Why Mercy is an issue in OW2 (the civil version)

My man. Support has forever been the least represented element of any collaborative game. Be it MMOs or MOBAs. How tf are you expecting this will be the unicorn regarding this?

Ofc this game leans on dishonesty. They manage their matchmaker in a way that hides these elements and such.

It’s not honest, it’s just what’s to be expected. Over buffing the support role is not the answer.

Role Limits, and deliberately ignoring people who insist on Equal Impact per Role.

Also can you name me another shooter game that has Supports, and Role Limits, and Role Queue.

You can’t, because they don’t exist.

With zero justification to back that up, and zero alternative solutions around it.

OW2 Tanks, for example, as a lot more fun in OW2 to people who would have otherwise played DPS in OW1.

That should be plenty of evidence to show that you can make a Role more popular to FPS players by buffing it.

Another example, Paladins and Gundam. Perhaps the games with the most similarity to Overwatch, both have significantly more lethal and self sufficient Supports.

Additionally, League of Legends was able to fix a good chunk of their Support Unpopularity by…wholesale buffing the entire Support Role.

Yeah. The game is unique. Doesn’t mean it is any position to break the usual trinities and interactions between classes etc that you’re expecting it to.

Because we’ve played this game before. We’re already pretty much back at this paradigm. One shots taking over, removing the importance of healers.

There has to be a delicate balance between healing and damage, that goes beyond simply numbers but also mao geometry and sight lines and so much.

How can you argue that the answer to this games problems is a universal buff to support heroes when we know where that will go?

The way League of Legends is played is so insanely removed from how this game is played. It’s something to consider, sure, but none of these games are comparable.

You act like it’s not possible to nerf oneshot heroes. Or on some heroes like Sojourn/Hanzo just remove their oneshots.

And for real dude, I anticipated most the issues they are going through now, 3 years ago.

It’s old news to me and I’ve built up a library of solutions to deal with the actually substative issues.

I’ve probably looked at this type of stuff for like 600 hours, and you’re coming at me with your vague “well something would be better, but no idea what that is”.

✅ Next Experiment: 1-2-2 SoloTank

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

And if there are any remaining issues, at worst they probably only exist at ridiculously high ELOs where they can be solved with ban systems, or just nerfing problem heroes down to niche tier.

Hi! :wave: I used to be a League player and I can attest to how great the supports feel to play. They all have game-changing abilities and can hold their own when they need to. They’re also super impactful, and flexible in what you can do with them. League’s supports are miles better than Overwatch’s.


Good, because I only vaguely know about League.

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When have I ever acted like that? I’m totally down for that.

You act like the solution is buffing support universally. That makes no sense to me.

How are you gonna buff Ana and Kiriko in a way that doesn’t break the game?

League is also a completely different style of game than overwatch is. So what’s your point?

By intentionally going far enough to run into “game breaking” issues then solving the specific issue in a targeted way.

But generally the only game breaking issue in concerned about is “Too much Composition Durability” or “Too much Team Fight Duration”.

Which is easily fixable:

  • Lower Tank health
  • Lower Tank Healing Received
  • Convert their Armor into HP
  • Lower the effectivenes of Tank/DPS defensive/escape/sustain abilities
  • Raise the cooldown of Tank/DPS defensive/escape/sustain abilities
  • Buff Support Firepower
  • If the above doesn’t work, Lower some of the heals on Ana/Bap/Moira
  • Reduced amounts of OverTime

But overall, “Big Changes First, Fine Tuning Second” is the basics of game design. As demonstrated by the top balance guy for Warcraft 3 and League of Legends.

GameDev.net - Techniques for Achieving Play Balance

But overall, whatever it is basically bottomlines to

  • More Support Survival rates
  • Less Tank/DPS Survival rates

What’s the problem with current support survival rates?

Your entire approach is just boost supports to a higher degree than they are, while not establishing why that’s necessary.

Just make the game as easy as possible for supports for no reason other than Q times, and sort it out from there. This is not a solution.

They aren’t a problem necessarily.

It’s just a side-effect pretty much anything that would cause a big increase in Support Popularity would be the type of thing that would also increase their survival, I.e. More lethality, more mobility, more sustain, faster Ults etc.

And that side-effect would need to be cancelled out.

So basically just make supports so broken they’re undeniably the most desirable role to play. Then sort it out from there. Seems ridiculous to me.

Imagine being a Master player, who can calculate the enemies’ skill timings of Suzu, Nade, but still can’t snipe off a careless Mercy who shows her head off, or focus fire on high-risk rez. /s

Well like I said above, I’ve never gotten a straight answer on why “Broken by Open Queue Standards” should matter in Role Queue over the last 3 years.

And I’ve had this type of discussion at least 1000 times.

And just spamming vague phrases like “Broken” without going into detailed specifics just comes off as people having no clue what they are talking about.

Am I wrong? You’re asking for supports to be made brokenly OP, for the sake of Q times, and we adjust from there?

Like idgaf. I’m down for that as my most played role is support.

This seems like a really a narrow sighted approach tho.

If you can’t actually talk about specific gameplay mechanics like “Too much Composition Durability”, and all you got is vague phrases like “broken”.

Then you probably have no idea what you’re talking about.

I want the patch that will make Mercy get ran over by Tuck-kun and she can be isekai’d into either Doom or Diablo.

Why tf are you trying to argue you’re considerate of the overall health while so strongly arguing all supports should be buffed?

Do you really want to get into a game of identifying ignorance and questioning each other’s ability to discuss what we know with me?

Don’t play this game with me, Falcon, please. I’ve tried to be considerate.