[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

I see my pleas have been heard XD

Best change they could give her in ow2 imo

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I don’t see any Tracer / Genji nerfs though now that CC is rightfully becoming much more limited in general.


I was thinking about it, but then decided it’s easier to just leave Brig/Sombra anti-flanker capabilities mostly the same.

Avoids the whole need to nerf the crap out of flankers.

You’re fired. Get out.


Same thing as what I said before.
He’d be great as a Main Tank, for the top 2-5% of players.

But that’s not worth making him a “I’m throwing the game and reporting you because you picked Hammond” for +90% of the other ELOs.

Think of how bad most ELOs are at coordinating on EMPs.

Now think of something similar, without a large obvious visual, that needs to be reacted to by a majority of the team in less than 1.0sec.

That’s the kind of performance level needed by Hammond’s team to qualify as “main tanking”.

That basically does not exist outside the top 5% of teams.

Take Winston/D.va comps, a relatively lower teamplay comp, for example, here was Jeff’s opinion on that:

That said, if appealing to the vast majority makes some people unhappy about the game, even to the point of quitting. Oh well. Devs should do whatever option gives them the biggest playerbase.

I’m totally fine if the game loses 1% of players to gain/regain/maintain an additional 2% or more.

And actual genuine “Main Tank Hammonds”, who actually function as a Main Tank, are probably less than 0.1% of the total playerbase.
And less than half of them would quit over it.

Do you really think devs are gonna hold +90% of the players hostage, because at maximum 0.05% of the players quitting?

That’s a community problem, not a game design problem.

I would say more like top 10%, but it’s an awful idea to remove him from the tank roster just because most of the community has a low IQ. It won’t happen anyway so I have little interest in continuing this conversation. At least hammonds kit has tanking abilities. Hog is the only tank that should be moved to dps. The only thing that makes him a “tank” is he’s fat.


You’re decent at math, right?

So the top 10%, where Tanks make up probably 15% of the total players, where outside of a Hammond meta he gets played as a Main Tank maybe 10% of the time, and at best maybe 30% of the time on a Hammond meta and then at worst maybe 1/2 of them quit.

0.1×0.15×0.3×0.5×100 = 0.075% of the playerbase
0.1×0.15×0.3×0.5×100 = 0.225% of the playerbase

Do you it’s a smart “business decision” to piss off +90% of your playerbase, because 0.1%-to-0.2% might quit?

Do you think the devs would look at losing 5% of their current+potential playerbase, in order to maintain maybe 0.1%? If they talked to their Finance department they’d be super happy about that decision?

Well yeah there is that too.

Would probably cut the numbers in half if you added Quickplay.

The top 10% of ranked players is not even remotely close to actual 10% of the total population of the game.


please leave the balancing to the developer

this is the worst balancing i have ever read in a while


I like it except the hammond part and deflecting mei ult and the flashbang part

my birthday is nearing soon and i would reeeaaally love if you’d stop trying to make hammond a dps, thanks.
At least don’t write the comments like someone who clearly has no clue how hammond and tanks in general operate. Seriously, it’s heartbreaking.

the article is a massive nothingburger tho and the article is written with too much of a provocative tone to be taken seriously.


Do you really think if I went deep into high tier Hammond guides on main tanking, their guidance would be “Hammond Main tanks without requiring his team to rapidly coordinate on his CC’ed targets”?

I mean, I could be dead wrong about that, but I really really doubt it.

I guess Hammond and Rein are just antagonist Tanks.

While Rein provides a structure for his team through the barrier that grants cover against an angle and that is intuitive to play gathered with him and follow him around, Hammond, in the other hand, provides disruption of the enemy structure, booping and knocking up enemies, “ping-pong” them, displacing them from cover and exposing them through off angles, so that’s less intuitive to follow up, he doesn’t provide cover or structure for his own team, and that requires more positioning knowledge, use of environmental cover and coordination to take advantage of the off angles.

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Well there’s this from Geoff Goodman during ama

For me, in the short term, i’d say the biggest misconception I see about 5v5 and 1 Tank being that off-tanks are being removed, changed, etc. But really, many off-tank heroes are getting tankier, and many main tank heroes are getting less tanky and more damage/options, so really the new Tanks are somewhere in-between MTs and OTs.

If anything, I would guess that off-tanks would have an easier time adjusting to OW2’s new Tank role than main-tank players.

I don’t think he was only one to say something along those lines though


Yeah but why, that takes a huge amount of skill out of tank to deny enemy ults.
This is a very dumb forum post with a lot of dumb suggestions

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I like these quite a bit


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hammond is almost completely self sufficient, he doesn’t take ungodly coordination to work properly. Among the dive tanks he’s the one that can more reliably jump the backline, kill a key target and roll away. He literally is the tank that will need the least amount of changes to translate into 5v5 and you want to make him into a dps because you’ve convinced yourself he’s utterly useless anywere but pro play.

Most of the perception comes from the fact people have been conditioned into thinking “tank = barrier” something that ow2 is moving away from the most. Making him a dps would make him busted unless you completely rework his kit from the ground up. Same stuff with roadhog.

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If it was remotely close they would be dropping hints and get players excited. I believe it is still over 2 years away. However by then it will be to late to save the franchise. Overwatch will be a small blip in the history of gaming.


ill re-hire you if you make mei a tank :wink:

I’m a Hog main, so I understand Tanking that isn’t a barrier.

But Hammond getting a kill in the backline, or surviving without much heals, doesn’t really describe the utility he provides to his team.

If he’s not giving his teammates a positioning advantage, then he’s not main tanking.