
Most Active Playtime: Evenings (EST)
Forum Post: [Horde / Neutral] Casual RP and PvE Guild

Guild Name: The Springmane Tribe
Faction: Horde
Description: The Springmane Tribe is a RP guild focused on exploration of tauren culture and tribal roleplay. Our main focuses are on the Rites of the Earthmother and other tauren traditions, such as the Great Hunt. We are late night focused and 18+ only.
Races Allowed: Tauren and Tauren-esque (Highmountain, Yaungol, Taunka)
Leader(s): Abranirn, Norufauna, Kratoan, Toroalce
Who/How to Contact: Abranirn, Norufauna, Kratoan, Mooshee, Gruule, Gamin, Takaida
RP/PVP/PVE?: Casual-Mid time RP
Requirements: TRP3 (or equivalent addon), Discord, level 10 minimum
Currently Seeking: Active roleplayers interested in casual tauren RP
Most Active Playtime: Weekdays after 10pm server (midnight CST)/Weekends after 8pm server (10pm CST)
Forum Post: [H-RP] The Springmane Tribe (Brand New!)

Guild Name: Convocation of Darkness
Faction: Cross-faction (initially Horde)
Description: We are an Undead/Forsaken-only heavy RP guild. Our roleplay focuses on the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, within which the Convocation represents a radical sect of devotees and their allies. The goal of the order is to once more build up the spirit of the Forsaken people through the pursuit of mastery in each of the three virtues of the Forgotten Shadow: Respect, Tenacity, and Power.

Our aesthetic is heavily rooted in the classic era when the Forsaken were presented as a darker, more insular race, however ICly the Convocation will accept any undead character regardless of their background or alignment.

We have weekly RP which includes appropriately macabre socials in graveyards and ruined churches as well as D20 crafting and adventure-style story-driven events. Players are encouraged to explore their own character’s unique personality and abilities!

Races Allowed:

  • Forsaken
  • Darkfallen Blood Elves/Night Elves/Void Elves (excluding San’layn)
  • Death Knights of any race

Leader(s) & Contact Info:

Rank In-Game Name Discord
Shade Abbess :candle: Zombimbo sonorous.dark
Overseer :crossed_swords: Crestley sehoro
Archpriest :skull: Maerlyn soulcatcher

RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP, Casual PvE/PvP

  • Main characters must be at least level 20
  • Player must be age 21+
  • Google Form guild application filled out (see link below)
  • Be positive, accepting of others, and drama-free. We may play darker characters in our stories, but outside of RP, we strive to uphold an image as friendly, welcoming people :slight_smile:
    Currently Seeking: Any and all roleplayers with a passion for the Forsaken and Undead RP.
    Most Active Playtime: 5pm - 10pm PST/Wyrmrest Server Time
    Forum Post: [H-RP] Cult of Forgotten Shadows RP
    Guild Application: tinyurl.com/codapplication

Guild Name: The Packtari
Faction: Horde (Neutral Accepting)
Description: The Packtari is a raptari group uniquely accepting of all races, in the interest of advancing Gonk’s will and protecting the balance of nature. Most of our missions and campaigns will tend to have a focus on the Loa around azeroth, nature, or troll themes. Loa rites are available both for packmate specific tracks, and pack friends to seek boons, and more will be offered where and when applicable. Conservation and raptor rehabilitation/fostering are also a good example of how wide our nature themes go, as the Packtari have their own sanctuary for creatures big and small.
Races Allowed: All are welcome
Leader(s): Kholwa
Who/How to Contact:
Kholwa-Wymrest Accord, ingame mail or dm me on discord via dangeruse
RP/PVP/PVE?: Primarily RP right now, but we all do some pve and casual pvp
Requirements: Respect for the Loa, nature, and neutral aligned allies icly and oocly. An inclusive and respectful mindset oocly, we’re a safe space for the marginalized. 18+ of age, and willing to do a small application and ic interview. Discord required for coordinating.
Currently Seeking: RP Crafters, Gonk worshippers, any good aligned Loa devouts, trolls
Most Active Playtime: 5pm (PST/WRA ST) onwards most days for rp events and gatherings, Kholwa’s almost always around otherwise
Forum Post:
[H/N-RP/PvX]< The Packtari > Non-exclusive Troll, Nature, and Loa guild

