H*lldivers 2 vs Overwatch

Which again is my point, your collective projected perception is why it’s “bad”.

It’s why all games are hyperbolically considered “bad” at some point or another even if they’re really not that bad.

Things can always be better, that doesn’t mean they’re “bad”. It’s almost at the point where I honestly don’t believe many players have actually played a truly bad game before.

I know I’m really tired of the laser focus on PVP.
Time for the heroes to actually start saving the world.

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I remember when you just bought a game and owned it. IMO OW’s model should be limited updates, release sequel for more content. This live service model has got to go.

Well I would backtrack and say that more than PvP I think the fatigue is on the competitive. Since Gundam Evolution I started thinking people is tired of forced balance upon competitive and the game being dictated by pros, people want casual PvP aka going crazy with crazy abilities.

This game actually tries to enforce competitive despite having no competitive.

Because, as it turns out, no one really cares about “involving woke culture”. Even if you think that’s why HD2 is good for whatever godforsaken reason. Who believes that? I know, you do, apparently, but like… why…

It’s good because it’s a good game. “Woke culture” doesn’t make games bad, nor does it make games good. It only makes people not like games if they strongly disagree with the politics.

You say that. But as somebody who spent 300+ hours looking for ways to resolve that issue.

No, there wasn’t.

You were stuck in a catch 22 where you couldn’t buff Tanks, or else compositions would get too durable.

And if you nerfed Tanks, then they would lose further popularity.

It was a paradox.

And magical handwaving at a paradox, doesn’t actually fix it.

Also, I did ask for 5v5 with Role Passives.


Because in Overwatch 1, you bought the game for $40 and for less than $1000 investment (or 3-4 years of grinding) you could unlock everything and experience everything the game had to offer.

Switch to OW2 and the removal of the original $40 pricetag suddenly somehow suppose to justify a 1000% increase in price for the rest of the game. $10 000 (or 130+ years of grinding) for cosmetics and access to PvE events. That is unacceptable.

It makes me want to uninstall the game every time I think about it, how many BILLIONS Overwatch 1 earned and it still wasn’t enough they still need more to milk from us and they use every shameless tactic to make us feel like this is normal. It’s not. This isn’t what makes the game sustainable, this just drives players away, this just causes throwing, afk-ing and rampant ragequitting. I’d understand a double in pricing to triple in pricing to make up for the lack of box-price, but TEN TIMES increase in microtransaction costs with no feasable way to bypass it with time-investment is insane and unfair.


I never got into comp not even in Splatoon 2 and 3, too me that’s too much pressure for something I would play casual as I don’t want just play those games all day to increase a rank but rather, like you said, go crazy with the abilities and PVE for me is the perfect, I can use Mei’s ice wall to block enemy reinforcements or protect a player who has the heavy battery, PVE is where heroes like Mei get to shine,

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I mean… I have no idea what credentials you personally have of solving the problem no matter how much time you spent on it.

Just because you supposedly spent 300+ hours and couldn’t figure out, means absolutely nothing and definitely doesn’t mean that the problem couldn’t be solved. Especially if you don’t have the means to even try to make changes and see what would happen in a vacuum away from the game to test it out.

Besides, look at the results we have now. Tanks playing rock paper scissors multiple times a game to counter each other. This is solving the issue?

The biggest problems with 6v6 and tanks not having fun had a lot to do with things not related to tanks themselves.
CC was the biggest complaint for everyone, but especially tanks (and especially dive tanks).
When OW2 launched, they removed a bunch of CC.
No more Mei simply freezing you in place, Cass’s stun, Brig Shield bashing you every 6 seconds.
This was one of the biggest complaints as to why a lot of Tanks hated playing Tank role. They’d go in and get cc’d to death without being able to move the entire time.

So just by removing a bunch of cc alone would have helped fixed the problem. I’m sure some other minor tweaks would have gone a long way in making the Tank role more fun and cutting out the queue time.

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It means you better have an extremely concrete solution, and not just wishful thinking.

But sure, it’s possible I just didn’t see a solution.

I just gave an easy start off point.

