Game Balance
Map Design, Types, & Balance
- Jeff Kaplan explains the process in testing maps for Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman details that while a “tunneling” ability for a hero would be cool, he feels there would be too many issues with the map terrain - Geoff Goodman - 3/7/2019 - Official Forums
- Possible new map concepts & Trees are resources expensive to design. -David Adams - 2/20/2018 - Official Forums
- Poll: What’s your favorite map - Jeff Kaplan - 2/20/2018 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan gives insight to map win percentage rates - Jeff Kaplan - 7/13/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan reveals some map percentage rates - Jeff Kaplan - 7/13/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains why there is no map selection/voting and diversity in the map pool is important - Jeff Kaplan - 7/13/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains why there are no swimming/water immersion maps - Jeff Kaplan - 6/27/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan responds to critcism about controversies regarding Assault map types - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan explains why the capture progress is settled at only three 33% ticks - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan shares ideas the development team has tried to do to improve the Assault map type - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan explains that changing Assault maps to have three Objective Points would require all those maps to be completely redesigned from scratch) - Jeff Kaplan - 4/17/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan details that they are still exploring revisions to the Assault Map Type) - Jeff Kaplan - 4/17/2020 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan details on Assault maps and why they are part of Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 12/26/2016 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan details Junkertown win rates - Jeff Kaplan - 10/6/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan details Junkertown win rates - Jeff Kaplan - 9/21/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explains they havent made decisions on changing Horizon Lunar Colony after being removed from the Competitive Map Pool - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Introducing Horizon Lunar Colony - Jeff Kaplan - 5/31/2017 - Developer Update Video
- Jeff Kaplan details Rialto’s win rate again showing its nearly at 50/50 even - Jeff Kaplan - 2/15/2019 - Official Forums
Older post with Rialto win percentages revealed - Jeff Kaplan - 9/24/2018 - Official Forums
Older post with skewed Rialto win percentages revealed - Jeff Kaplan - 8/14/2018 - Official Forums
Hero Design & Balance | Experimental Play
- AndyB explains that the January 2022 balance patch is intended to shake up the meta and help drive constructive conversation abou the game - AndyB - 1/6/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains that the January 2022 balance patch did not have an Experimental card because most of the changes were tested in earlier Experimental Cards - AndyB - 1/6/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains how tanks are so impactful despite not being preceived as being nearly as fun to play and how statistics drive player perceptions of a game - AndyB - 10/5/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB elaborates that it varies to how much each factor goes into determine balance changes - AndyB - 9/24/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB confirms that hero balance changes still takes into account Player Feedback, Statistical Performance, and Developer Insights - AndyB - 9/24/2021 - Official Forums
- Geoff Goodman explains why abilities that debuff or reduce damage doesn’t feel good to the target player in gameplay - Geoff Goodman - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman explains the challenges of balancing the amount lethality each hero has - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman explains the challenges of balancing the power of Ultimate abilities - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan addresses the general perceptions of “Powercreep” - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman hopes to one day have an even number of heroes among all three roles but realizes it would be difficult to do so - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman explains the balance philosophies surrounding the Tank role - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman explores the idea of reworking certain heroes into entirely different roles - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman explains why certain ability like Zarya’s Graviton Surge will prevent only select movement abilities like Tracer’s Blink - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman explains that Sombra and Genji were the most difficult heroes to first develop in terms of balance - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan explains hero balance today is focused mostly around pro play and high ranking Competitive play - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
Josh Noh explains that the game at the time is not demonstrating an considerable amount of Power Creep versus that of the GOATs team composition from 2019. - Josh Noh - 1/8/2020 - Official Forums
Josh Noh explains the importance of looking at Stats versus that of Player Feedback when determining hero balance changes for the game. - Josh Noh - 1/8/2020 - Official Forums
- Josh Noh addresses the concepts of Powercreep and community perceptions of balance. - Josh Noh - 1/7/2020 - Official Forums
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman teases the fact that “Echo” has wings - Geoff Goodman - 3/7/2019 - Official Forums
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman gives details to hero ability prototyping including a “Bomblet Gun” ability and an “Invisible Wall” for Sombra - Geoff Goodman - 3/7/2019 - Official Forums
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman elaborates on past game balance and how they have made many dramatic changes since - Geoff Goodman - 3/7/2019 - Official Forums