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Alliance Guilds

Alliance Guilds

Guild Name: Howling Owl
Description: A faction neutral coffee shop/cocktail bar that hosts several regular entertainment focused RP events.
Races Allowed: Any
Leader(s): Alaris/Zelektra
Who to Contact: Saeil#1437 on Discord
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP, with a focus on RP events in particular
Requirements: Characters who join must be faction neutral. Application and IC interview is required. The application can be found on our website howlingowl-wra.tumblr . com
Currently Seeking: Bartenders, security and entertainers.
Most Active Playtime: 5PM-10PM server time. Active throughout the day on Discord.
Forum Post: [H / A ] The Howling Owl/Club Night Owl is hiring! Bartender, security and entertainer positions available!

Guild Name: The Sha’tor
Description: The Sha’tor is an order of draenei dedicated to the preservation of their people and culture, as well as honoring their place within the Alliance. With equal parts tenacity and hope, the Sha’tor aids in defending against the myriad threats that bombard Azeroth, while simultaneously supporting the draenei people as a whole in the quest to rebuild and thrive in the world they now call home.
Races Allowed: Draenei (normal and Lightforged) Non-draenei alts allowed depending on the situation
Leader(s): Varistus, Vivaaldi, Orynthia, Klement
Who to Contact: Any of the above in-game, Varistus at HoganLegDrop#1146
RP/PVP/PVE?: Medium RP, Casual PvE
Requirements: Must be lore-abiding, Light-oriented/respecting/understanding. Website application and short IC interview to join. www.shatorwra.com
Currently Seeking: Anyone that has a love for draenei RP and a willingness to work within a guild setting to help develop not only your characters, but the peoples’ around you as well.
Most Active Playtime: Anywhere from 3PM-10PM server.
Forum Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-rp-the-shator-draenei-guild/170508

Guild Name: Silver Circle
Description: The Silver Circle is a guild of keen-eyed kaldorei who stand vigil over their people, ever alert for the rise of new enemies or the resurgence of old. We stand ready to heed the call to arms against the foes of the Alliance or those who despoil nature or corrupt Kalimdor.
Races Allowed: Kaldorei
Leader(s): Feyawen, Celassa, Kelanthos, Mythanil
Who to Contact: Any member
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP, Casual PvX
Requirements: Lore-abiding, Faithful in Elune, Respectful of Guild Rules
⸰☽ https://silvercircle.shivtr.com/ ☾⸰
Membership Restrictions: No Demon Hunters or Death Knights
Currently Seeking: We are actively on the lookout for genuine players who are respectful, considerate of others, and interested in making long-lasting friendships and roleplaying within Kaldorei themes.
Most Active Playtime: 4pm - 11pm (server)
Forum Post:

Guild Name: The Ardent Circle
Description: Fiercely devoted to the Alliance and each other, the Ardent Circle is a knightly guild of like-minded individuals that defend the kingdom from all threats and strive to bring light to a darkened world.
Races Allowed: All Alliance races
Leader(s): OOC: Livi, Pensife, Hamilton / IC: Finnigan Wyman, Centori Dellanir
Who to Contact: Livi, Virtued, Pensife, Hamilton
Requirements: Lore-abiding (for the most part), DHs cannot rank climb but are still welcome to RP with us, character must be Alliance-aligned and fit with our values, no application required - simply message one of us to begin your recruitment process!
Currently Seeking: Story runners and RPers
Most Active Playtime: 3-8pm server time most nights, Discord active all day
Forum Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-rp-the-ardent-circle/294705

