Tanks should receive less critical damage

Been thinking this for awhile- but I really feel this is “part of the problem” for the tank role.

I feel tanks should take less critical damage.

It’s cool that tanks have bigger health pools and larger hit boxes themselves - they’re the Tank after all. The problem i feel is, especially because of those larger head hitboxes, there’s a lot of situations we’re seeing where tanks dont really end up being or feeling any more “survivable” because of how much extra spike damage they can easily see because of how much more likely it is to head shot them.

Critical resistance fits the tank role and idea of what it means / needs to be a tank in this game.

This could go a long way to helping tanks themselves feel tanky - without actually boosting their overall health pools and max amounts of damage they can receive. The goal would be to simply find some “middle ground” between the low and high end damage they can take, and reduce some of the high end instant spike damage they can take.


Agreed. I’d love to try out a version of the game where headshotting a tank only does 1.5x damage instead of double damage. Tanks don’t need to have ten thousand HP to feel tanky, they just need to be more resistant to spike damage.




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How did I miss this?

Check the date.

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Yeah, I wasn’t doing forum stuff back then. I was playing on console in those times.

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That’s what armor does.

That’s why Roadhog and Orisa have Fortify effects.

1.7x damage is probably the best you’ll get on average. With Fortify and similar effects immunizing or preventing critical hits, you’re not likely to see any lower than the standard.

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Sombra can single handedly ruin the game. Why tanks are so susceptible to this scumbag of a character is beyond idiotic

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Which is totally something all tanks have at all times, right?

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they should just take an overall less damage, because damage is still pretty high

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the problem is, blizzard gave them too much damage…so, if you make them too tanky, then they become WAAAY out of balance. hell, some of them are already way out of balance as it is.

But how do you balance this across all tanks? Because Wrecking Ball… would never die if this was a passive tank thing. Same thing if there was a global tank passive vs the DPS debuff. This is a mess.

If a tank is genuinely never dying- Adjust base health accordingly. Reducing critical damage serves largely to normalize the damage they receive, so theres more middle ground between the high and low values they take.

Which is why other defensive abilities exist to further reduce damage to zero or near zero.

But they can only do so for a limited amount of time. You’re not supposed to have infinite defenses or reductions or damage.

You mean how players often talk about how Orisa never dies when doubled supported? Doesn’t she already have one of the smallest health totals?

They already take less damage with armor. Maybe give critical resistance to tanks without armor, instead. Like Hog and Sigma.

That would make tanks stronger than they were prior to the DPS passive. Perhaps they could normalize their head size a bit. They should probably do that for EVERYONE outside of Widow/Ashe/Hanze to be perfectly honest.

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Says who? Why?

Again- If any particular tank genuinely “doesnt die” after such a change, tune their base health accordingly. The entire point would be to mitigate some of the spike damage tanks as a whole tend to be more susceptible to, very often resulting in tanks that feel anything but tanky.

Some of the tanks with armor are literally some of the ones we see dying the fastest.

Possibly. Really depends how far they took a passive of this type though. If it was only a 5% reduction? Arguably not. However, tanks have arguably been struggling “as a whole” before S9 anyways.

Use some of those critical thinking skills. I’m not here to give you every answer.

The tools are already there. Education may be needed to in order to understand what those tools are, but every Tank has them.

Translation: I cant explain my POV so i will instead insult you.

Coo coo cool. Have a good one champ.