League Saved OW2

mighty quite the haters of league, but what the other blizzard as well activision properties do not have is a league.

which is why we are the lucky property who is getting action done on their game.

john spector, the various league teams and investors saved blizzard from blizzard.

I don’t know if saved is the right term. We don’t know what status the product was in prior to OWL pressuring Blizz to allow them to run on an early build.

If the game isn’t ready for competitive play,they may regret forcing things. As will pretty much everyone.


I was going to ask “saved from what?”


Probably a release date that goes way too far in the future.

but whats going to save it from the effects of being possibly rushed?

shoot ill wait another 3 years if it means the game comes out right…i have OW1 in the mean time

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Until league will no longer make as much as it needs to, and that day will be the end of the game.

Dunno, but to be honest sooner is probably better, regardless what state it arrives in. It mostly just needs to be “good enough”.

That said, doing my part on that front:

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

How is that even saving of anything?

OW development has been held back by OWL all the time. Now they just want to jump the game so they won’t have to deal with big game changes in a long run.


I mean, it’ll be close to 3 years after announcement when it gets released.

Is that really, “Going too fast”?


While for the PVE I agree, for the PVP? Literally no benefit to waiting. As far as I’m consider let OW2 drop tomorrow and let the PVE flounder, at least the PVP will start getting content again.

Literally about the only time I can safely say, I don’t care if a game is rushed for once.