Why do people think tanks are getting buffed? 5v5

If I play winston and im into rein hog thats perfectly fine, if im into cree torb thats the problem

They are all a problem, but at least you can take down McCree and Torb. Rein and Hog have too much health to be attacked by a Winston in most scenarios, outside of them making the mistake of letting Winston hit them from high ground.

Basically, you have a chance against McCree. You do not have a chance against Roadhog. McCree has a short range stun, Hog has a long range stun/pull. Both of them do very high damage with their combo, but one of them has about triple the health to chew through.

Haven’t seen much on this yet but deeps are gonna be faster too. They might be able to just run circles around tanks/brawlers and chip or trash damage them to death.


If they release on the present 5 vs 5 for beta-testing with the actual balance. “No tank will be able to solo it”.

Just imagine “Sombra + Cree/reaper/phamercy” you will be totally crushed. So to 5 vs 5 is necessary the damage of all heros is “Reduced” or yes you buff the tanks a lot

They are doing that with 5 vs 5 and brawling will be more appealing to more people. tanks already run the game now, they dont need to make them stupidly op

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The way I see it, the limiting factor on tank buffs isn’t their “objective capture impact”, it’s to avoid them being too “unfun” for DPS to duel against.

That said, this is what I had in mind:

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

Also the fact that he grants less ult charge, but also has 1 whole less player shooting at him?

Tanks do good damage. Without 2 on the field there is a LOT less damage.
All the tanks will be tankier by default.

What about D.Va? Bigger and longer duration matrix? That’s hella powerful!
How do you beat a Double bubbled Zarya?
Winston with range is a beast, he can snipe you down a bit THEN Dive you ON HIS OWN.
Roadhog with hook? Less shields benefits hook A LOT.

Apparently they were told to wrap up everything so i think their experimentation period is over. I guess we’ll see what they achieved

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That footage is far from final.

Basically, tanks are being changed to be melee “Brawlers” basically - phat DPS. I keep trying to tell you guys: in OW 2, all roles are effectively DPS. Even Supports.

i think you overestimate hog players

And I think you overestimate damage characters

I saw the 5v5 stream from flats yesterday and tanks do looks awful. Granted the players played badly but it looks like a deathmatch but tanks get blown up under a sec still.


All of a tank’s damage is conditional. Dva has to be close to do damage, zarya needs charge, rein has to be close etc etc.

When I firestrike as rein and have 50hp by the time the animation is over, that’s not because Winston is a annoying my widow somewhere, it’s because damage is ridiculous. That’s gotta be fixed somehow in overwatch 2.


how many hours of tank do you have?

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except with one less enemy to worry about you’re going to have less CC and less burst.
not to mention CC is being completely reworked and balanced for all/most heroes.

we don’t know these damage numbers yet.
and i’m willing to bet 2 lesser damage firestrikes is still more damage and value than 1 higher damage firestrike - cooldowns are important.

the less HP on his shield is an offset change of him having incredibly higher brawl damage… because it’s a huge buff.

If that were the case… then so be it a buff
But Rein was meant to be a Tank not a Brawler… A melee type Brawler doesn’t work in this environment… Also all of these changes could’ve been in OW1 and not a lot of people would’ve been upset but seeing how they’re doing this for 5V5 it makes it sound weird (IMO)

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Also why Roadhog is what he is… Since a lot of other people point to him as what the changes are meant to reflect

It has never been the tanks that are a problem for other tanks, save uber hog patch last year


THIS! every time someone asks me why I think 5v5 will be bad this is my main complain. Sure Tanks MIGHT be fine on release ,but as soon as DPS say it’s “unfun” to get killed by tanks or that tanks are doing too much damage or that their defensive abilities are too oppressive we’ll get a bunch of tank nerfs.

Think about Dva is gonna have to solo tank so her defense matrix is bound to be buffed in some ways there’s no way people will let that happen because it’s “unfun” to play against.

I personally think smurfs are unfun to play against but I guess what’s unfun for lower ranks doesn’t matter.

I feel like this what they intend it to be but some tanks are just gonna need so much changes to fit that role (Anker Tank Orisa I’m looking at you). Also as stated above I fear that the mindset of the players on tanks being “unfun” to play against with a “disruptive” or “bullying” type gameplay will end up in them getting loads of nerfs.


Well, I have over 100 hours on Winston, Orisa, and I believe Sigma, as well as over 50 hours at least on Roadhog, Hammond, and Rein. The only tanks I don’t play are Zarya and D.va.

And I know that’s no 400+ hours deal on one character, but I have over 100 on at least 7 characters. I’ll check and update this post in a few.