Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

Hello, greetings, with news of Anniversary Realms, I have crawled out from the abyss of work to join the community once again.

Everyone is excited except- They have tried to omit RPPVP, -once again.-

But all is not lost! If you look closer:

In the past with original Classic, RPPVP was not on the table either.

Until Pintero compiled a very well thought out thread pushing for the support of adding one RPPVP server.

Please give it a read, it is full of valuable information, and PROOF, that your voice matters:

A fantastic thread, with 2,595 posts, taking 5 months to successfully achieve an RPPVP server:


Adding Grobbulus to Classic WoW was ONE OF THE BEST decisions. It brought forth a vibrant community BOTH RP and Non-RPers, which creates a unique environment you just cannot find on PVP servers.

We had all Dwarf guilds, Gnome/Dwarf Guilds, Night Elf Guilds, Forsaken Guilds, Tribal Guilds, Orc Guilds, RPWPVP guilds patrolling Azeroth. Roleplaying events, Transmog Events, white hot memes and memorable events!

Grobbulus was one of THE LAST 50/50 PvP servers before they enabled faction balance (which, thank you by the way that was so needed for server health.)

Why don’t you guys just play on PVP server?

  • As someone who has played WoW since original Vanilla, I have sampled 3 out of 4 types. Started PVE, graduated to PvP, tried RPPVP and never went back. There is truly something unique about the community and environment you cannot find anywhere else.

  • Blizzard works very hard to create an immersive experience with the lore, designs, and environment for the players. We RPPVPers love the WoW world and want to be part of it.

  • RPPVP servers have a different level of maturity than regular PVP servers. I have found more kind interactions, and less toxicity in all my years playing. There are definitely wholesome communities on the PvP, just like you can stumble into unsavories on RPPVP, but the difference is very noticable.

[Side note: The current PVP server for Anniversary Realms is NOT looking good. Their discord is currently fostering a TOS violating community and it saddens me to see it.

Take a look for yourself. Discord code: 2fCxrJbZ

If that is what the PvP server community is going to be like… It is not a desirable place to be.]

The RPPVP Servers will just have Non-RPers play on it!

  • Well, of course? The only rule of an RPPVP server is to have an RPlike name. Roleplaying is not enforced, and surprisingly, non-RPers make up a good chunk of the population!

  • Many just love being on the server for the environment. They like the maturity, or perhaps love to just see Roleplaying take place, to give them a more immersive experience. Some legit play there because thats just where the queue landed them, but thats okay.

  • Even with this the case, I NEVER saw RP Griefing, and if it was there, it was very rare. Most people stuck to their own tasks.

  • Non-RPers are vital to the community:
    – They particpate raids
    – They participate in WPVP
    – They tank your dungeons
    – They heal your dungeons
    – They farm materials for the Auction House
    – They buy your materials on the Auction House

  • They have always been there, even in Vanilla. They are a benefit.

The RPPVP Server will die.

  • Grobbulus was the first RPPVP server, and it became SO popular, that they created a 2nd server, Deviate Delight, which, unfortunately, since was created AFTER the fact, struggled, as the East Coast players had already cemented themselves and schedules around the PST Grobbulus. And Grobbulus is still alive and thriving, even in Classic Cata.
  • As stated, Grobbulus is still alive. The demand for RPPVP is there. A single, dedicated RPPVP server is all we need for our thriving community to have its home.

Think something else should be added here? State below!

Our timeline is narrow, while the previous Classic had MONTHS to send their voice, we have less than a week.


Express your love for RPPVP! Let us bring out community together for more fantastic memories, memes, and tea.


I support your cause. I think Blizzard is just sick of releasing multiple servers and having everyone congregate on one of them anyway :expressionless: They think the people just want megaservers so that’s what they’re doing.


Hey Drooler, long time no talk.

I agree with your post.

The stuff that happened on SoD with the RP servers was a result of Blizzards actions, not the RP players, meaning that trusting these devs judgment is off the mark. They only really understand the player who is there for loot and not for the full experience, sadly.

I’m not sure what will happen but I’ll keep agreeing with threads like this.

There is a real concern of impatient people using the RP server to avoid the PVP server queues and then whining in a month when they can’t find a pug group as 3am. The only solution that seems to fix this is to release the RP server a little later AND expressing that it’s going to be done beforehand so the RP players know.


I support this post… I don’t RP very much but it brings my beloved WPvP to life.


I remember these threads before SOD and then they bowed and we got what ended up being the highest population mess of a streamer server.

