We want RP-PvP servers at launch!

They did actually.

This is a huge disappointment to people who would 100% play on the server if it was spun up.

RP-PVP, the way WoW wast meant to be played Ol’ Son!


Huh, that seems odd. I can see not having any announcements to make until they’re ready to talk about population caps, number of servers, server balance, sharding, etc. To straight up shut that option down seems bizarre though haha.

Guess I have a Q&A to find again, thanks all.

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I got the feeling it had more to do with Ion’s instincts than any measured assessment of demand. I don’t think it will stand when it’s actually time to spin up realms.

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Honestly to watch it, I got the strong feeling that Ion and Lore were so caught off guard about something they personally have zero experience with, that they just blurted out what they actually thought: they did not play on them so they must be “niche” and not worth having. I doubt any actual discussions on the subject happened prior to that Q&A.

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This is literally the only way I’d play on a PvP server, and I used to play on one back when they were a thing. RP people deserve the PvP option that was there from the beginning!


Hello friend, you are not alone in this struggle

I myself made this post looks like a month back or close enough about this when we first found out On the EU and so on there is also a push, All we can do in continue to lobby and make our voice’s heard.

Though i do want to promote the fear, if there isn’t one at launch that interest WILL DIE OUT we may never get a RP-PVP server if there is no interest. That’s why getting one at launch is the best bet.

They have, all the info about RP-PVP servers are in my OP i hope this helps, IF YOU Happen to spot any news interest and so on, please let me know on there.


What’s your point?

There’s already a thread for this.

(But I’m glad to see another one.)

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Much appreciated.

If i wanted to RP enough to ask for an RP server, and was unsure if i would get one from bliz…I would make a post on reddit all the above mentioned forums that IF there was no official RP server, a pvp server would be selected at launch to host the community. U don’t need a title of RP-PvP you just need to community to know where to look if they are interested.

After some time it will become the known RP realm for Classic.


Hahahahahahahaha that’s rich.

I don’t RP but I do not understand why blizzard would exclude a large portion of their dwindling player base by not including RP-PvP servers.


The gankfest is half the fun. Some people :slight_smile:

But seriousy, RP-PVP servers are the best and I’m going to be pissed if they don’t release one. I might have to roll Forsaken with all the salt over being forced to play regular PVP.


yes, give players choices. there should be at least one of each type of server.

Well this is interesting it is something discussed in the OP i posted if you’d like to read about why we disagree on that i welcome you to it, it’s more complex then just saying “Yo blizz ain’t putting out RP-PVP servers all RP-pvp players go here”

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What percentage of servers are RP-PVP currently?

0 blizzard removed all PVP servers with BFA remember? There are no RP-PVP and PVP servers.

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As a longtime Emerald Dreamer, i beg classic team to give us RP-PvP servers.

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Ok, how many were there at the end of Legion?

In the US?

Edit 1 :Sorry i’m asking because this’ll make my search much easier if i don’t have to look over Asia / EU etc.

Edit : 2
6 German 1 Spainish 4 CST U.S 1 Eastern US 5 EU english 3 French

Source :

https://wow.gamepedia.com/Realms_list#Servers_in_the_US I’m not sure if there where merge’s or what, this is actually something interesting seeing as how much the EU loved these servers quite a bit more?