I don't know why people thought widow

was gonna be fine even at 175hp.
she was still very problematic in ow1 in higher ranks and would hold games hostage even when we had 2 tanks, double shield and more ways to shut her down…
Her terrible game design is really shining through in 5v5.


Uh… not… really?
Unless by

you mean something like GM 4300+ it wasn’t that of an issue and even there she had counters - because big surprise, players there got that insane skill on the counters too.

It’s just my opinion but I didn’t have that much problems with Widow ever, tank or support. But that comes from the discipline of knowing LoS and playing it safe and also perhaps due to the fact I never played at those “higher ranks” a lot of complainers claim to be in.

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Widow players in gm would quite literally hold blizzard world, rialto, junkertown, havana, route 66, hollywood, and ilios ruins games hostage…

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Holy mother of god, do I hate those two maps for that specific reason.
Like I don’t blame the widow, I blame the map designers, they’re like bronze at map design, they never learn from their mistakes.


play Sombra and shot at widow head. (without hacks) so you wont get slow down.

and yeah widdow is and was broken, in fact you don’t need do full charge to kill 170-200 hp heroes.

For real. Every match I’ve had on Havana has been painful, if your DPS are losing the sniper duel your team is just giga screwed.

Only way to deal with it is a coordinated dive on the sniper but good luck getting any coordination in this game where people play like headless chickens.

Maybe have a bullet drop off for her (like snipers in most games) and we are all cool?

I think she shouldn’t be able to kill 200+ hp heros in one shot. I mean all of the 200+ hp hero’s see pretty much no play in the ranks where widow holds games hostage.

Mei would become a balanced widow counter. Pretty much the same ttk each way but Mei offers utility to the team.

I could have told you 3 years ago it would be a problem.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

Less time to do that when she’s picking off teammates repeatedly and has her ult up all the time. Though thanks to the 175hp and Sombra damage boost…this is actually doable unlike before.

I strongly agree with you. I request further weakening of her.

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