Guild Name: Measured Chaos
Description: Measured Chaos is a guild and conglomerate Community of Alliance guilds, across multiple World of Warcraft realms who connect via a shared discord server. Many of our members also have horde characters that play with others while our new Horde Chapter’s are being prepared. MCC welcomes a diverse member base with a common thread of mutual respect and understanding while having fun playing World of Warcraft. MCC was founded with the intention to bring guild members together to play World of Warcraft with other like-minded adults, with a strong emphasis on voice chat, however voice chat is not required to be a member.
Races Allowed: ALL
Leader(s): GM: Byteme
Who to Contact: Any member can assist you
RP/PVP/PVE?: (Which do you focus on/do/not do?) We have lost most of our roleplayers and roleplaying events :frowning: Everything else we offer. We are primarily a social casual guild for adults.
Requirements: You must be 18, We don’t allow any political or religious convo’s in guild chat or hate speech. Be respectful of others is all we really ask of our members. We try and keep it a relaxing, positive place to be. Make sure your toon is logged in at least every 30 days to avoid being purged.
Currently Seeking: I wish we could find more people that loved to roleplay and would love to put together roleplaying events. Despite being on a rp realm, we just don’t have members willing to put together events for others. Aside from that we like to find other casual playing adults that just like to enjoy the game with other casual adult players. We have a discord for those that choose to use it to put you in touch with all of our other realms and for cross realm events and activities.
Most Active Playtime: evenings and overnights. It’s quite common to have a minimum of 30 members online in the evening and in the mornings perhaps 10 to 15.

Guild Name: Runeweaver Legacy
Description: Taking on the mantle of an old line of war-mages, the Runeweaver Legacy is dedicated to facing the myriad threats that rise around Azeroth. Beyond that, the newest Runeweaver, Kaliendra, has dedicated the guild’s resources to humanitarian aid and digging for lost relics, both of this ancient line and beyond.
Races Allowed: All races.
Leader(s): Korienna (GM)
Who to Contact: Any of the above listed officers! If we’re not available, any member can take your name for us to get back to you.
RP/PVP/PVE?: (Which do you focus on/do/not do?) RP and light PvE. We don’t raid, but we do other group and world content together.
Requirements: (Lore-compliance, website application, interview, specific ilvl, et cetera) Reasonably connected to Azeroth’s world. We’re not massive sticklers, but we’d like some basis in the character you bring. Otherwise we do a basic interview that’s more about getting to know you OOC and having an introduction RP than anything else.
Currently Seeking: (Do you need more tanks/healers/dps? Short on RPers of a certain race? Have an officer slot that needs filling?) Anyone! We’re rebuilding ourselves from a bit of a slump that came mid-expansion.
Most Active Playtime: Evenings, with members in a discord at any hour of the day. We tend to put up events around 5:30 server time (PST) and those usually run 2-3 hours.
Forum Post: [A-RP] <Runeweaver Legacy> is recruiting!

Guild Name: The Fortyseventh
Description: The 47th Infantry Regiment of the Alliance Army
Races Allowed: All Alliance races
Leader(s): Lebryn Edain / Kenorian Felmourn
Who to Contact: Lebryn, Zalra, Borthu, Oliviabell, Kenorian, or any other member currently online
RP/PVP/PVP: We’re heavily RP focused but we do have a raid team as well as get together every Sunday to do PvE content
Requirements: Discord + IC website application
Currently Seeking: All are welcome!
Most Active Playtime:
Forum Post: [A-RP] <The Fortyseventh> Wants YOU!

Guild Name: Battlestein Company
Faction: Alliance
Description: The Battlestein Company is a crafting and trade guild that employs artisans, traders, adventurers, and service providers that reside in and around Khaz Modan for the sake of greater prosperity. We are also members of the WRA Dwarven Community known as the Mead Hall.
Races Allowed: All, though we are culturally Dwarf-focused.
Leader(s): Duera
Who/How to Contact: Any member can help!
Requirements: Website application, In-Character interview
Currently Seeking: Long-term members
Most Active Playtime: Sun, Mon, Thurs, and Fri 6-9 pm
Forum Post: 🍻[A] <Battlestein Company> Dwarven RP Guild

