So this division is on you Blizzard

One would have thought that of all companies, Blizzarx would have learned their lesson on the destructive wasteland that inaction in the face of obvious frustrations wreaks on games…

The Cataclysm exodus, the post-Legion disaster, the inaction over Brig for months…the results were all disastrous on the playerbase.

Today we have stagnation and excuses over Roadhog, Kiriko, and Sojourn that are leading to deep division and unrest in the playerbase, followed by more and more excuses instead of decisive action about the patently obvious…the myriad of Mercy threads are a symptom, and because no one can be certain how things are going to turn out, all they have is speculation and the following of popular people who have been wrong time and time again in their assessments.

These deep divisions are YOUR fault Blizzard, and the fact that all you can come up with is how you’re gonna punish people for lashing out is just … well…pathetic.


A little bit dramatic, but yeah, the devs taking probably 7 months to balance Sojourn is kinda their fault.

That said, let’s see what they got for us in the next 5 days.


It’s the lack of communication and the sudden flags/bans. It feels like the only good thing devs are good at is hiding information and hurting the player base.

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Kinda. But they’ve been doing dramatically better at that in the last 2 weeks.

Just this podcast alone was very refreshing on that angle.

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Apparently the devs communicate and post a lot when they’re trying to push a new season or event. After that it’s back to basically nothing. I only started getting back into OW so I don’t really know, this is according to the forums.

Well yeah, you’re right.

But it seems like they actually might stick with it this time, now that they are formalizing it more.

Heck, in the podcast they dedicate a good amount of time on the “We promise we will communicate more” being a meme at this post.

Honestly for the amount that I’ve pooped on devs these seasons, this one is just going to have to be a personal responsibility issue.
There is no reason for the vitriol that happened today and has been happening for the last couple of weeks (Or months I suppose) regardless of game state.

Heh, if my guess is right, which it often is.
Season 3 is going to make the events of today look pretty tame.

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I’ll give you a hint, Not balancing Sojourn.

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I had a similar prediction.
No shiny new hero means people will have a lot to hyper focus on. Or more accurately, the lack-there-of

I figure the devs are going to be using balancing as their “Content” in season 3.

I’d be happy to see it, but I don’t believe it will work.

I probably should get around to making another one of these.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

The people left after Greg Street nerfed everything in the game to make it baby mode.

Too many systems. Not really like the Cataclysm… cataclysm, but in the same realm. Blizzard wrongfully thought that when you pander to people who don’t care about your product, it makes you more money. It’s the same reason they should steer clear of the diversity and inclusion nonsense in Overwatch.

Different reason entirely from the previous 2 examples. Poor developer reasoning and listening to people cry on the forums forced them to change things for the wrong reason, in the wrong direction.

The devolpers who fumble the ball on things like Cataclysm and Legion issues, turn into what we have in Overwatch.

The original developers of World of Warcraft and later Overwatch, yes Jeff Kaplan was one of them (for those that don’t know), were top shelf compared to the gutter trash that works at Blizzard now. Those developers made games they would want to play. The new developers make games to try to earn more money every month. I really don’t care what people think morally of the old devs, I would pay money to have them back.

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I figure if they are looking for the game to have an longevity, then “More Players = More Money” is a fine enough synergistic goal.

Also they are going to need to make their prices more reasonable, not just for increasing the volume of sales of skins. But because that’s going to cut into their PVE sales if people are all butthurt about giving Blizzard money by the time that rolls around.

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So, are we going to play “the definition of insanity” game?

It hasn’t worked so far, what makes them think it will work in the future?

I miss the days when the old devs would talk about how they just did what they thought was necessary in the game, not knowing the outcome, but changing it because they thought the game would be better because of the change. Having Eyonix tell people on the forums to shut the ____ up they didn’t know what they were talking about. Having devs with actual backbones.

These new devs only know how to cater, and it started with Greg.

While I agree it’s better, the fact that they specifically answer questions from content creators and only content creators is blatant favortism.

I’m not trying to say Blizzard should answer the questions of every player or person on Twitter/the Forums. But it’s ridiculous how they only go to Streamers who aren’t ever gonna actually press devs for answers. They take what they’re given and smile.

Well, I’ve mostly been wanting

  1. Communication with admitting mistakes
  2. Hotfix balance patching to be used more frequently
  3. Matchmaking fixes, and a focus on Matchmaking
  4. Big balance changes while OWL is still on hiatus
  5. Use #1,#2,#3,#4 to get enough Support players to fix Matchmaking

And so far it seems like that’s all going to happen this season.

Or it all crashes and burns and Overwatch just remains a hollow shell of it’s potential.

Dunno, guess we’ll get to see.

I figure they will get around to doing those Reddit AMA’s again sometime.