Hello everyone, I would like for everyone here to post, something as to add how they feel about RP PVP realms most likely not being added at start of classic.
My goal isn’t to nag yell or cry about this, but ask blizzard to reconsider there stance, i feel that if this post is bumped enough with enough likes. RP-PVP servers, will be in some way helpful to everyone. We are only asking for a single server for this, nothing more nothing less, two would be grand, but we’ll take what we can get.
RPers, who enjoy more random PVP aspects of the game are affected by this and i doubt any PVPERS wants a roleplayer in there AB or WSG when trying to rank.
Let us all, in a respectful and mature way try to get a blue post explaining if there is anyway we can change there minds, and if not what actions can we take to make it happen?
(If some one would like to reach out and help the cause and create a Reddit or whatever media outlet blizzard uses) To help that would be grand.
(Skip to 6:52ish Sorry i don’t know timestamps.)
Thanks to this random person for the clip on this, and those who linked it in the forums
What is the difference between RP-PVP to RP you may ask? Well here you are some info!
All Servers posted came out in 2005 - 2006 for those curious.
September 13
-Emerald Dream (RP-PvP, CST)
-Maelstrom (RP-PvP, CST)
September 14
-Twisting Nether (RP-PvP, CST)
November 8
-Lightninghoof (RP-PvP, CST)
July 12
-The Venture Co (RP-PvP, PST)
December 14
-Ravenholdt (RP-PvP, EST)
These are all changes within the 1.1 - 1.12 time frame, these where and are server types that happened in Vanilla, though later they are still part of the experience, even if some folk never got around to them.
From a Reddit post Reading
“Dear Blizzard: Please reconsider and add at least one RP-PVP realm per region (data from >10,000 response survey)”
Here is the survey used for the part chart above, if you would like to take it yourself please do it has over 15k responses.
Here are the results as well if you’re curious.
Even in the other side of the word the cry for RP-PVP servers is not dead, Our comrades in the EU forums clammier with ours!
It seems some one from the EU forums put up a petition, if you want to go the extra mile support here lol, looks like they’re only trying to get 100 and it’s filling fast.
The petition now has over 2.200+ signatures great push everyone. Clearly there’s something to it.
PS: I can’t find US archives, but these work as well those who are curious on the O.G realm differences.