Guild Name: Antique Rogue Show
Faction: Alliance
Description: Specialty PvE/PvP Guild
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Cayo
Who/How to Contact: Contact Cayo in game.
RP/PVP/PVE?: Mainly PvE (M+, raiding, expeditions), some PvP. We are lore-abiding and respectful of the RP environment.
Requirements: Must have a willingness to help others in our virtual community as needed and we ask that you be a generally decent human being toward your fellow players. Age 16+. We are unofficially trilingual (English, Spanish, and Tagalog) and misfit friendly. Define misfit however you like. OOC interview required.
Currently Seeking: New and experienced Rogues; anyone who wants to learn the class or already enjoys playing it. Our core members are also highly experienced with Shadow Priest and Havoc Demon Hunter. We are open to most anyone who wants to join, regardless of class/spec and experience, but we are DPS animals at heart.
Most Active Playtime: Weekends, Mountain Time.
Other: We are currently running in semi DIY mode as we’re down a core member until Summer 2020.

Guild Name: Picks and Pints
Faction: Alliance
Description: Medium-weight Roleplaying and Social guild themed around traditional adventure and exploration themed Roleplay.
Races Allowed: Open to all.
Leader(s): Darseigh
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP Focused, no organized PVP or PVE planned currently.
Requirements: Informal Interview
Currently Seeking: Dwarves especially, but taking everyone!
Most Active Playtime: Events around 6-9 server time, general activity between 4-12 server time.
Forum Post: [A-RP] Picks n' Pint's: New and Improved [Recruiting!]

Guild Name: Order of the Eclipse
Faction: Alliance
Description: We are an order seeking to unite the elves of Alliance. Kaldorei, Quel’dorei, and Ren’dorei are all welcome to join our ranks as we seek to heal old wounds of the past. We have all experienced loss of home and family and it is time to put aside our differences and come together.
Races Allowed: Kaldorei, Ren’dorei, Quel’dorei
Leaders: Allaria
RP/PVP/PVE? Primarily RP but if people want to organize other events focused on PVP or PVE, they are welcome to it.
Requirements: Lore-compliance, level 20+, and the ability to log on and play your character(s) at least once a month (unless there is a prearranged absence with an officer)
Most Active Playtime: Events usually take place at 5 pm server time
Forum Post: [A-RP] Order of the Eclipse (Recruiting Kaldorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei)

Guild Name: The Violet Bastion
Faction: Alliance (Mostly faction neutral)
Description: We are an adventuring guild with a heavy focus on finding artifacts for study, magical centered in some aspects, and whatever tickles our fancy.
Races Allowed: All.
Leader(s): Saedre Starweaver, Kohler
Who/How to Contact: Saedre, Kohler
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP is our primary focus, but we are pretty casual and our members enjoy all aspects of the game. Laid-back leadership structure with an emphasis on enjoying the game.
Requirements: Must be 18 yrs of age or older to join. Lore compliant. Application requirement via our webpage or discord server via bot.
Currently Seeking: Roleplayers! Looking for adventurers, magic practitioners, scholars, and more. If you like to travel the world and discover the new and exciting, this is the place for you!
Most Active Playtime: Evenings. EST. Guild events are usually held Fridays and Saturdays. We are also pretty active in Discord OOC and host IC channels for RP outside of the game.
Forum Post: [A-RP] The Violet Bastion (Returning for Shadowlands)

Guild Name: The Order of the Lion
Faction: Alliance
Description: General Guild Concept- All play styles and experience levels are welcomed under our banner. While the guild itself is a “casual” atmosphere, you will find members of the guild who participate in all aspects of the game, from PvP, Dungeons and Raids, to Role-play.
Members are not held to commit to any aspect of the game, including role-play. Ultimately, we play WoW to relax, unwind, and have fun. For that reason - drama, rage, and other such undesirable behavior has no place in this guild.
For the purpose of immersion in the World of Warcraft- The Order of the Lion is a semi-secretive organization of heroes from the far corners of Azeroth and beyond. Formed during the Fourth War and sanctioned by the leaders of the Alliance, the Order protects the assets and furthers the interests of the Alliance.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Hellshield
Who/How to Contact: Hellshield - in game message or mail
Requirements: Required to read and agree to the guild charter online (mail or message Hellshield for the link).
Currently Seeking: All
Most Active Playtime: Weeknight and weekends
Forum Post: [A] The Order of the Lion

