Lol fair. I often take this stuff too seriously.
And yeah, I would work at Blizzard. But I fear I’d basically have to take a paycut, and sell my condo, and work a junior position.
But back in highschool I wanted to get into game design, but figured the industry doesn’t have much job security. Which is really the case now.
But for the heck of it I wrote a resume, looking to take Geoff Goodman’s old job. And had somebody at Blizzard review the resume. But they politely pointed out how I don’t really have any professional experience. And I don’t know if I wanna go through all the hassle to learn those skills, even if the financial stuff made sense.
As for the boost player numbers, that’s because Overwatch has basically been my hobby project. Kinda Fantasy Football Game Dev simulator on tryhard mode.
Like here’s a sloppy list of some of the “Isn’t that a coincidence” stuff.
More like "They should put in hero mastery challenges that with a 3d representation of what that would look like
Or that Kiriko should use a Kunai, in a clip with dual wielding. Suggesting it should be “Basically Genji but with Kunais”. Then later suggesting that they can make Supports put out damage that high ELO can respect, by giving them a higher headshot modifier.
. And the game in question has a Fox girl, that weirdly summons a fox spirit, wears a red/white shinto priestess outfit, and can use kunais and ofuda paper charms as projectiles.
Or how about an ability that grants lifesteal to other teammates.. Like what Mauga has.
Or how about JunkerQueen, having mechanics based on this hero that has a AOE Shout, Swings a Guitar around for melee, and can throw their melee out at an enemy and it can hit on approach and return, and it applies a status effect.
Or with Sojourn, how about the idea of a deployable heal station, to offload the Support’s healing responsibilities so they can focus on damage. Or just merely guessing she’s going to have a charge beam rifle. Which I specifically think will look like this.
Or how about a “Window” you shoot through that changes the damage properties of the attacks shot through it?
Or even weirdly specific stuff like Junkrat getting an victory pose where he drinks a green boba drink.
- Early Role Queue Concept, and a few weeks before Jeff announced Role Queue
- Role Queue and Open Queue as separate queue options
- Animated Mockups of Role Queue, with Quickplay Classic
- Preemptively hyping up the entire r/COW community about Role Queue off an ambiguous Slasher clip
- 5v5 Solo Tank game mode with Role Passives
- Bruiser Role Queue
- A list of “What Takes should be like in a Shooter” i.e. Heavies
- What Open Queue could look like
- Patching the game way faster by using ServerSide variables
- Cancel the Match if you get an AFKer in the first minute
- Where to put a Middle East server
- How they could fix OWL Token drops by using a Blizzard owned website
- Dev selected Hero Pools for OWL
- Fix for Hero Pools by limiting it to GM
- Had this 2CP fix concept which involved splitting each Capture Point to it’s own round. Although it was for Quickplay.
- Less Hero Pools tickets for less pickrate heroes
- AFK Changes, VGS System which would need all those voicelines we got, and a Priority Pass System
- Saying Jon Spector should replace Pete Vlastelica as the head of OWL
- Saying Craig/WyomingMyst/Kaedi should be hired on to the PR team.
- Posted a guideline for an OWL OW2 earlier PVP edition During the 2 weeks between the Metro Leak, and when the OWL OW2 earlier PVP edition was announced. Notabely, I skipped pretty much all the Support reworks, except for Brig, down in the comments. Because it would cut the workload down by a lot.
- Suggested a OWL Players preview with Drops, Streamer Closed Beta with Drops, and then Limited Open Beta way back in 2020
- Have an anniversary event where they bring back limited event skins
And how they could have easily avoided GOATs without RoleQueue…
Or how about 5CP on a mirrored version of Hanamura? Like the new Game Mode, Clash
Or maybe take that 5CP mode, and turn it into a Push-Pull-Payload map. Like the current game mode, Push.
Or how about a game mode about “Heroes vs Villains”? Like the upcoming game mode listed by Aaron at BlizCon.
Or most the changes to Roadhog. Including the recent changes.
Or Mercy should have 50hps due to her healing per round, as well as Mercy should have 25% of her healing dealt received back as a selfheal, or Mercy should have her new superjump control scheme exactly like this. Along with thinking backwards GA will be a thing.
Or Widow should have 175hp and the equivalent of 17% slower charge speed.
They should have a ping system, where the ping rotates where it’s pointing to.
Or Junkrat should have more frequent usages of Concussion Mine.