Remove a lot of CC is a huge step. By itself may not be enough, but it’s going to resolve a huge chunk of the problem.

I personally didn’t have any issues playing tank in OW1 and enjoyed it. So I would have to revert to what other tank players hated the most. CC was the thing I heard the most complaints on and that change has already been implemented.

So, I’d start there and then watch to see what the next biggest complaint is for tank players and resolve that issue.

Perhaps, but that gets you 20% more Tank players, not 200% more Tank players

To be fair its doing the same amount as overwatch is, which is still quite minimal, there was something related to trans things added, someone complained about it on their discord, and they got insta gibbed away, theyre about as pro-“woke” as blizzard is.

Going f2p does get you 200% more tank players regardless their state.

I thought the game’s core was poking fun at the military industrial complex


Many people just not are made for Overwatch. Its the only pvp shooter I play anymore. There are many pve that good though for different experiences.

cept this doesnt matter

apex is a spin off of titan fall, ppl wanted titan fall 3 but they instead got apex legends. sure you can still play titan fall 2 if u really wanted but sometimes a “sequel” comes around thats the same game as before with a number on it

that is a fairly common practice, its a stupid practice but people buy those games. atleast ow2 is free to play

cuz it could be like CoD or madden, were you pay 70$ every year to play the same game over and over

you also get better rewards in the overwatch battlepass, the mythic skin would be 200$ if it were released in apex but we get it for 10$ + the other cosmetic’s

its not the best montization system but its also not the worst, by a long shot

this is what i mean when i said people just make things up to complain about overwatch

imagine being upset the battlepass in overwatch is the primary thing being sold instead of being a loss leader to convince people to try and buy the 200$ skin

because thats what the bp is in most games, its a loss leader thats intentionally designed to get you to play so they can sell you the good cosmetic’s

overwatch doesnt do that, so it has no incentive to give us free currency in the bp when they know most people arnt going to buy the normal skins.

id love if overwatch was just super nice to us and they gave us all this free stuff but the thing is they have to make money, and alot of it infact, to justify making all the new content like new heroes, maps and modes

above all else you need to move on from the loot box era of the game, this is reality and if you dont like that then stop playing the game

cuz thats the only way this stuff gets changed.

There was a more concise vision of the game at one point, but the community didn’t play the game that way.

The game was designed with counterpicking in mind and group play, not mainly solo queuing. They’ve tried, and continue try, moving the game more toward how the player base plays it, but it just doesn’t work well.

I think part of the problem is that Overwatch has no real way of teaching players how to play, so many players just want to jump in and kill stuff. They don’t want to waste time watching YouTube videos on how to play.

Actually that part is fine, it’s mostly like giving people the fantasy they want out of a role.

Is more or less kind of what a lot of people don’t like when tanks are less sustain machines, and supports can’t like fix every issues with healing.

And just that rubs a lot of people the wrong way when those things are changed.

I’d imagine most players actively playing overwatch don’t actually think the game is bad.

At least in the sense like bad enough to stop playing.

It’s more as if like there’s bad things that I wish could be better and sometimes you know they can be sometimes whatever you wanted already existed in the first dang overwatch.

I’ll often say like FF14 is bad and overrated at times which I mean I play ff14 so obviously I don’t find it that bad I just wish the game had more content that tailored specifically to my needs rather then the casual or super hard core crowd.

People tend to know all the reasons something is bad the longer you play it, but who better to criticize something then someone actively playing it.

I don’t think overwatch though is a bad enough game to not play but it’s annoying that stuff doesn’t get better when it seems easy to do or exists in other media.

Easy example is Diablo 4 stash. Lost epoch stash is light years better if the small indie company can do it? Why can’t my triple A developer with micro transactions do it.

Micro transactions wouldn’t even tick me off if the majority of the funds went back into the game for fixing issues which is something that makes me think overwatch is bad. You give these people money and you can’t even get balanced match making or new maps on time.

Even with all the bad though ow is still overall a great game that o enjoy nearly daily for 8 years. So I mean it’s not that bad.

Even if you stop playing it doesn’t necessarily mean the game is bad tastes change honestly I’m surprised this game held my attention this long