Experiment time?

This is a little bit different from even trying at all.
I will fully and completely admit that i’m aggressive about this game and it’s changes, but it’s not because i’m angry, or annoyed… i’m sad.

I want to enjoy this game again, and Jeff isn’t helping.

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we used to have this! what we learned:

–people like winning
–people do not like losing


Wow that’s sarcastic… i understand the meaning, but holy…
I’m usually the sarcastic one.


I’ll just leave this here

I know.

My favorite hero is Bastion level. Its only been a few weeks but I basically don’t play anymore.

I cannot imagine maining Bastion.

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the experiment was designed to try to alleviate long queue times for damage players. but we also wanted to hear player feedback, not just look at data.


Really need an opinion on Mei from you, Jeff.

A lot of us agree she could be just move to a Tank role, with no other changes. (Though then again a lot us don’t agree because this is the forums.)


Mei, Bastion… we need any opinion about heroes that are less often played.

Can adding Arrows showing teammates out of line of sight behind you for Tanks only (like how Super Smash Bros does it when a character is off screen) be a possible change to make Tanking less frustrating?


Seems an oversight that While You Wait isn’t available for Experimental Card.


maybe a minimap for teammates only?


I think some people would love a one-way feedback form. Something similar to what World of Warcraft has:

Granted the World of Warcraft feedback form merely opens a webpage portal to fill out a form which goes to who knows where (from our view), however many have told me they worry about how much you guys “read all feedback on the forums”. (I have faith there is a lot more to the process.) Others (as Emongg on stream mentioned), don’t like posting to the forums and getting stuck into arguments or debates with other members of the community.


agree. we’re already working on this. weirdly, a good version is harder than you might think.


That sounds good too. I know stuff like this can make the game more casual but more information generally leads to less frustration and more understanding

Is this the sort of gameplay we can expect for OW2? More specifically Roadhog and his kit? :rofl: ggs btw


Yea, i suggested it cause more often then not i dont realize my team is backing off when im playing tank LOL so ive thought of a minimap for teammates only for a while

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Will Roadhog’s new experimental ability be added to the base game if the community responds positively?

That seems ill advised to just do what the people say, and whatever the community came up with, the dev team still has to agree on it.

Do we remember why he left originally?

Because this is kinda that. After what went down years back I’m actually surprised he’s back, and while he is saying ALOT, notice everything he says actually happens, and he says nothing about things that don’t - he’s come back careful because saying too much ended disastrously to the point I would have called harassment, and it was harassment.

It’s better this way because we know when he says something that we can 100% rely on this information and it’s already in its later stages of development. If he could tell you, or felt he could say about whats going on in shop, I’m sure he would. This ninja dev probably is sitting on a complete TREASURE TROVE of inside information that he is busting at the seams to share with us, he spends all day making this game what it is with his team and you can tell he is passionate about it too, lets just think about that for a moment.


I’d much rather play OW2 right now, than ever touch Bastion again.

this is being fixed (hopefully)