It's official: Sym is being ignored again

Again with the drama.

You know what I’m going to go say about that. Right?

If your feedback didn’t happen any time in the last week. It doesn’t count.

If your feedback isn’t written in a way to grab attention for a short attention span reader, before they dig into the details. It doesn’t count.

Go make something like this:

[OW2] Symmetra Powershift Fix

Or do you not really care about Symmetra, and just wanna focus on being a

Translation “we hear all you junkrats and syms whining and realize yiu won’t stop until we do something. We don’t really want to but will try to figure out a change that won’t really do anything but seem like we tried.”

Or you know, they’re just not revealing all of the details of what they have planned way ahead of schedule.

They’re focused of Support Heroes right now.

I question how they spent 3+ yrs on this rework of game & didnt think a hero made to benefit from shields wouldnt get weak from removing shields…

wtf have devs been doing all this time :expressionless:

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If the Metro leaks are to be believed, none of the PVP reworks for existing heroes was being worked on at all until about late August 2021.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

Heck, they might not have even really gotten started until mid-September after the OWL season running on an early OW2 PVP beta was confirmed.

And then you had holidays, COVID, and Kotick scandals getting in the way.

that just makes it worse as still no excuse for a near 1 yr of work.

you could have a person who never played OW, tell em syms kit’s shield focus, and they would tell you shes gonna drop liek a rock.

I think it’s more accurate to say

But, you are right in that Sym is being acknowledged, and looked at for buffs. That’s great! But if it just brings her back in line with her OW1 strength, it’ll be bitter-sweet.

This is a beta. There’s no obligation that every hero has to be at a release state of polish right now.

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This beta is intended to look at hero balance however. They stated as much.

The way I see it, upper management gave Overwatch crappy budgets, scared off good talent with bad pay, mistreatment, and frustrating micro-managing. As well as having them work on dumb side projects that never got launched.

But yeah, it’s outrage inducing, but I wouldn’t blame the Overwatch team for all the nonsense they’ve had to put up with. Including having entire subteams quit in protest, need to get replacements rehired and retrained from scratch.

But they are behaving better now, and any day now the Microsoft/Blizzard merger might get approved by the federal government. And then Kotick and friends are out the door.

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they expect a yr before it gets approved/disapproved.

thats not soon xD

Twitter buyout took the FTC like 3 weeks.

Blizzard be like: “Oh you’re a Sym main? Lol, sucks to be you.”

So you are saying, that the only 2 heroes they mentioned to be looked up next, are being ignored? I dont think I understand english here properly because them LITERALLY pointing out that means the exact opposite.

How are you getting from A to Z to get exactly to the wrong conclussion?

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yes, but that isnt a popular gaming studio buying another popular gaming studio.

and again MS themself are ones who said it expects a yr

the fact that they have acknowledged it would suggest she’s not being ignored personally don’t think she needs a major rework just minor tweaks, like more or better turrets/faster weapon charge. no need to panic just yet :smiley:

think its just a case of they didn’t expect so much of a drop off when the masses got to play.


"they’re on our radar for future adjustments and continued monitoring" quite literally means they’re not being ignored. It’s just not the thing they’re currently/actively working on.

How about this then?

Incidentally related news

Yes it’s concerning the PVP side which is very similar to the live game only had 1 new character. Admittedly they’ve reworked most Tanks and some DPS for 5 v 5 but the changes aren’t 3 years worth of changes. Maybe 2 if we’re being generous.

It’s definitely an internal company culture problem causing delays. I do think the ship is slowly turning and we’re on the right path again after wandering around lost for quite a while.

The switch to a more ‘live service’ game business model should help at the very least so we don’t see the content desert we’ve been seeing.