[H RP/PvX] Darkfallen Mercenaries

Guild Name: Darkfallen Mercenaries
Faction: Horde
Looking for: RPers, PVEers and PVPers, any level or race Currently no organized teams.

IC Info:

Are you looking for adventure? Fame? Riches? Do you like mysteries? Darkfallen Mercenaries is now hiring bold and intrepid soldiers of fortune, explorers and investigators to uhh…boldly soldier, explore and investigate! No experience required, we’re desperate! I mean uhhh…we’re willing to train.

Join our team today and see the world!

*Travel not guaranteed.
**Riches not guaranteed.
***Darkfallen Mercenaries is not liable for any injuries or loss suffered while on the job. You may have to sign a simple waiver….

OOC Info:

Darkfallen Mercenaries is a small company based out of Orgrimmar, but who venture out into the world for the purpose of exploration, investigation, relic recovery, bounty hunting, crime solving, guarding and mercenary-ing (that’s a real word - honest). We hold both non-roll and d20 RP events across Azeroth, and also attend the RP events of other guilds and groups. We’ve been active for a few weeks now. Our d20 system is pretty simple to pick up, but adds a bit of randomness to event outcomes.

We’re a medium/heavy RP guild with a side of leveling and PVE/PVP and all are welcome . RP events are generally held sometime between Thursday and Sunday evenings and last for a couple of hours. You can also find us occasionally doing some walk-up RP in cities in between those times. Most events are plot based and we would like all our RPer to have the opportunity to play a part. Any class/race/level is welcome, but we will be venturing to max-level areas and may require higher level characters for this.

We’re looking for RPers and other players without a home, but we’re not necessarily looking for players who are online 24/7. We’re adults and realize that we all have responsibilities and other interests. That being said, for RPers we’d like players who want to participate in online events 1-2x a week, develop interesting and complex characters and work together to build a fun and exciting story.

For PVEers/PVPers and levelers, we’re most active in the evenings and weekends and you don’t have to participate in RP if you aren’t an RPer. You do have to be respectful to RP, however. RP griefing will not be tolerated.

If that sounds like you, then reply to this post, whisper Kirsy/Kirsey online or send in-game mail and we’ll get you signed up!

For RPers: use of TRP/MRP/XRP - with at least the start of an RP profile
For PVEers: recommended DBM and Details
For PVPers: do your thing
For Everyone: Discord
Please be 18+ and mature. Gchat and Discord may be NSFW


I wanna join the kirsy guild

I rec putting a thingy here: WrA Information & Directories - #22 by Kirsy-wyrmrest-accord

So we can have the most up to date info on the directory!

Sure thing, but you have to like at least one version of the Lion King.


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Don’t do this to me…

Put me in, coach. I like the animated one.

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I’m sure there’s at least one version you like. You saw them both, right?

I won’t be able to answer your questions without first filling the proper non disclosure paperwork contracts

I manage a lot of NDAs as part of my day job I’ll get one started.

Make sure the answer to the question of which Lion King you prefer is part of the NDA so it’s only available to guild members for their perusal and discussion.

Also bump.

Also <3 you guys.

Its yes :slight_smile:

Shhh, you’re supposed to put that on the NDA!

It’s also no :frowning:

I’m so confused…


I’m not gonna’ lie, I thought this was going to be a San’layn guild. Good luck tho!

The RP d20 roll system is posted in the Discord now and so are some light raiding requirements. We’re looking at heroic raiding into Castle Nathria.

RP resumes this weekend after some of us have finished the Icecrown waiting simulator…I mean pre-expac event.


We’ve got about half the heroic raid team recruited and are still looking for all roles.

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As the resident pilot of the Darkfallen Mercenaries I can guarantee in flight snacks and a flight-to-crash ratio that recently graduated from “Troubling” to “Low Risk.”

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We’ll be online all this week for leveling and RP :slight_smile:

And hopefully Jakk’s flight-to-crash ratio doesn’t kill anyone.

Poking this back to the top. We’ll be making some RP moves this week.