- Developer Derek Muller details on the changes with knockback interactions in patch 1.34 - Derek Muller - 2/27/2019 - Official Forums
- Developer Josh Noh details on the changes with beam damage to armor - Josh Noh - 2/26/2019 - Official Forums
Geoff Goodman’s follows up on comments made in a streamed interview about upcoming changes to how channeled attacks damage armor (These changes have since been applied) - Geoff Goodman - 1/25/2019 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan’s states the need to bring in more tanks and supports and they have the next six heroes planned - Jeff Kaplan - 11/22018 - Twitch
- Jeff Kaplan reveals his all-time heroes played - Jeff Kaplan - 9/24/2018 - Official Forums
- Tom Powers explains why Bug Fixes that affect the heroes gameplay balance were never intended by the development team - Tom Powers - 8/2/2018 - Official Forums
- Geoff Goodman explains in detail the hero balance changes to many of the support heroes - 7/18/2018 - Official Forums
- Geoff Goodman explains why heroes have weaknesses and strengths in their tool kits - 5/3/2018 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan reveals hero pick selection at each Competitive Tier - Jeff Kaplan - 3/5/2018 - Official Forums
- Michael Chu indicates that other support heroes other than Mercy may get automatic “help me” voice lines when attacked - Michael Chu - 2/27/2018 - Official Forums
- Winter 2018 Hero Balance Changes (Mei, Sombra, Doomfist, Hanzo, Symmetra, Torbjorn) - Jeff Kaplan - 2/14/2018 - Developer Update Video
Geoff Goodman explains the movement balance update - Geoff Goodman - 1/17/2018 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains changes to the game to how heroes move about the map environment - Jeff Kaplan - 12/18/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains how pro players influence the Overwatch development process and hero balancing - Jeff Kaplan - 9/19/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Summer 2017 Hero Balance Changes (Mercy/D.Va Rework) - Jeff Kaplan - 8/24/2017 - Developer Update Video
Jeff Kaplan explains why you should not look to heavily into stats- Jeff Kaplan - 8/10/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains that balancing is not reflective of pro or casual play alone - Jeff Kaplan - 7/25/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains the process in hero balancing - Jeff Kaplan - 7/7/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains why sometimes heroes are unchanged for months at a time - Jeff Kaplan - 6/26/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan reminds the community that their feedback matters regardless of skill level - Jeff Kaplan - 5/3/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan also details about how the team pools data for hero balancing - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan details about the Hero Balance Philosophy on Reddit - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan details the “perception of the meta” and how it affects hero balancing - Jeff Kaplan - 3/2/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains how they objectively balance heroes in Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 2/16/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains the Overwatch balancing triangle (Player Feedback - Statistics - Developer Opinions) - Jeff Kaplan - 1/24/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan reveals that back in the beta that healers originally could only restore health points and not shield or armor points - Jeff Kaplan - 11/3/2016 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan emphasizes they do take console player feedback into account when developing the game - Jeff Kaplan - 10/10/2016 - Old Official Forums
- There are no current plans for an “April Fools” Experimental Card in 2022 - AndyB - 3/30/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains what the overall goals were for the February 2022 Experimental Card - AndyB - 2/14/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB dismiss the idea that a single content creator was responsible for badly perceived changes in the February 2022 Experimental Card - AndyB - 2/14/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains why an additional balance update was made to the February 2022 community creator Experimental Card - AndyB - 2/14/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB shares that the November 2021 Experimental Content Creator card exceeded expectations when comparing to the April Fools Experimental card earlier that year - AndyB - 1/20/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains why the community creator Experimental cards are important to Blizzard in driving player interest back to the game - AndyB - 1/20/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains why the community creator Experimental cards are successful in giving new ways for players to enjoy Overwatch without impacting the development team - AndyB - 1/20/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB shares in the goals of future community creator Experimental cards - AndyB - 1/20/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains why the November 2021 community creator Experimental card was so successful - AndyB - 1/20/2022 - Official Forums
- AndyB elaborated that any changes from the community creator Experimental card would have to be serious vetted before they ever went to live - AndyB - 12/20/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB noted they did pass on feedback about the November 2021 community creator experimental card - AndyB - 12/20/2021 - Official Forums
- Jodie comments on what they liked about the community creator Experimental card - Jodie - 12/6/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB acknowledges the lack of coordination between the content creators for what changes they wanted to make - AndyB - 12/6/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB mentions that constructive feedback for the community creator Experimental playcard would be passed on to consider for live balance changes - AndyB - 12/6/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB reminds the forums that the community creator Experimental playcard is not to be taken seriously - AndyB - 12/6/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB states that the community Experimental playcards simply are intended as a refresher for Overwatch as we wait for Overwatch 2 - AndyB - 12/1/2021 - Reddit