Guild Name: Hexrenders
Description: The Hexrenders are a small organisation founded after the Fourth War, and dedicated to hunting down and destroying those who use magic for evil or selfish reasons. They accept any and all Alliance citizens who are willing to see justice delivered to those who continue to exploit the innocent through use of dark powers!
Races Allowed: Any Alliance race
Leader: Azshande (Priestess Azshande Gloamsinger)
Who to Contact: Azshande, Faltherin, Otiele, Hanrietta
RP/PVP/PVE?: Our main focus is RP. PvE and PvP is more personal choice based.

  • An IC interview is required before being formally admitted into the guild - we want to be sure your character fits.

Currently Seeking: Any and all interested RPers!
Most Active Playtime: We are largely an oceanic guild - so we’re talking late night by server standards. Between the 1am and 6am marks (server time) are our most active, though we do have players on throughout the normal day, especially on Saturdays!
Forum Post: None as yet (I’ll update when one goes up)

Guild Name: - Deep Forest Caravan
Faction: - Alliance
Guild Age: 8yrs

Description: - Full immersion RP guild that incorporates the gaming system into their RP. (DFC_sys)

Races Allowed: - all, some may need some tuning
Leader: - Briarpetal of House Drakon
Who/How to Contact: - Look for recruitment post for the current incoming topic, or send in game post to Briarpetal, Sajala, or Betilla- IC preferred

RP/PVP/PVE?: - RP Raiding guild, Heroic

Requirements: - Level cap or darn close, Mains only due to time investment, compliant with the DFC_sys (see officers to tailor).

Currently Seeking: - All are welcome. We enjoy sharing our knowledge.
Most Active Playtime: 7pm, Server on. We are a late night guild.
Forum Post: [A-RP] Recruitment: Shadowlands

Guild Name: History
Faction: Alliance
Description: History is a package delivery company headquarted in Boralus, Kul Tiras, but has chapters expanding in Stormwind City and beyond. Also known to be hired out for general contract work, it isn’t unheard of for History to scale their corporate ethics and values to get the job done.

A lighthearted RP guild, History aims to be a content-driven group who wants to explore what Shadowlands has to offer in terms of Mythic+, PvP, and more.

Races Allowed: All Alliance Races
Leaders: Irvìng, Trissenor, Walelar
Who/How to Contact: Discord, BattleNet, Ingame, Recruitment Post
Requirements: Agreement of rules, guild application, and IC/OOC chat/interview
Currently Seeking: Any and all players of race/class combinations.
Forum Post: [A-RP/PvX] Recruitment Thread

Guild Name: The Call

Faction: Alliance

Description: (OOC) We’re a group of adults who have real life priorities, but we continue to enjoy the game through RP and PvP. We’re very social and communicate mostly through our Discord. We look for fights in-game and normally fight larger groups of Horde, so be prepared to adapt to any situation. We also take part in scheduled RP and RP-PvP events with Horde guilds.

(IC) We are righteous avengers doing what must be done, public perception be damned. The genocide the Horde has perpetrated may be ignored by the weak leadership of Stormwind, but the murders of sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, friends and loved ones by the bloodthirsty and complicit Horde military can never be forgiven.
We will act in the best interest of the innocent and persecuted peoples no matter the cost to public standing. The Horde must not and will not be allowed to murder and pillage across Azeroth anymore.

Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Livea
Who/How to Contact: Anyone in-Game (can refer you to someone to chat with), Recruitment Post
Requirements: Any skill level is okay, as long as you’re willing to learn and grow! Warmode is not required but is highly encouraged .
Currently Seeking: We have a policy of play what you want .
Most Active Playtime: Evenings and Weekends (EST)
Forum Post: [A-RP-PvP] Have You Heard The Call?

