Here is how to buff tanks and net buff Ana/Sombra

Give tanks a 50% reduction time and effect to all game effects that includes CC and all negative effects.

This would help Hammond and Hog the most who are bottom tier atm , Hammond is too easily countered by Sombra making him not viable and hog is too easily countered by Ana and Zen.

This would be a indirect nerf to Sombra and Ana so for compensation.

Give Ana piercing shot so that her heals also penetrate and would also do damage at the same time to the first enemy Dps that it hits.
This would be a net buff for Ana.

Also reduce Sombras hack time by 50% to all non tank heros.
This would ne a net buff for Sombra despite her hack being worse vs tanks.

Don’t let this guy on the balance team.

So you entire post history is basically posting toxic comments to everyones ideas?
Nice life you have

Haters gonna hate… :weary:

Sounds good to me.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint