Cold take: 5v5 is very good for the game

Pros and cons for me:


  • Less general queue times
  • Way easier to balance Tanks, since a lot of interactions are going to be removed
  • They can buff tanks like crazy making them fun to play.


  • Tank impact is going to increase.
  • A lot of heavy CC characters will probably get reworks.
  • Some Tanks risk to become useless if not properly reworked.

Overall I think the pros beat the cons by a large margin, since the cons can be fixed with just some work.

I mean

  • Tank players feel like they can individually have an impact on the match, and not just a receptacle for other players to pump resources into
  • Less CC spam in the game, and more movement+attacking.
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I put tank impact in cons because if the team gets an atrocious tank, it gonna cost a lot more than before.
We have 2 tanks rn, if 1 is good enough he can compensate for the other.

True, but with the way 5v5 is structured, you’re going to get much more equal tank matchmaking.

Instead of the current equivalent of a Gold+Diamond Tank versus Plat+Plat Tanks.

At worst with 5v5, you’ll eventually get to a point where if your tank sucks, the enemy team will probably have an equally sucky tank

Unless Echo duplicates the enemy tank for 15 seconds or Brigitte gets a massive shield buff lol.

Also people will be wishing double shield tanks was possible when double sniper inevitably rolls over them.

I bet there’s gonna be a lots of players mass reporting tanks for not playing shield tanks as an unintended side effect.

That is something about match making that is hard to determine. I felt that I had seen say 2 GM level supports with like 2 plat tanks, but the other team might have had a 1 GM level tank + 1 plat tank /w 1 GM support + 1 plat support.

This unequal split is not healthy as not all roles are balanced the same. If they did indeed guarantee say like a plat tank vs plat tank, then your still relatively screwed over by tank picks. There is going to be a lot more pressure on the toolset of the tank pick compared to the other roles.

Today, 2 tanks can balance each other out. If one goes hard in on dva you might have another go reinhardt.

That’s why I figure they should make Hammond a DPS, give Hog a barrier equivalent, then balance each tank to be roughly equivalent to each other.

To the point that it almost doesn’t matter what Tank hero gets picked below Masters/GM.

Yes , I mentioned the Echo issue b4 , she’s gonna be the second tank .
I don’t think Brig shiels is gonna be buffed .
and as of rn , I don’t like 5v5 (I’m a Tank main) .

You’re saying that you think the only thing that makes those games MOBA based is the 5V5. Or you’re intentionally ignoring my point. Overwatch is mechanically (for the most part) an FPS but conceptually a MOBA. Or do you play every FPS like you play Overwatch?

I was talking about the players who refused to learn how to position or track cooldowns/ultimates. The one’s who think they should be able to just shoot through every situation. Those players are the ones who demand overwatch be played the same as every other bland FPS out there. Unlike how it was designed as an FPS/MOBA hybrid.

But why do you think it will be less of a MOBA when it’s gonna be even more similar to those games at its core once it’s 5v5?

Because in removing an off tank they are forcing the tanks to be more like DPS to be able to contest with the DPS heroes. That’s something they have admitted as they are making the tanks less like tanks and more like brawlers. With one less tank and less damage mitigation supports need to have their self survivability buffed. The only real way to do that is to buff their damage, considering the healing will have way less impact with one less tank.

They are making everything more like DPS and less MOBA like.

Given if you queue for tickets you get support almost as often as tank, you can be pretty sure you already have people left playing support.

Like me. I’m Sombra / Mei these days, I have already left support.

Gonna stop you right there. Me, a tank main, will NEVER queue for tank again. A lot of tank mains will be this way. Queue times will be longer, except for tank. Enjoy 20 minute DPS queues.

Must be a rank/region thing. For me, I can USE priority passes on support, since it’s 6+ minutes without. Tank will be the only thing with low queue times in 5v5, and it will be worse than 6v6 queue times for everyone else.

As long as people have one team mate, they will blame that team mate, even if the game becomes a 2v2 this will never disappear.

Honestly I think earthshatter has been terrible for the game, it forces shields, and it forces quickly adjustable shields. 1 tank per team will force the devs to gut it as it makes off tanks irrelevant.

Btw, I made a formal post about this stuff

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

There’s only 5 tank players left in the game and OW2 will bring back like 2000% more. And you don’t know how the new tanking experience will be like. and 1 tank in each team means less tanks are required to start a game.

It will bring back DPS players. Solo tanking and solo healing is just. not. fun. You can’t change that without making the role broken, since you’re going to be the primary target of the other team and something has to make up for that. So they either make tanks broken (literally just dps but with a lot more survivability) or their queue times for the other roles get worse. If tanks remain in any way like they are in OW, people won’t play them.


Eh, I don’t think anything can be done really to make tank fun for most people.

And tank mains mostly seem to play tank just to complain about it being underpowered somehow.