Don't buff heals. Nerf damage

Nope, that’s what they want. No tension, no drawn out teamfights, no excitement, no high drama. Just everything dead in 10 seconds, repeat until victory screen.

Much fun. :yawning_face:


I agree with you, you really feel this if you main Roadhog. He just gets melted as soon as you peek a corner.

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I don’t think they will do much about Tanks and DPS. Seems like they are mostly happy with where they are at.

At most Soldier will probably get nerfed a bit.

And maybe Lucio might lose some sort of value, so that other Healers have a chance of getting picked instead of him.

But that said, the sky is the limit on Healers right now.

Healers are the new queue time bottleneck. And despite devs trying to address that, that’s probably going to continue to be the case after launch.

If anything, devs are probably gonna be dumping all kinds of buffs on the Support role, until they are happy enough.

Some of which may be more healing. But really they are probably up for anything at this point.

And there’s a lot of room for healer buffs, without compositions becoming anywhere near as durable as DoubleBarrier or GOATs.

So while asking for widespread nerfs is probably not gonna do anything.

Now, is the time to be harassing the devs for very specific healer buffs. With very detailed justifications.

They are very impressionable on that subject right now. I’m kinda surprised more Support players aren’t acting like design concept lobbyists right now.

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Like 90% of that is SleepDart and AntiHeal.


It’s a lot of other things too, like discord, hanzo spam, etc.

Even if you don’t get anti-healed or slept, it still feels like you need a healer on your a** 24/7 as Roadhog. Even with his self-heal.

Maybe Roadhog is just weak rn idk :man_shrugging:

Well, as somebody who wrote probably the most Roadhog design posts on the entire community.

I’m just kinda waiting until after sleep dart and antiheal get changed, to begin allowing myself to reengage in the Roadhog balance design puzzle.

But yeah, Roadhog is probably the weakest Tank with the fewest changes in the OW2 beta.

That said, I did have some ideas for Hanzo.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

True. One character making him literally unplayable is too much for just a “counter-pick”.

Yup. Basically Brig/Tracer all over again.

That said, if they for whatever reason, end up keeping AntiHeal, they could just make it so that TakeABreather is a cleanse.

Similar to how Mei can shrug off an AntiHeal.


I don’t know what they can add to support as tanks take a lot of the abuse so they end up needing a lot of healing. That healing takes up quite a bit of your time.

It might honestly be better if healing was more “set and forget” like Lucio and Zen to enable more time to be spent outside of healing the tank.

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Interesting. Imagine if she had a cooldown ability on her Reload button that was like a 100hps full-heal buff. But taking any damage cancelled the buff.

Which character are we talking about?

I think if we had a maximum heal potential of maybe 35/40 single target and 15/20 AoE then it would be fine as an active HoT buff. Add to the tank passive that they receive 150% healing from outside sources so the maximum they would get is 120 hps from a combined effort.

So that healing would be considered utility which gives supports more options for buffing/debuffing/damage/etc.

Mercy. The idea being it would be a set-it-and-forget-it ability that would be very high heals, but would be nearly useless during combat, since taking 1 point of damage would shut it off.

Soldier is busted I’ll give you that, but sojourn is like b- tier at best and Hanzo just got a nerf and is pretty middling. Also removing the ohk on those heroes would make them pretty much useless.

Nah, that would be just frustrating on both ends.

Funny thing I thought about regarding how “hard” it is to make new supports, now I’m not saying this should happen but look at the newest character. Lower her primary damage and some of the AoE damage then change the secondary shot to be a 75-100 hp heal full charge.

Now you got a support with interesting mechanics, utility in the form of the AoE slow DoT (which would tremendously help against flankers) and mobility. Bam, easy.

I feel like we’ve been playing different games because in my beta experience, fights have been faced paced but still go on for a while. People haven’t really been dying instantly, unless they get one shot of course.

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Counter argument. Nerf damage AND nerf healing

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I agree with hanzo since he still has the log sized arrows and sojourn rocket thing does need a nerf. As for soldier. I don’t see the same issues. He has the same weaknesses as always. He can still lose duels to Lucio and genji.

I 1v1 him on Lucio all the time. He can’t handle people in his face. Same weakness as always.

I just played a game on soldier earlier. Lucio and Moira were able to heal through my damage very easily. Beat counters visor hard.

Of course the rest of my team was bad so not saying much. No focus fire.

I think both healing and damage are too high. Dive is absurdly strong and backline/non-pocketed heroes die ridiculously fast, but pocketed tanks can also survive for absurd amounts of time by comparison.


Of course, people don’t want 10-hours fights. It’s a fast pace FPS where most heroes have high mobility, what did you expect?

Making the TTK faster makes teamfights slower. People.will be more hesitant to leave cover.