Guild Name: Dreamweavers
About Us: Dreamweavers is a Heavy RP-focused guild centered around themes of druidism, nature, the Cenarion Circle, and assisting throughout the regions of Azeroth in the healing and restoration of the world and the natural balance. Our goals include the continued efforts in aiding the refugees of Teldrassil, mending the damage done by the Nightmare forces of Xavius, patrolling the various regions that have strong ties to druidism and nature, and addressing the looming threat of the Drust within Azeroth and beyond the veil in Ardenweald. Based out of Val’sharah and the Dreamgrove, we welcome all with strong ties to nature, to the kaldorei, and any druids who seek to further their training under one of the most ancient orders of druidism in all of Azeroth.
If you’re looking to be part of building a story with helpful players that are dedicated in making the game enjoyable, Tribe of Anshe may be for you.

Requirements: We’re mostly RP focused but outside of our RP time, we want to be that group of people that make you feel like you belong. We expect others to be kind and leave the toxicity of the real world out. After all, we do this to escape. Yes, your alt is fine if you want to play with us.

Contact Information:
Want to get in contact with us? Have any questions? Interested in potentially joining? You can reach us here!
Lylah - HypeTet#9081 (Discord)
Aleklah - HealsNStuff#1946 (BNET) or Aleklah ⸰☽◯☾⸰#0513 (Discord)
Faction: Alliance
Most Active Playtime: Evenings & Weekends
Currently Seeking: Those looking for a a heavy druid/nature rp guild.

Guild Name: Ironwing Raiders
Faction: Alliance
Description: An irregular para-military unit that seeks to make up for the bureaucratic failings of the Alliance military through whatever means are necessary. They ply their trade generally out of sight of the common eye.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Arlathar
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP, casual PvX
Requirements: N/A
Currently Seeking: Roleplayers
Most Active Playtime: 3:00-10:00 PM ST
Forum Post: [A-RP] Ironwing Raiders - Do What Must Be Done

Guild Name: Vanguard of the Rose
Faction: Alliance
Description: We began as a small World of Warcraft roleplay guild on October 3, 2007. As years went on, we branched into other games and started tabletop campaigns together. We grew from one guild in WoW to another in GW2, and founded The Vanguard Roleplay Network, or VRPN (“Verpin’,” as some guildies put it). World of Warcraft is our mainstay.
We’re also a diverse community from all walks of life, banded together by our love of storytelling and video games. After a long day of work, stress, and other real-world commitments, the Vanguard is a place for chilled adult gamers to play with like-minded folks, have fun, and make memories.
Our World of Warcraft crew took its first break since 2007 in Shadowlands, after news of the Blizz-Activision lawsuit. As Blizz-Activision and Dragonflight have slowly regained trust in players, we’ve returned with parts of our old WoW crew, and are seeking new fellows to join.
Game-wise, our focuses are roleplay, storytelling, and light PvE, specifically small-group content (M+ 15s and Normal Raids) for story completion.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): (GM) Dawnfield/Claresta, (Officer) Highwrath, (Officer) Aunnakeva/Tazuranash
Who/How to Contact: Any online member
RP/PVP/PVE?: Primary RP, Secondary PvE
Requirements: Application-based, Lore compliance, and LGBTQIA+ friendly
Currently Seeking: Roleplayers, RP-friendly social players, DPS for M+ and Normal raid content
Most Active Playtime: 6 - 10 PM server on weekdays, more varied on weekends
Forum Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/en/wow/t/a-rppve-vanguard-of-the-rose-is-recruiting-rpers-social-players/1528340
Wow Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/guild/us/wyrmrest-accord/vanguard-of-the-rose
Guild Site/Info: https://vrpnetwork.gg/ | https://vrpnetwork.carrd.co/
Application: https://vrpnetwork.gg/submit-application/

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Thank you, Kaivax! And thank you for taking over the community post, Reinore.


