If this leak is to believed, then OW2 is mostly ready to go. And what’s holding everything back is the copious amounts of Reworks they will need to make 5v5 work.
Here’s my best attempt at a simplified implementation of what’s needed to fast-track 5v5 release:
- Tank 33% UltCharge feeding resistance
- Tank 50% Headshot resistance
- Tank 50% CC resistance passive expanded to almost all CC
- Tank buffs
- Hammond moved to the DPS role
- Roadhog gets a “barrier-like” ability
- Sniper nerfs
- Mei/McCree lose their “StunKill” combo
- Ranged AntiTank damage nerfs for McCree/Hanzo/Echo/Bastion
- Bastion reworked
- EMP/Hack interactions changed to favor Tanks more
DAMAGE ━━━━━━━━━
Traversal (Role Passive)
- 9% faster movement speed
TANK ━━━━━━━━━
Tanks Passive: Expanded
- Ultimate charge given to the enemy team reduced by 33%
- Critical damage headshot received reduced by 50%
- Almost all CC reduced by 50% effect and duration
- This includes Knockback, Stuns, Sleeps, Earthshatter, AntiHeal, Hack, EMP, Freeze
- Exceptions being Grabs/Snares/Slows, i.e. Charge, Hook, Trap, Graviton, Gravitic Flux
- Earthshatter is passively bodyblocked by Tanks
Comments: Allows tanks to hold objectives in a reduced barriers environment, where they are going to get hit by a lot of damage/abilities that barrier-spam would have otherwise blocked. Earthshatter bodyblocking is there to reduce “Rein or Lose” in the bottom 90% of ELOs.