[OW2] Do you think OW2 PVP might get rebranded?

Microsoft is buying ActivsionBlizzard for $69 Billion dollars.

You’d think they’d have a few bucks to throw around for the intellectual property they just bought.

Or will, as soon as they get the rubber stamp of approval from the Federal Government.
98% of shareholders already signed off on the merger.

Have you seen Overwatch 2 atm? Pretty sure money was not shoved into it.

No…it just is the smart choice to make to keep the playerbase together for queue times rather than splitting the playerbase…especially when the entire point of 5v5 was faster queue times? lol?

Everyone is being ported to OW2 PvP when it launches. :hugs:

Yup. That’s kinda my point.

Overwatch 2 was developed on a shoestring budget, while you had Kotick having them also work on two other spin off projects, in addition to OW1.

All while you had this producer saying that Kotick was the cause of entire teams quitting in protest. Then having to be replaced then brought back up to speed.

So the graphics are going to show 6 years if gaming development experience and we wont have 95% of the same game with just removing a tank. Than ask the player base to pay for a SP that is not being shown. The only part we need to pay money for.

Meanwhile they could have done this entire OW2 MP on a PTR patch. Its a game update and trying to hide the SP from us that we need to pay for.

Oh, I know all too well.

Consider this,

  • August 2021
  • Metro Leak, saying PVE is basically done but haven’t even started on PVP
  • A week later, I make a big post detailed af on how to put out PVP fast, with basically no Support changes, except for a Brig rework with more dash and no stun down lower in the comments. As far as I’m aware, I was the only person to do something like this during this timeframe.
  • A week later, OWL team leaders strongarm Blizzard into announcing OWL will be running on an early PVP beta of OW2.


WHAT! PVE is almost done? Yet we have nothing during beta? Also wtf tournament runs on beta stuff. I think they assume people will want to watch because its “new” but even twitch has just stopped caring about the OW2 Beta since its the same.

I thought that was common knowledge that the whole point of pushing this beta was just so that OWL had an edition of “New Overwatch” to run on?

That said, they are probably going to run about 3 or 4 betas, then probably launch both PVP and PVE. Or atleast have a full release of PVP-only, with a hard release date for PVE.

I’m guessing early November 2022.

Nope Iam as standard of player as we get. I get home from work play a couple hours than go to bed. I read patch notes and thats about it.

Fair enough.

As you can tell, I’m about as “Super Fan” as it gets.

Its bad that it is still probably going to be my fav shooter still. I moved on from CS long ago but I will tough to get used to the more CoD style fast paced less tactical team play.

Well Ironically, I don’t actually play much Overwatch for the past while. Mostly just the videogame development equivalent of “Fantasy Football”.

I mostly play games like Back4Blood, Deep Rock Galactic, and Vermintide 2.

Really looking forward to DarkTide in September.

LOL YES. The Emperor Protects. With the help of many bullets. Love Vermantide 2 and waiting myself or Darktide. Should get your steam ID

Sure why not.

But isn’t the goal to attract a new… better… skiller player base?
While I see them successfully pushing away the remaining supps and part of tanks and DPS are overjoyed at this, not seeing any connection with the q-time has starts into space.


5/7 supports are literally good, Zen got 2 buffs after a week of us saying he felt bad and is awesome now, and there are mini support reworks coming next Beta + new Support heroes on the way… Idk how supports can be pushed away when the game isn’t even releasing for months yet and many more changes directly involving them are coming + the Devs are openly responding to support feedback but ok !!

Tanks literally are so popular now that they have the longest queue times LOL…I don’t really care if they drove away a % of the already nonexistant OW1 tanks if they made them more appealing for the general playerbase in the process (which I’ve been saying 5v5 would do for months and I was right lol).

The only role that’s not “popular” rn is Supports because
a) Some feel weak
b) no new heroes/reworks/content yet while others got new toys to play with

And both are already directly addressed by Blizzard in their latest blog post?

You can make these complaints and have them be valid when we are in the final beta of the game, not the first one and them already have been adressed lol…

The expectations have been already lowered no matter who you rename it.

It is more like a downgrade than 2.0 tbh.

Yes, yes, OW2 is not a game for OW1 players.

It’s not about new toys it’s about completely changing the way the game is played; supports haven’t been given the tools to do so. I came into the beta not to play tanks and dps (although I was curious to try), but to find out how supports play in the new environment.

Of course, you can believe in the moon bunny and the professionalism of the blizzard, but if they will can’t jump above their heads with the support’s toolkit and playstyles (enraging half the dps players in the world in process), then wait for OW3 for better q-times with 1-2-1.

Yes it is. I have been playing OW1 since launch. OW1 does not feel like the game it was for the first few years anymore with the introduction of heroes like Brigitte, Sigma, and Baptiste and bad balance decisions that made AoE healing, an over abundance of stuns, and shields far too relevant and shifted the game away from a fast-paced skill-based FPS team game into a slow game that is far too ability-based.

OW2 feels more like original OW1 than OW1 has for years. I am beyond ecstatic with how the game feels fast paced, fluid, and fun again.

You don’t like the game? Sorry to hear that. A lot of forumers don’t like the game? They never do rofl.

Zen just got given 2 buffs that make him good in 5v5, Moira and Lucio and Brig and Ana are already amazing in 5v5, now we just need Mercy and Bap changes and the role is good to go…it’s not that doom and gloom like you’re trying to make it seem lol.

A week ago I was worried about Supports in OW2 and making posts about them feeling bad.

Since then I have

  1. Actually played 5v5 more and adjusted my playstyle, and am now excelling at the role
  2. Seen the Devs actively respond to this feedback, promise that they are working on changes for it, and implement some of said changes for Zen already (to great effect)
  3. Stopped stressing about it as much

Power =/= fun.
Game for fun.

And q-times refutes your words.

Oh really? Blizzard promise? You made my day, thx so much!