Mirroring the statement above - yes, thank you for taking this over. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if this is the right place to add this in or not - but if you could make a change to the leadership portion of The Violet Bastion’s (Alliance) that my officers have changed to Kohler at this time that would be fantastic. The other two are no longer officers.

Thanks so much!

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I have taken the liberty of updating this for you! Please let me know if I should make any additional changes.

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Discord Name: Farstrider Discord
Theme/Focus: Farstriders
Rules/Requirements: Open to all Farstriders, non-farstrider guests, and off-server players.
Owners/Mods: Kemnebi, Vanessara, Talannil. Point of contact: In game mail to Kemnebi if link is broken.
Faction/Neutral: Horde
Invite Link: http://discord.gg/QncJfcS
Info: A place for Farstrider roleplayers to meet, socialize, and network.

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This was just posted in the old thread so I wanted to repost it here!

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Discord Name: Thalassian Elves Network
Theme/Focus: Thalassian Elves
Rules/Requirements: Open to all Thalassian Elves, including Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei and Half Elves on Wyrmrest Accord. Guest of Thalassian elves are welcome as well.
Owners/Mods: Asyndel
Faction/Neutral: Horde, Alliance, Neutral
Invite Link: https://discord.gg/Nvrxttd
Info: The Thalassian Elves Network (TEN) is a Discord community looking to provide WrA roleplayers with a networking platform for Thalassian elf related roleplay. The goal of this Discord is to provide a platform where people can network and keep an eye out for other elf related guilds and events all in a remote location!


@Asyndel & @Faltherin information added!

@Xepher due to limited space per post, I did remove event listings from the Directory. However, you can always submit your event to the WrA Roleplay Event Calendar.

Greetings, Reinore. Thank you for curating this! We’re still active. Thank you for updating.

Guild Name: - Deep Forest Caravan
Faction: - Alliance
Guild Age: 8yrs

Description: - Full immersion RP guild that incorporates the gaming system into their RP. (DFC_sys)

Races Allowed: - all, some may need some tuning
Leader: - Briarpetal of House Drakon
Who/How to Contact: - Look for recruitment post for the current incoming topic, or send in game post to Briarpetal, Sajala, or Betilla- IC preferred

RP/PVP/PVE?: - RP Raiding guild, Heroic

Requirements: - Level cap or darn close, Mains only due to time investment, compliant with the DFC_sys (see officers to tailor).

Currently Seeking: - All are welcome. We enjoy sharing our knowledge.
Most Active Playtime: 7pm, Server on. We are a late night guild.
Forum Post: [A-RP] Recruitment: Shadowlands

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Can events still be posted through here to get added to the list? I am wondering because I used to post on the other thread that is inactive.

@Xepher due to limited space per post, I did remove event listings from the Directory. The Directory is now used exclusively for Guild listings, and Community Discord listings. Event listings can be posted at the :bookmark: [Bookmark] Roleplay Event Calendar .

You can always submit your event to the WrA Roleplay Event Calendar using the form in the link provided.


Guild Name: Thornseeker Tribe
Description: The Thornseekers are a small Quilboar tribe based out of Mulgore. Our main focus is cleansing the Razorfen Kraul complex and to work to change the image of quilboar to the general public. We operate mostly as Horde-side mercenaries.
Races Allowed: Any Horde Race, though preferably Quilboar
Leader: Kraulspine
Who to Contact: Kraulspine, Solarscreech
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP with a D20-based campaign.
Requirements: A good attitude and a will to “suffer” through Prism-based RP! It’s a labor of love!

Forum Post: [Thornseeker Tribe] Taking back the Kraul! Quilboar guild and Discord!