- AndyB reminds the Reddit community how the community Experimental playcard had no impact on Overwatch 2’s development - AndyB - 12/1/2021 - Reddit
- AndyB explains the purpose of the community creator card - AndyB - 11/30/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB comments they hope to launch more community created Experimental Play cards soon - AndyB - 11/2/2021 - Reddit
- AndyB explains why they chose not to rollout the changes of the October 2021 immediately - AndyB - 10/26/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains that it is important to provide feedback without hyperbole will ensure constructive feedback is provided to the development team - AndyB - 10/21/2021 - Official Forums
- The Overwatch League Experimental Card Tournament is not intended to reach the retail environment - Josh Nash - 3/15/2021 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the March 2021 Experimental Card Patch (Fine Tuning Hero Balance Changes) - Josh Nash - 3/7/2021 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the February 2021 Experimental Card Patch (Individual Hero Balance Changes) - Josh Nash - 2/11/2021 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the Second January 2021 Experimental Card Patch (Individual Hero Balance Changes) - Josh Nash - 1/21/2021 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the First January 2021 Experimental Card Patch (Individual Hero Balance Changes) - Josh Nash - 1/7/2021 - Official Forums
- How to enable Experimental Play changes in a custom game including the Practice Range - Josh Nash - 12/3/2020 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the December 2020 Experimental Card Patch (Individual Hero Balance Changes) - Josh Nash - 12/3/2020 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the November 2020 Experimental Card Patch (Individual Hero Balance Changes) - Josh Nash - 11/12/2020 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the October 2020 Experimental Card Patch (Solider:76 Recoil Changes) - Molly Fender - 10/1/2020 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the Second September 2020 Experimental Card Patch (Individual Hero Attunements) - Josh Nash - 9/18/2020 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the First September 2020 Experimental Card Patch (Shotgun Consistancy Changes) - Molly Fender - 9/4/2020 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the Third August 2020 Experimental Card Patch (Burst Damage/Power Changes) - Molly Fender - 8/24/2020 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the Second August 2020 Experimental Card Patch (Moira Changes) - Molly Fender - 8/18/2020 - Official Forums
- Reasoning behind the First August 2020 Experimental Card Patch (Tank Changes) - Molly Fender - 8/6/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan hints at upcoming Experimental cards - Jeff Kaplan - 7/14/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan gives the instructions for setting up a custom game with the Experimental Ruleset - Jeff Kaplan - 5/12/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explains that the Practice Range can be set up in a custom game and use the Experimental Ruleset - Jeff Kaplan - 5/12/2020 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan hints that more “interesting” experiments are coming - Jeff Kaplan - 5/12/2020 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan hints that an upcoming Experimental Card will have CC reduction changes to test - Jeff Kaplan - 4/14/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explains they seek both data and player feedback for the 1/3/2 Experimental Play - Jeff Kaplan - 2/25/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explains how patch notes rolls out for Experimental Play - Jeff Kaplan - 2/25/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan reflects on the feedback about the 1/3/2 Experimental Play - Jeff Kaplan - 2/25/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan says the Experimental Play card will appear with little to no warning- Jeff Kaplan - 2/25/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explans how long Experimental Play may last and how changes on it differs from the PTR - Jeff Kaplan - 2/25/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan and Michael Heiberg on Experimental mode, Triple Damage, and ice cream economics - Jeff Kaplan & Michael Heiberg - 2/22/2020 - News Post
- Ana’s sleep dart was designed to be Ana’s disengage tool - Jeff Kaplan - 6/8/2018 - Official Forums
- Introducing Ana - Jeff Kaplan - 7/19/2016 - Developer Update Video
Geoff Goodman speculates that Ashe would be filed into the “Offensive” hero class if the DPS classes were not merged - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
Bill Warnecke explains how B.O.B. works as an entity in the game - Bill Warnecke - 11/20/2018 - Reddit
- Introducing Ashe - Jeff Kaplan - 11/5/2018 - Developer Update Video
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman and Developer Josh Noh details on why Immortality Field is a regular ability with a reasonable HP and cooldown, confirms that Exo Boots being able to be hacked by Sombra is a bug and that Amplification Field has certain advantages and limitations. - Tom Powers - 3/13/2019 - Official Forums
- Developer Update Video: Introducing Baptiste - Jeff Kaplan - 2/26/2019 - YouTube
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman details that the initial release of Brigitte was the most overpowered addition of the game - Geoff Goodman - 3/7/2019
- Brigitte Gameplay Q&A (Multiple Posts) -Tom Powers/Geoff Goodman - 3/20/2018 - Official Forums
- Introducing Brigitte - Jeff Kaplan - 2/28/2018 - Developer Update Video
Josh Noh teases balance changes for D.Va’s ability to use her Boosters more often - Josh Noh - 1/7/2020 - Official Forums
