Damage creep has finally crept up

You’ve never seen that joke before huh?


All damage continues and remains fairly static. This is false.

It’s factually not. .

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was just saying this, heal and damage have crept too much, nobody dies if supports are up and you die near instantly if you dont have a support

I said this really early on, but that’d be a great reason to make an “overwatch 2”. We could have removed snipers, anti, and generally rebalanced the whole game to improve on what people found annoying in OW1. We could have even completely removed characters and reintroduced them later on down the line. Like replacing Hog with Junkerqueen, and then release the reworked Hog when he was ready.

But nope! Battlepasses, baby!

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I mean, I was saying this about 5v5 before OW2 Beta was even announced :stuck_out_tongue:

Granted, it’s not that difficult to figure out that if you remove a bunch of barrier spam, that Snipers and Antinade will be a lot stronger.

Also because that’s what happened with 1-3-2 and “SuperHog” meta.

✅ Next Experiment: 1-2-2 SoloTank
[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

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sustain is still stronger. Some dps like Cassidy need buffs to be on support levels of power

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I agree with the first two, but not the third. Health is the constant that TTK revolves around. Lower it along with damage and healing, and everything stays the same.

Show me on the patch notes when and where Lucio’s Damage increased.

  • Where Mercy’s damage increased.
  • Where Moira’s damage increased.
  • Where Torbjorn’s damage increased.
  • Where Genji’s damage increased.
  • Where Cassidy’s damage increased.
  • Where Ashe’s damage increased.
  • Where Reeaper’s damage increased.
  • Where Echo’s damage increased.
  • Where Widowmaker’s damage increased.
  • Where Hanzo’s damage increased.
  • Where Junkrat’s damage increased.
  • Where Wrecking Ball’s damage increased.
  • Where Pharah’s damage increased.
  • Where Sigma’s damage increased.
  • Where D.va’s damage increased.

If you cannot show where a majority of heroes saw direct damage increases to their primary fires, there is no power creep in terms of damage.

It’s support players crying that a dps can actually contest them now that Tracer got her damage buffed to 6.

There was also the Sombra and Hog reworks along with Meow-Ga. I feel those are probably a bigger reason that people are bringing up damage creep at the moment.

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true ig. I never minded tanks doing damage really. It’s always been their broken sustain like Sigma with a shield, defense matrix, CC with the poke damage overkill. Then them buffing the hell out of take a breather. When Junkerqueens shout was completely broken and forced a goats like meta in the start of OW2.

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Game is unplayable right now. Damage creep was always a problem, but the dam has collapsed and the town below is flooded.

Just played like 7 matches, and they were all absolutely miserable.

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Damage creep was always a problem at the start of Ow 2.

One less tank to mitigate dmg, DPS get passives, buffs and so on.

Again though, this is a 5v5 issue. They can keep playing with the numbers for 8 seasons in a row or admit that 6v6 had less problems and start all over.

It is what it. Just have fun melting things until they nerf something irrelevant on a heroes kit.

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played two ranked matches and they were more fun then any match the prior season.

was diffing a Tracer in the mirror for them to go torb, Brig. Switched to Cass and farmed them in the first match.

2nd match was super close both teams going into overtime. We held them farming the whole team as soldier 76. they had 2 minutes and 36 seconds to attack, we had 1 minute the clutch was real. Genji/ Tracer on attack worked out.

What is your baseline point for this damage creep? The power level of meta DPS is certainly not stronger than launch, or most points in OW1. The power level of tanks is higher but mitigated by the fact that there is only 1 of them so their impact is lower. The power level of Supports is certainly higher but is that really what we are talking about?

Nah, Reaper’s got less damage than he had in OW1. But everyone else though, yeah…

You know it’s real bad when the guy known for high burst damage is the worst character in the game.

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Why should we do tierlist balancing, as if DPS and Supports are on the same tierlist?

Winston does damage?

The fact that they sat on flats’ stream and with FULL CONFIDENCE said Bastion isn’t a problem for the game, WHEN WE ALL WATCHED THE OW WORLD CUP, feels very insulting to our intelligence. This balance team does not play the game and honestly shouldn’t be trusted in another game company. I don’t know if tis arrogance or ignorance but this is just ridiculous now.