Overwatch Forums
Ana is the only sniper that can't run away
General Discussion
(Jeff Kaplan)
June 8, 2018, 4:55pm
Ana’s Sleep Dart ability was intended to give her the ability to disengage.
Mercy vs High Skill
An Ana escape tool
Sleep Dart as a Disengage
Widow.. Nerf her mobility
After "don't shoot at defecting Genji" , "Shoot mercy in the head while valking" and "Stay out of Brig's range"
Ana: Ghillie Suit Passive
Mercy is nerfed because of her consistency
Ana buff idea: "cooking" the nade
RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)
Ana Opinions from an Ana Main
Why Do You Have A Backbone For The Wrong Reasons? [MEGA-THREAD] (Updated 7/20/18)
Mercy players, other than "old mercy" what do you want?
Ana "I need help" voiceline
Ana self heal Passive ability idea
Ana unfair 80 dmg nerf + QOL changes
Ana unfair 80 dmg nerf + QOL changes
Overwatch Blizzard/Developer Post Directory - Last Updated: 9/12/2019
Overwatch Dev Post Archives & Overwatch 2 Facts & Beta Info
Which f tier heroes are doing the worse
Weakness Compensation
What will it take to make Ana a good pick again?
They ruined Ana
Ana Buff Idea (feel free to suggest your own!)
Ana's inconsistency isn't because of having to aim
Possible Ana rework in the near future
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