Geoff Goodman explains the reasoning behind the Armor/HP rework in Spring 2017 - Geoff Goodman - 3/3/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan reveals D.Va pick rates - Jeff Kaplan - 10/6/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan confirms that due to technical limitations, the hero that an opponent Echo has duplicated cannot switch off from that hero until the Ultimate is completed. - Jeff Kaplan - 4/14/2020 - Reddit
- Introducing Echo - Jeff Kaplan - 3/19/2020 - Developer Update Video
- Geoff Goodman explains how a “tech” for Genji was removed - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- An intended Quality of Life change for Genji’s Swift Strike was reverted in patch 1.47 - Jeff Kaplan - 4/14/2017 - Official Forums
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman wonders if there was a better way to make Hanzo’s consistency more stable without changing the projectile velocity - Geoff Goodman - 3/7/2019
- Hanzo’s arrows has the smallest projectile hitbox in the game - Geoff Goodman - 3/2/2018 - Official Forums
- Josh Nash confirms balance changes to Mei’s Cryo-Freeze blocks allies line-of-sight - Josh Nash - 6/23/2020 - Official Forums
- Why Mei has limited mobility despite having an ice-themed toolkit - Geoff Goodman - 2/27/2018 - Official Forums
- Jodie elaborates on the changes to Mercy’s resurrect around pitfalls - Jodie - 1/25/2022 - Official Forums
- Geoff Goodman considers the possiblity into refining the Mercy
Superjump “tech” into a more refined button press - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit - Geoff Goodman explains how the Mercy Superjump “tech” for Genji was retained and improved on - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman explains that Mercy still has the highest HPS for a single target healer which is her tradeoff- Geoff Goodman - 3/7/2019
Jeff Kaplan reveals a healthy pick rate and balanced success rate for Mercy. (NOTE: Mercy did receive a nerf in version 1.28 since) - Jeff Kaplan - 5/3/2018 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan confirms there is no plan to revert the Mercy rework from version 1.13 (Note small balance changes have been applied since) - Jeff Kaplan - 2/8/2018 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains why Mercy has had so many balance adjustments since her rework in 1.13 - Jeff Kaplan - 10/31/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Geoff Goodman explains why the Moira Experimental test with expanding fade to allies did not work out - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Michael Chu likes the idea of voice lines to indicate when Moira runs out of the heal resource. - Michael Chu - 2/27/2018 - Official Forums
- Dylan Jones explains how to use the “Flat’s Cradle Tech” for Reinhardt - Dylan Jones - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Lead Technical Artist Dylan Jones shares that his favorite “tech” feature is how Reinhardt charges into or boops opponents - Dylan Jones - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan explains why Reinhardt had a significant nerf in Summer 2017 to address the overpowered Earthshatter - Jeff Kaplan - 6/15/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Jodie comments how the game used to allow Roadhog effectly replace Reaper in terms of damage output - Jodie - 1/13/2022 - Official Forums
- Roadhog balance adjustments are in the works for patch 1.30 - Jeff Kaplan - 9/24/2018 - Official Forums
Geoff Goodman explains details of the Roadhog Hook 2.0 revisions - Geoff Goodman - 1/4/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Geoff Goodman shares how Sombra was originally being developed as a Support Hero - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan confirms that Echo’s Glide Passive cannot be hacked and that an Echo duplicate will no longer be hacked when the ultimate ends - Jeff Kaplan - 4/14/2017 - Official Forums
- Geoff Goodman again (for a third time) confirms how they experimented with Symmetra to be a support hero with healing turrets but it didn’t work out - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman again confirms how they experimented with Symmetra to be a support hero with healing turrets but it didn’t work out - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman explains how they experimented with Symmetra to be a support hero with healing turrets but it didn’t work out - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Principal Designer Josh Noh explains the impact of the laser turrets with the new slow down rule - Josh Noh - 7/22/2019 - Official Forums
- Principal Designer Josh Noh explains how a bug fix affects Symmetra’s primary fire - Josh Noh - 7/22/2019 - Official Forums
- Principal Designer Josh Noh explains the balance adjustments for Symmetra’s Teleporter in patch 1.39 - Josh Noh - 7/18/2019
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman explains the balance of managing how fast Symmetra’s teleporter can deploy - Geoff Goodman - 3/7/2019
- Developer Josh Noh details on the changes with Symmetra’s primary fire damage to armor - Josh Noh - 2/26/2019
- Symmetra Rework 2018 - Geoff Goodman - 6/5/2018 - Official Forums
- Symmetra Rework 2016 - Jeff Kaplan - 11/22/2016 - Developer Update Video
Geoff Goodman explains why Symmetra was a “support” class hero prior to her Summer 2018 rework - Geoff Goodman - 10/6/2016 - Old Official Forums
- Bill Warnecke gives insight to how Tracer’s Recall ability works -Bill Warnecke - 9/22/2018 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan gives insight to how Tracer’s Recall ability works - Jeff Kaplan - 8/22/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains why Tracer can’t blink upwards - Jeff Kaplan - 9/19/2016 - Old Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explains why Wrecking Ball’s has trade-offs in his mobility - Jeff Kaplan - 8/15/2018 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explains why Wrecking Ball’s ball form has no damage reduction - Jeff Kaplan - 8/15/2018 - Official Forums
- Introducing Wrecking Ball - Jeff Kaplan - 6/28/2018 - Developer Update Video