OW2 CC Changes Discussion

Where do we all stand on these changes?

I’m all for it to be honest.
I think its a good incentive for people to work on their mechanical skills over relying on handicaps like freeze/ flashbang etc, which will benefit people a lot more in the long run.

It will make the game a hell of a lot more enjoyable overall - but specifically, a lot more enjoyable for tank players.

I understand that the game has to have characters with easier kits that have a lower overall requirement for mechanical skill, but it feels like garbage seeing these types of characters easily outperform others whilst requiring very little real skill (not necessarily referring to mccree here, he does have a high skill ceiling, but with flash being literally harder to miss with than land it’s hard to call that interaction skill based whatsoever).

Don’t get me wrong, I love mei to bits, I still play her a tonne to this day. Outsniping a widow with icicles, pixel perfect dodging flash/ hook with cryo all feel amazing and super rewarding to pull off.

But playing into a mei that basically has their m1 taped down all game just makes the game a chore.

Playing into a mccree that’s providing nonstop pressure to tanks with fan/ flash makes the game a chore.

To me it’s less about their relative strength and more about whether they foster a negative game experience. I’m all for having easy options if they don’t actively contribute to making the game unenjoyable, because at the end of the day, we’re here to have fun right?

But I think these 2 are some of the worst offenders for making this game feel like garbage, which mostly has to do with their CC.

I definitely think there’s a conversation to be had about the hyper mobility characters like ball & tracer and how the CC reduction will impact their kits - but for now, I think it’s a good move.

Also, how will this effect Ana - I.e is sleep dart going to be removed or just nerfed a lot?

There is seriously nothing worse in this game than getting chain stunned to death and reducing the occurrence of it is a very good move in my books.


:point_up_2: that stuff

In short,
Mei freeze = gone
McCree flash = a very brief “sleep” or “hack”
Hack = Blocked by offtank defensive abilities like matrix
EMP = Doesn’t destroy shieldhealth
Sleep Dart = Nerf or Tank resistance passive
AntiHeal = Nerf or Tank resistance passive

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I saw this suggestion that I liked where Mei freeze becomes a root ability where the target can still shoot back but is stuck for a moment.

My other suggestion is to make Freeze a skill shot with a cool down. Icicle becomes her primary and skill shot freeze will become her secondary like Soldier 76 helix rockets.

Then I would give tanks cc resistance

I am not in favor of completely removing freeze for plain damage which makes Mei blander.

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Yeah I can totally sympathise, and I think the same goes for mccree - if flash or fan took more skill to use (I.e drastically smaller hitbox on flash or less reliable follow up with fan) then I don’t think many people would have that much of a problem with them.

I’ll always find sombra and mei to be far less annoying than a flash fan because there’s so much more opportunity for counterplay (on both your part and your teams) once it’s landed.

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Tbh im gonna miss it. I love mei and brig and cc in general but thats just me. I think it will be better without cc for the game. But i am really really REALLY going to miss meis frezze

Edit=However like the post below me mobility heroes will be crazy. Maybe they could keep some cc in its original state

I think removing CC is a horrible idea, I would rather Mei lose her piercing left click(goat era buff) and be given her old cc back. Her beam would be inconsistent in a teamfight, but that’s the point.

I would rather DVA have her DM buffed and a longer range to hard counter McCree and ranged hitscans like she did before. McCree can keep his flash, and hitscans won’t dominate.

You all don’t realize that once they remove CC, mobility would be the next to get watered down. Then you have a balanced game, but it’s boring and sterile. Projectile heroes would just become clones of each other with a different ult and numbers on their gun, ranged hitscans are already getting close to becoming clones, and the flankers would become clones also when their mobility get gutted.

I’d rather go back to the 2016 – early 2017 philosophy of heroes having an extreme strength and an extreme weakness. Tank spam wasn’t a thing until they did the global ult charge nerf, as tank spam strategies got hard countered by ult spam due to how easy it was to farm ults off them.

OW2 PvP is going to be extremely stale, especially if they balance around OWL who exploits even the smallest amounts of cheese through perfect coordination.


Yeah I do see what you mean.

In a perfect world I genuinely would prefer to see them change sources of CC to have a much higher skill floor in order to be used effectively (over being outright removed).

But with blizzards incredible history of totally unbiased, logic based game balancing - we can DEFINITELY count on them to do right by those characters :rofl:

All they can do with 5v5 is make it a deathmatch twitch shooter, which will be fun. But it won’t be like the golden era of OW1 where it had both the strategy of a moba, and the mechanics of a twitch shooter.

if Mei lost her freeze she’d really need big buffs to compensate or even an actual role rework, she’s already been sitting at the bottom in every rank for 2 years because her kit is lackluster and too punishable compared to other damage heroes.
doubt they’ll take out her freeze without properly adjusting mobility creep characters (free resets on assist kills with swift strike, mines on short cooldown, speed boost etc).

best is to make it a skill shot and put it on a CD like sleep dart

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I’m pretty sure it’s been confirmed to be gone for ow2, instead only slowing enemies.

I am genuinely excited to see her get some decent icicle buffs though.

well that if they didn’t change their mind about her tank rework which was confirmed for testing

I think it’s super silly they will remove Mei freeze. If I could choose one CC to stay it’s that.
I also don’t like them taking away Flashbang but we’ll see how that will pan out and which mechanic is gonna replace it.

An overal CC reduction is very welcome and needed imo. I hope they indeed make Turdfist (and Ball to a lesser extent) less frustrating to play against. But mostly Turdfist though…destroy that hero please.