Does anybody know

How exactly are they balancing heroes for 5v5? I read somewhere they had the game already finished and were just polishing and reworking heroes now. So, does anybody know how are they doing this? For example, how is Doomfist going to be in OW2? What about Sombra, if they remove Hack?
My biggest worry is Wrecking Ball he’s my favourite hero I understand CC is getting drastically removed and I LOVE IT but I’m also worried for the hamster.
And when the game’s out, will they keep balancing around OWL? If so, that worries me even more.

Nobody really knows, but we can guess.
[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

And like you said, Wrecking Ball is the most difficult part of OW2 to balance.

Or rather, if they wanted to balance him so he’s good/great for the top 3%, and basically choosing instant defeat for about 90% of the playerbase. That’s relatively easy.

Or go the route I went, and just move him to the DPS role.