“The shadows will rise again.”
—Natalie Seline
…Three years have now passed since the reclamation of Lordaeron and the reformation of the Desolate Council. There can be little dispute that our people, the Forsaken, have risen admirably from the dust once more in defiant proof of our unflagging tenacity and resolve. And yet there is an argument to be made in equal measure that the tumult of these latter days has eroded this people’s spirit in ways that have yet to be addressed.
In the wake of such tumult, I write to you now to declare a message I have divined from the shadows themselves: a prophecy of a new dawn; power which awaits those on whom the favor of the Shadow rests. The Forsaken clergy must cast off the shawl of ennui which has enshrouded us. The injurious mendacity of the Church of the Holy Light is a rot which ever creeps upon the hearts and minds of its supplicants as surely as it would advance upon Forsaken territory.
It will not be so. The Cult of Forgotten Shadows will rally once more. A new order will rise. To this end, I proclaim the advent of the Convocation of Darkness. We will gather to ourselves the most fervent devotees of Selinic doctrine, and work from within to muster the spirits of our people.
We will cast down the icons of the Church of the Holy Light from their high places and, with our blades and words of shadow, sunder their golden crowns of untruth…
—Dark Cleric Maerlyn Eldham, “In Defense of Forsaken Episcopacy in the Era of the Reformed Desolate Council”
Hello, Wyrmrest Accord!
Convocation of Darkness is a brand new Forsaken RP guild that is opening its doors for recruitment in Dragonflight!
Our RP centers around the Cult of Forgotten Shadows and the pursuit of dark enlightenment and ascension via the diligent study and eventual mastery of the three virtues: Respect, Tenacity, and Power. If you are interested in Forsaken religion and roleplay, then we might just be the guild for you!
OOC Information
Inspired by the more traditional “old school” vibe of the Forsaken as a darker race, the primary goal of our guild is to foster a community driven by a passion for all things undead and consisting of mature, quality roleplayers. We strive to uphold a high standard in our stories and our interactions with others and want to ensure that we put our very best foot forward as representatives of Forsaken RP! Our plans for storytelling include regular events in-game and Discord RP channels to help facilitate character development outside of the game as well.
Our leadership is comprised of former officers from both Royal Apothecary Society and Shadows of Lordaeron, and as longtime members of the Wyrmrest community, we are thrilled to be launching into Dragonflight in search of more shadowy brethren!
IC Information
Founded by an unlikely alliance of Charlene Evilove, Maerlyn Eldham, and Sehoro Crestley, the three Forsaken form an unholy triumvirate within the Shadows as the leadership of the Convocation of Darkness, with the intention of spreading the teachings and virtues of the Light’s dark counterpart to all Forsaken they come across. As a radical sect of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, their doctrine warns against blind adherence to the Light and the danger that the ever growing influence of the Church of the Holy Light poses to all undead and to those who devote themselves to the shadows.
The Convocation of Darkness will visit a dark reckoning upon whosoever opposes them, by the sword and the crosier, through the faith and the shadow.
As within the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, upon whose teachings the Convocation of Darkness was founded, the three virtues are regarded as sacrosanct: Respect, Tenacity, and Power. The hierarchy of the order is broken into three classifications based upon each of these virtues. Upon initiation, one is judged by the three and placed according to their inherent alignment to each virtue to be mentored by those above and around them. True mastery comes when one has understood and mastered each of the three virtues. Promotion comes with clear understanding and dedication.
The Virtue of Respect
Leader: Ihuthlis Duskshard, the High Priestess.
These members are taught to understand their own personal will, sociability and how to control others through the use of the shadow. The most dangerous mistake is often to underestimate those who appear to pose no threat, and to master the virtue of Respect, one must first recognize their place in the world—and how to manipulate it.
The Virtue of Tenacity
Leader: Sehoro Crestley, the Overseer.
These are those who already have the drive for combat. They will learn to use the shadow to bolster their fighting ability, strengthen their resistance, and defend our cause by any means necessary. To achieve mastery in the virtue of Tenacity, one must not simply fight against opposition: they must endure the onslaught.
The Virtue of Power
Leader: Maerlyn Eldham, the Archpriest.
This sect of the order is comprised of those who are already the most devout among the disciples of shadow, but as any true student of Selinic doctrine will understand, it is at the pinnacle of achievement that one is also the most vulnerable. To successfully master the virtue of Power, one must be willing to peer into the heart of darkness itself—and be prepared to vanquish opposition that is both without, and within.
Requirements, Guidelines, & Guild Philosophy
To decide if our guild is for you, please consider the following:
- We are an undead (Forsaken) only guild. This also includes death knights of any race and darkfallen elves, but we do NOT accept san’layn.
- Primary characters in the guild must be at least level 20. Alts of any level are of course welcome, but your main character should meet the minimum level requirement!
- As our roleplay will feature dark and mature themes, we do not accept players under the age of 21. Due to the nature of our content as a darker guild, we prefer to cultivate a crowd capable of roleplaying such themes with maturity.
- Most importantly, be respectful. We are all here to have fun playing and RPing in WoW together, and we want our membership to make choices that promote this kind of environment. No racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. speech or content will be tolerated.
Contact Us
If everything above sounds cool to you and you’re interested in joining our shadowy family, feel free to reach out to any of the following people:
Rank | In-Game Name | Discord |
High Priestess | ![]() |
ashakuarius |
Overseer | ![]() |
sehoro |
Archpriest | ![]() |
soulcatcher |
Additionally, we have a Google Form guild application! You can find it here: tinyurl.com/CoDApplication
Update: As of August 2024 and the launch of The War Within, we have a new and updated forum post! You can find it here: [H-RP Cross-Realm] <Convocation of Darkness> Forsaken & Undead RP (recruiting for The War Within!)