No RP-PvP Servers? Come on dude

Alright I’m going to make this short and sweet.

Make RP-PvP servers. The end.

No but seriously. I recently found out Ion said there’s no plans to add any RP-PvP servers on launch. This is legitimately ridiculous, let’s be real. Servers like Emerald Dream were added because of how utterly exhausting it is to try to progress on two servers simultaneously in vanilla. Let alone rank on a pvp server and maintain an active personality on a RP server. Just give us what we want, even only one per time zone, or just give us Emerald Dream 2.0 and Wyrmrest Accord 2.0. We’ll all be happy and it’s chump change for Activis- I mean Blizzard, anyway.
Not to mention how fun the universe of RP-PvP servers are. The added danger of RPing in the world when at any moment some insane Orc lunatic can charge out of the bushes and decapitate you with an axe that’s literally bigger than the dwarf you’re talking to is fun for the whole family.

Do it. You’re doing the community and yourselves a dishonor.

Edit: I’d also like to point out that everyone knows the community is going to complain about it (just like they did in 2005) until you add them, which you’re going to do eventually just like in 2005. Don’t add them later just to cash in on server transfers. Add them at launch for the sake of ethics, I know the classic devs listen to the community on a lot of things, so let’s get this right ahead of time.


They aren’t giving us those types. They are also making new server names to avoid “confusion” because apparently we’re all stupid.

New server names… What the… They’re going to make 50 new server names? Why? Bring back the classic darkspear community what’re we doin’ here…

Yo, put all your outrage into this thread here, and help us push for RP-PVP servers. Or just leave a upvote and say something positive, either or works.

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Im surprised they aren’t just going with dark spear and tich and stuff again too, and no rp-pvp is wrong, what about all the people who like to pvp but then roleplay aswell


I don’t really think we are talking about 50 realms for classic. Or are we? I don’t know why but I was picturing a dozen or so for the USA and the same in Europe sharing identical names.

A dozen realms? My friend, I think you’re underestimating how many millions of people are going to bombard classic. I don’t even think blizzard knows how many people are longing to play the game that started their addiction.
They better feed the hamsters if they’re bringing 12 servers.

Yeah it’s strange. Isn’t the interest in RP-PVP higher than for RP-PVE?

Anyways I have a bad feeling that the plan is to introduce RP-PVP servers after release. It would be unfortunate if they charged for transfers to this server or didn’t allow transfers.

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The interest in RP-PvP servers is 3x that of RP-PvE, according to the “What kind of server will you be playing on” poll people did.
Actual numbers aside, if you just go around asking people, no serious RP guilds want to be on a PvE only server. It’s just not as fun and there’s so much less room for server events.

Man all I want to roll on is rp-pvp, really sucks that we aren’t getting at least one server.

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Trying to avoid “confusion”. Also, I highly doubt we get 50 realms. This is blizzard we’re talking about. Do you really think they’re gonna get it right or are they gonna have to scramble to make more?