Hi there! Children of a Dark Sun has changed gears and is now Order of the Eclipse so if we could replace that entry with the following:

Guild Name: Order of the Eclipse
Faction: Alliance
Description: We are an order seeking to unite the elves of Alliance. Kaldorei, Quel’dorei, and Ren’dorei are all welcome to join our ranks as we seek to heal old wounds of the past. We have all experienced loss of home and family and it is time to put aside our differences and come together.
Races Allowed: Kaldorei, Ren’dorei, Quel’dorei
Leaders: Lyarria, Taldarian, Alisendria, Vellrys
RP/PVP/PVE? Primarily RP but if people want to organize other events focused on PVP or PVE, they are welcome to it.
Requirements: Lore-compliance, level 20+, and the ability to log on and play your character(s) at least once a month (unless there is a prearranged absence with an officer)
Most Active Playtime: Events usually take place at 5 pm server time
Forum Post: [A-RP] Order of the Eclipse (Recruiting Kaldorei, Quel'dorei, Ren'dorei) - #3 by Taldarian-wyrmrest-accord

Thank you!

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I had to reorganize a few things, but I think I got you covered. I converted the Discord section into Communities & Discords. Below is what I have listed for your new in-game community. Please let me know if any corrections need to be made.

Community Name: LFRP (Horde/Alliance)
Theme/Focus: Finding Roleplay
Rules/Requirements: See rules in link below.
Owners/Mods: Gwyneth (Owner)
Faction/Neutral: Alliance and Horde
Info: A community dedicated to providing ease of access to roleplayers seeking roleplayers and events happening around town.

:warning: Directory Update

The original post reached its capacity. Therefore, the guild directories have been separated and applied to the two back-up posts above. All quick-link navigation should still be working.

I will be combing through the guild directories this weekend and removing any guilds that no longer exist on the Wowarmory.


Thank you so much! It looks great. I should have done that for you haha. You’re great.

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Guild Name: Darkfallen Mercenaries
Faction: Horde
Looking for: RPers, PVEers and PVPers, any level or race Currently no organized teams.

IC Info:

Are you looking for adventure? Fame? Riches? Do you like mysteries? Darkfallen Mercenaries is now hiring bold and intrepid soldiers of fortune, explorers and investigators to uhh…boldly soldier, explore and investigate! No experience required, we’re desperate! I mean uhhh…we’re willing to train.

Join our team today and see the world!

*Travel not guaranteed.
**Riches not guaranteed.
***Darkfallen Mercenaries is not liable for any injuries or loss suffered while on the job. You may have to sign a simple waiver….

OOC Info:

Darkfallen Mercenaries is a small company based out of Orgrimmar, but who venture out into the world for the purpose of exploration, investigation, relic recovery, bounty hunting, crime solving, guarding and mercenary-ing (that’s a real word - honest). We hold both non-roll and d20 RP events across Azeroth, and also attend the RP events of other guilds and groups. We’ve been active for a few weeks now. Our d20 system is pretty simple to pick up, but adds a bit of randomness to event outcomes.

We’re a medium/heavy RP guild with a side of leveling and PVE/PVP and all are welcome. RP events are generally held sometime between Thursday and Sunday evenings and last for a couple of hours. You can also find us occasionally doing some walk-up RP in cities in between those times. Most events are plot based and we would like all our RPer to have the opportunity to play a part. Any class/race/level is welcome, but we will be venturing to max-level areas and may require higher level characters for this.

We’re looking for RPers and other players without a home, but we’re not necessarily looking for players who are online 24/7. We’re adults and realize that we all have responsibilities and other interests. That being said, for RPers we’d like players who want to participate in online events 1-2x a week, develop interesting and complex characters and work together to build a fun and exciting story.

For PVEers/PVPers and levelers, we’re most active in the evenings and weekends and you don’t have to participate in RP if you aren’t an RPer. You do have to be respectful to RP, however. RP griefing will not be tolerated.

If that sounds like you, then reply to this post, whisper Kirsy/Kirsey online or send in-game mail and we’ll get you signed up!

For RPers: use of TRP/MRP/XRP - with at least the start of an RP profile
For PVEers: recommended DBM and Details
For PVPers: do your thing
For Everyone: Discord
Please be 18+ and mature. Gchat and Discord may be NSFW