The State Of Overwatch Discussion

I too, an confused about the concept of a live service game and am actively hostile toward New Things.

Overwatch is as fun as ever……I can see it being boring if you one trick and only ever play comp….hell it sounds like a terrible way to play any game really

But playing for fun? I think OW provides you with PLENTY of options to be able to do so….if you choose to use them (I don’t think many do)


We’re done. Lol…

20 characters.

It’s going downhill imo, could go into detail but i’m quite sure we’re all up to date with what’s happening.

Company’s gotta change.

My youth and optimism, gone.

It’s not bad, but not very good either: several heroes need corrections or addressing, maps need slight updates, and lore could be progressed.

Honestly, only really reason I still play is to get all the achievements (missing 3 from Damage, 2 from Support, and 4 event)

Also just waiting for another hero shooter, like XDefiant, to come around to hop onto.

Well, I got off best guess as to where they could go for OW2
[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

Otherwise the current status of Overwatch is just waiting for the devs to transition to 5v5 game mechanics.

I’m just here for amusing drama, I don’t play and have no interest in the sequel.

Game was good at launch but I’ve seen how Blizzard games “evolve” lol, have fun with your mess.


Theyre keeping us in the dark we only have speculation and leaks to get anything. They promised us communication like 5x and never followed through. They just dont f-ing care about talking at all. Not even a simple update of “were not ready to show anything as of right now” like i have no idea what they want us to do other than just sit on this dying game and wait until they decide to talk to us which i dont see happening. Idk how they expect us to trust them with what they say anymore.

I mean the PVE is pretty solid, like the dark alley and the NPC running around the train.

The state of Overwatch for me is just stale.

There’s no huge balance issues, the game itself is a fun game – but with the lack of content updates it just gets plain repetitive after a while.

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I been away for about a year. PC caught fire, only recently been able to actually build a new one.

Game sucks. It is not stale for me at all, however queue times is near unbearable for me. How am I suppose to have fun when I have to wait 10+ minutes before being allowed to have fun? This is also simply for a QP game!

Also holy hell, the power creep is real!

Screw Genji! Changing how long deflect lasts and being able to cancel is the change I hate the most. Thought I still had my muscle memory but it turns out the devs just gave me the middle finger. Guess there is now nothing you can do to outplay deflect. I just wish they buffed his CD’s or damage or something else. Why mess with mechanics like that?

There are many other examples but I found Genji’s the most egregious even if it wasn’t the biggest buff by far.

Balance wise:

  • The Tank role is a mess (Orisa is underpowered, Rein + Zarya and Roadhog is all that’s being played, Roadhog and Hammond are, at a fundamental level, terribly designed, Tanks still remain CC magnets and extremely unattractive for the majority of the player base).

  • Many problems in the DPS role as well (Symmetra problems remain unfixed, Junkrat still is played mostly as a low skill - high reward spam character, Bastion, Doomfist and Mei’s primary fire are horribly - designed, Reaper has lost his problematic niche and is even countered by Roadhog, Pharmercy and McCree’s Fan the Hammer still remain as problematic and low skill - high reward as ever.)

  • Not many problems in the Support role (Moira still has no utility, Ana’s Sleep is way too powerful against Tanks and her Nade is too oppressive in general, Lucio and Zen still cause many problems, as they can handicap entire teams due to the lack of actual healing)

Besides the above, the matchmaker is anecdotally the worst it’s ever been, with stomps being 80% of Competitive matches played.

2CP and it’s maps are still in the game and are as much of a chore to play as ever.

LFG system absolutely abandoned, Priority Pass and Endorsement systems are absolutely pointless in the current state of the game.

Extreme lack of content, lack of communication, misguided decisions.

Yet Overwatch still remains irreplaceable and my favorite game ever. Will still keep playing it as much as I can, but unfortunately, if OW2 isn’t a big success, it’s sadly gonna be the end of the line for this amazing franchise.

The game is fun.
Competitive is hard and toxic.
Terrible lack of new content.
OWL is great.

Good game, the balance is not that bad. But…
We really, really need OW2 news.

Still playing it. But don’t really enjoy it like I used to.

Here before the Rigged Match Maker crowd.

All things considered, I think Overwatch is in a decent place. More content would be nice.

The new death match map will be fun for those of us who enjoy Death Match modes.

It’ll be interesting to see the public reaction when Overwatch 2 finally releases.

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I think it’s fine. I just think there are a lot of people who don’t actually want to play overwatch. They want to play a different FPS and instead of changing game they would rather just force Overwatch to be played how they want.

rubbish and broken just like how it’s been for a long time

I posted this in another thread, so I’ll just copy and paste it;

I love Overwatch. I’ve got several accounts and am a GM support player. I’ve played just about every day, for hours a day, after my full time day job, just for ‘fun’ since closed beta.

I don’t have fun anymore. In the last year or so, people join the channel I’m in on discord and they all love to laugh because they say no one hates a game they love as much as I do. In a given night I play, say, 10 games. Maybe two of them are ‘fun’ games, that I look back on afterwards and, win or loss, I think ‘that was a good time, and those were fun people to play with!’. It’s just not fun anymore.

The metas are stale stale stale. The fun and value on heros is getting thrown down the pipes. Heros that have been busted for months or, in some cases, years are just ignored. I’m pro role-queue, but inventiveness is just gone now within that, even. Every game you have boosters, smurfs, throwers, toxic maniacs or cheaters. Like, literally, every game suffers from at least one, probably more, of those problems.

My game area is Overwatch themed. Before covid, I would go to the Overwatch events -one of the highlights of my life truly was going to the first world up. It felt amazing. I feel foolish that I’m still surrounded by, and trying to hold on to, something I love so much when the people with the power to do something have all but ignored it.

I understand the OW1 team have moved to OW2. I understand the logistics going into making games. Several of my friends are in the game design industry (none with Blizzard though), so I can have a sympathetic ear. I understand the impact of the lawsuit. But OW2 will have no feet to stand on if OW1 totally dies out…and with the total lack of content we have gotten, it is dry. I love the events, but for the past two or so years whenever the same old expected ‘event’ (skin drop…) rolls around, I think ‘I would rather no event at all and just a regular balance patch.’.

I’ve been looking at the Overwatch patch notes recently, and going back at least a few years, we truly get maybe one sort of timid balance change a month. If we are lucky. It’s more like we get nine or ten small balance patches a year. That’s wild. The game starts to feel so incredibly stagnant…and Blizzard, who we all know is glacial at balance, tests them on ‘experimental’ first, so even then, when we get a proposed change it won’t go into effect for usually a week or two…and they’re always very wishy-washy changes. Instead of taking tiny tiny baby steps, take a stronger approach, and then don’t be afraid to change it if it goes wrong! If nothing else, at least it shakes up the game for a week or two while it gets sorted out.

I’m at the point where I think I would get OW2 no matter what when it comes out, and I think Blizz is banking on a lot of players like me. But the game is not getting any more hyped. The longer they are taking, the more sour view people are starting to have in regards to OW1…which without a doubt will carry over for OW2. If they were at least a little transparent and offered regular news or updates -something most big upcoming games do without question, it’s expected, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. But we are just left in this limbo of bad meta and a sprinkling of uninspired skins for the same old events. For years. The game can’t sustain this way.

  • 2019 when I started to play: it´s fine - worst part of the game: people
  • 2021 now: still fine - worst part of the game: still people…and Doomfist
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