I Have Concerns: A Rein-First Tank Main

Well, Hog and D.va could be converted into basically barrier tanks, pretty easily.

Hammond? No clue how to balance him in a way that he’s not OP in GM, but also not an extreme throw pick below Diamond.

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ult charge from tanks or shields could be adjusted, rather see this than giving everyone a barrier.

That’s not really going to do much to stop ranged poke damage from killing the people behind Hog or D.va.

Balance changes aside, it’s their new balance philosophy that worries me the most. They want TTK to be faster and the game to feel more FPS-like. That’s just bad news for close-range heroes without guns, ergo tanks.


that’s not the problem, it’s free ult charge while dva or anyone with no shield rolls around gives vs rein, orisa, so on. This will make picking a shield tank over the others more viable for contesting and not feeding there brains out.

You’ll have close range every time, the game is obj based.

How is your team being wrecked by snipers, antinade, and earthshatter not a problem?

I just don’t think you can have overwatch with a fast TTK. How in the world are melee characters like Reinhardt and Brig supposed to get close enough to do damage in that kind of game? Two fire strikes for rein means nothing when rein dies extra fast now when he fire strikes and puts his barrier down.

A weaker barrier, two fire strikes and a charge he can stop on his own means absolutely nothing. Unless people really expect Rein’s to play in some suicidal “charge the point and hope you hit at least one person before you die” playstyle. Which, if they do, I’ll just drop the character altogether.


That would be another topic all together, I was trying to emphasize on how bad it looks and theory craft how bad it’ll be for say a dva main vs a rein. The topic is coming from a rein main.

An my main point was about shields vs none along with tanks being bullet sponges and feeding.

Well, incidentally here’s what I’d do with OW2.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

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The main concern for rational people is that rein is going to have 100 percent pickrate < 4k

I watched some of the vods from the time Blizz gave pro players the controls for an OW2 map and the Rein play was… abysmal. He was just… there, wandering around, not getting much value other than moving the payload. Zarya was much in the same boat. Her beam is too short range for the dynamics of the map which means all of her value will likely be bubble saves and skill-shot right-clicks - which isn’t all bad, it’s just a very limited playstyle.

The Winston play didn’t look horrible but there’s still the fact that when his bubble is down, he’s free ult charge.

I haven’t seen the DVa gameplay. I’d imagine she’ll fit in pretty well though, given her ability to get close to and finish-off week targets. I mean, DVa’s main role has always been denying kills/big ults (that she can eat) and running assassin missions on low targets.

Hammond should fair well enough for the same “get in the backline and kill” reasons he plays well now. Also, he’ll still be very disruptive, especially with less CC.

Orisa, might be okay. Posting on/near the objective with a bunker up for herself and a ranged dps/support shouldn’t be too bad of a playstyle seeing as that’s how she plays best now.

Sigma, might be okay. Having a mobile barrier could be very useful for peeling, mitigates his need to walk to where people need his barrier, and his mid-range poke should more reliable value than Rein/Zar/Winston who have to be face-to-face.

Hog is Hog, he’ll always be able to flank and frag.

Having more HP and shield HP is helpful but ya, my three favorites (Rein, Winston, Zarya) look like they’re in tough spots. Hopefully there’s more to the ‘final’ product of OW2 that we’re not seeing right now.

The low TTK is a good point too… The game already feels far different than when I started playing which was around s6 if memory serves, just after mass rez was reworked and dive was becoming king. On the dive meta note, I’m guessing OW2 (from current information) is going to look a LOT like that at all times meaning the first pick that doesn’t trade will likely win the majority of engagements with less ability to recover than there is in current OW.

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Hot take, but I think rein will be in the best spot in 5v5 than he’s been in since march this year. And he was only strong because he got several buffs, and orisa/sig hadnt been buffed yet

Don’t you always wanted to be a DPS?

But I know exactly what you mean. And just wait for a match were you unfortunately lose, and your team mates blame it on the tank.

Andy’s updates on hero balancing describes a respawn simulator. The way he makes it sound, that is exactly what they want to accomplish.

That is just bad news period. If they are going for traditional FPS, there are other titles that already do that very well. People play this game because it isn’t just another FPS.

Was it on a new map? It would be more beneficial to see them play the mod than the actual demo for ow2. map awareness and chokes are already established.

watching this atm:

Dominiant and requested? Maybe, is he going to be good pick? I doubt that.
People will want rein on their team, but heroes like zarya will be beating him up quite a lot.

A good Zarya does that now :sweat_smile:

Well, and lone rein will be even easier to melt by her, since he only gets more dmg less barriers, and zarya gets more bubbles to use on herself if needed if i remember right.

I was speaking more to the fact that a good Zarya will always be at an off-angle to your shield, making life impossible or at very least miserable