LifeWeaver, and "Just dive the sniper"

How about a hypermobile and aerial DPS with 250 base health, +200 bonus health, regeneration, an uninterruptible get-out-of-jail free card, cleaving AOE damage, a stun, a one-shot, multiple displacements, a partial root, all with some of the lowest average cooldowns in the game that could be cycled almost constantly.

Then we compare that to a 175 health hero with normal interruptible mobility and no cleaving damage on their one-shot that requires pin-point precision and charge time?

I know which one I’d rather have in the game. I’d be VERY interested in you sharing your PERSONAL replays that demonstrate the Widow you are describing constantly on this forum.

Sometimes a challenge is fun, that’s why we play Dark Souls.

If it does end up helping snipers even more, I hope they just finally gut them like they deserve. I’m so sick of them lmao

Agreed 100% Lifeweaver is certainly a new design and I for one am very excited to see how he plays.

Nah just a dude not playing the game with enough time on hands thinking about how do I make everything about sniper.

He is on path to get justice for hog.

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U really hate snipers ya? That’s why I love playing sniper all day long


  1. I’m a somewhat resentful Hog main who figured if oneshots combos are a problem, then oneshots are just generally a problem. But if it were just that’d I’d be salty, but a lot less verbal about it.
  2. But more generally I see an opportunity to really ramp up the player retention in Overwatch before PVE launches. And as you can tell by the massive post count, I’m kinda invested in the overall success of the game franchise.
  3. But really none of this is particularly new to me. I’ve been talking about this stuff since before 5v5 beta was even announced. And one of the main criticisms I had for 1-3-2 and “SuperHog” meta was all the sniper spam.
    [OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

You do realize that “Dive” implies a coordinated strike by multiple players

Not Winston solo-inting simply to die to team focus fire?

Saying dive but implying only one player is engaging is disingenuous to the actual concept, and probably a reason most people don’t understand how the game works.


I’m aware, but this is mostly just an extension of “Just one more way Sniper counterplay in Overwatch is going to be really un-enjoyable compared to other FPS games.”.

To be fair someone should be.

I mean they were all mum when nerf was announced for hog and instead of asking for reverts like mercy mains or asking something worthwhile in return, they want other heroes ruined.

Well a lot of people also want widow to be nerfed. She is more oppresive than Hog

Then again, I hate when the enemy team has a widow and we got hog. She kills the rest of us while the hog is chilling at point

Honestly , i dont think theres anything the dev could ever do without upsetting some 1 like op
Omg new mechanics ? So you mean that i have to adapt ? WHAT IS THIS

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I wasn’t being that active around then, so I’ll have to take your word on it.

Personally, I think they did hog real dirty, and I was SURE they would have a rework out by now, rather than leave him with his god awful win rate.

But here we are.

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Sidewalk Piglet does not deserve justice. He should burn in hell for what he did.

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I fought hard for hog and roadhogtime did too budhha just seemed depressed, gf didn’t even bother.

Others a lot were just happy.

It’s honestly bad what they did to hog.

Look at him explain below how his only goal is to buy yacht for Bobby.

Why do you think that is?

No disagreement from me, I expect when he comes back it will be a glorious day.

I find it seriously weird this stuff from team 4, we don’t have enough tanks for one to be basically removed from the game.

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Is not that a worse nerf than what they have made also its from reddit co sub.

Man no one even bothers there except for talking about eSports.

For me they could have gone with openq hog health and reduced breather heal a bit and he would have dropped in pr.
Without losing identity.

Well yeah, I was personally suggesting a worse nerf to the hero I main, than what the devs went with. Because it was better for the overall health of the game at the time.

Hog was basically fixer hero for tanks when you don’t get heals.or dps couldn’t deal with something, he was never a great tank but was a fallback to have sanity.
Moira is like that in support and dps have a few like soldier , mei used to be.

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