I am on a similar position, I never bothered with RP servers before because in my opinion playing the game without being automatically flagged out in the open is just not fun.
However when they introduced warmode I discovered a fresh new world in RP, so I ended up moving all my toons. But yeah, I have the freedom of doing RP and also PvPing, which is what I enjoy the most about the game.
Otherwise I’d just give it up and focus o PvP again
There is a better solution to this situation. They could have made an RP-PVP server and then simply warned the community that if it doesn’t reach a healthy steady population, then free server transfers will be allowed to any other realm and the server would be closed.
That’s why RP servers are a thing. I think it can’t be denied that there is a customer base who enjoys being auto flagged out in the open, that’s what RP-PVP realms are for…
Sign me up!!! RP-PvP was frankly THE thing I was looking forward to THE most. The RP-PvP community are some of the best peoples out there. Reconnecting with that community while roflstomping alliance is WoW.
I’ve played on each kind of server, and in complete honesty, the best time I had playing, was playing while on RP-PvP. It’s just so much more immersive and more conducive to forging a heathy community. It just is.
I was ok with 1.12 AV. Not thrilled…but ok. This on the other hand, I am not ok with.
Please reconsider. Unless…you intend to provide free character transfers upon their creation.
I agree, by picking a PVP server they consented to open-world PVP.
I’m just pointing out a combination of unfortunate phrasing and questionable points made (even on a pvp server, it’s not actually nonconsensual PVP, it’s what you signed up for when you rolled on the server).
Assuming that because you play on a PvP server you agree to PvP encounters 100% of the time is just wishful thinking.
I wouldn’t say I consented to be ganked by 2 people when I am at 5% hp… but again, that uncertainty is the excitement that comes with these kind of realms.
Preface: I’m dropping the metaphor. Your phrasing was unfortunate, I’m moving on and there is no subtext here about anything other than PVP in WoW.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that you agreed to it at that specific time, no, but you knew it could happen and the fact that it’s possible is the reason why you enjoy the circumstance. These are the rules that you agreed to.
Same as someone showing up in a Horde city has agreed that they want to fight (it automatically flags you even on a PVE ruleset).
I agree, as does the timeline it seems lol. If we got to i could see one being west coast and the other East coast, but CST if we can only mange to get a single one is the best way for everyone to be happy.
I am really upset by this. I love pvp Rp. Roaming around Ashenvale with a group of like minded players, pretending to be guardians of the ancient forest.
I leveled on emerald dream at one point and let me tell ya, the RP PVP community is probably really looking forward to classic.
Even if I wasn’t planning to roll on any PvP realm to begin with (RP-PvE for mains), I did hope to roll on an established RP-PvP realm eventually. One of the great things on those realms is that the RP community often works together to plan some great wPvP events, guilds develop around war-related stories and encourage wargames kind of play. It’s much more fun (for me), and a community I find much more pleasant than plain PvP.
Waiting to add one means anyone who wanted to start on an RP-PvP realm has to go somewhere else, and once they’ve got a developed character … why reroll when an RP-PvP realm is added later?
Additionally, the key difference in designating a realm as RP-PvP is that players joining that realm accept and acknowledge slightly stronger application of things like naming rules (player, guild, pet). Even players who don’t RP are welcome as long as they aren’t antagonizing the community on purpose.
It’s been years since I’ve played on an RP-PvP server, but many of my fondest memories have come from playing on one.
I joined a guild that claimed Darkshire as its “home territory” and swore to protect it. Other guilds have also claimed certain territories as their base of operations and made an effort to protect it when it came under attack by the enemy faction. We would use the World Defense channel to keep track of what was being hit, and anyone could swoop in and join in the mayhem. It wasn’t unusual to see full-raid sized conflicts between players as multiple guilds on both sides called for back-up. Sometimes these were planned raids, and sometimes it was as simple as someone getting ganked, calling for help, and things getting out of control. VECO IS 4 FITE !
The brawling we did was largely for fun. There are times when people would contest who “won”, but ultimately that wasn’t important as the fun being had. Because we were an RP-PvP server, plenty of us had a code of conduct to follow to keep things friendly because we felt like one big community.
I can admit that it wasn’t perfect. Sometimes you’d have one Rogue pinging your territory as much as possible and running away, and sometimes you have the enemy faction ambush you in the middle of an organized RP event. Not everyone was respectful to each other and disagreements would come up.
But if the community is strong enough, and having a shared interest in roleplaying and world PvP helps, it can work out. And when it does, it’s magical. I will support the creation of an RP-PvP server, even if I’ve long decided that era is over for me because I still want others to experience that magic. Who knows, if it succeeds, maybe I’ll be able to relive those days as well.
Yet we still have the ninja encouraging loot trading and the nerfed, overly convenient zergfest of 1.12 AV, possibly in an effort to cater to the retail mindset that ultimately led to where retail is today.