If Blizzard isn’t going to enforce the rules on a server like this, then they should absolutely not do it. Having one big PVE server and then two PVP servers will not only be an unnecessary split of the PvP community, but just create a streamer server again.


It definitely splits the PvP community in the most positive way I can think of.

They are now posting hotodg pictures on the PvP discord. :unamused:

There is NO WAY I am ever going to that server.

Also if one thinks a server is safe from streamers, I’m afraid that world is long gone. Grobbulus held up just fine.

Howdy! Good to see you still around! The post just showed up in the feed. With work I missed the fun of trying SoD, I have heard some server flops about it, though.


This was a misstep on Blizzards part with SoD when they announced two PVP servers and one RP PVP server without giving the names of the servers.

The streamers did not care about the RP PVP element. They DID care about stacking their followers on the same server. So they took it the RP PVP server over, which doesn’t speak highly of these streamers IMO but what happened should have been predicted on Blizzards end.

This misstep on the part of Blizzard should not mean that we never see RP PVP servers for Classic again. Even Grobbulus Era is very small but has a great little community. Some people want that.


Grob works because those servers are all very old and stale. For a huge launch, the dynamics are much different. The only options would be a PVP server, a PVE server, and an RPVP server.

The RP PVP server was used as the streamer server in SoD because no one knew the server names and it would be the easiest one to coordinate a mass roll on.

The same logic would be used here, as blizzard has stated that they will add additional realms if queue times get out of hand. And unless reverse psychology is used, the anticipation of what server type might experience such queues falls squarely on the PVP server. The RP PVP server would be in the clear.

So the RP PVP server will be the mega server and the streamer server. It’s completely pointless to make it unless they strictly enforce the rule set. Which I highly doubt they’re willing to do.

In the end, it will just be a minimally populated PVP server, and a mass streamer server.

yes, that is a real concern, and blizzard did say they may add new realms later on. So that could be the plan with RPvP. :expressionless:


Sorry to see you endured such a disappointing experience, but to avoid any future chances seems silly. To deny others of possible future experiences also seems silly.

If you fear what may happen on the new RPPVP server, your safest bet is just roll on the PvP server, yeah? :wink:


I don’t think the streamers will roll on the RP PVP server if there is only one other PVP server choice.

All they care about is getting their followers on the same server. Even watching them rarely, I’ve heard what they say on their streams. They WANT to play on the largest server. The queues at the start don’t matter.


Listen to us blizz we want rp/rppvp


Yes that would be silly. Which is why I’d never do that. What I said was that if Blizzard was willing to strictly enforce the RP ruleset, then it can be done. If that isn’t the situation tho, then it will just be the mass streamer server. And I explained the logic of why that would be the case above. It’s not me taking the RPPVP server from you. I’m just the messenger explaining what would happen.


Apologies if I misread. I believe theres always that worry of x server getting overrun by something.

They should release the names early, so the communities can easily organize their homes.

All streamers and their communities should abide by TOS.


They would tho because there wouldn’t be a chance (logically) for the RPPVP server to need a second server due to queues. Blizzard said they will add severs based on queue demand. The only server where that is a potential is the PVP server. Thus, the streamers, using the same logic used for Crusader Strike in SoD, will use the RPPVP server to avoid splits and having to deal with figuring out which of two server to roll on off the bat when not knowing the names ahead of time. A streamer’s logistical nightmare.

The only way an RPPVP server is even possible is if Blizzard strictly enforces the ruleset. Which they won’t. So it’s not possible. You’re asking for an RPPVP server, but it’s not possible to make one during a lauch like this without Blizzard strickly enforcing it.

This would make it possible. But it sounds like they’re not willing to commit to making more than one of each server type atm. They SHOULD release two pvp servers and give us the names tho. That would enable an RPPVP server, yes.

Also, you have a very civil posting style and I commend you for it.

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honestly i dont even need it to be pvp. just give me any kind of rp server, please


Now is definitely the time to rally your cause. They said they are open to different server rule types if the interest is shown.

Get that thread cooking and invite your community to support its creation :tada:


I would say just RP on any server. It’s an MMORPG anyway, so… And, Grobbulus is already an ERA RP PVP realm. It’s not as if there aren’t any options.


If you read the post, it’s not the same. I’ve played on both and they are a BIG difference in terms of immersion, community, and maturity.

Grobbulus is fantastic, my Classic characters are on there, obviously. But theres no RPPVP currently for anniversary, which is what this thread is about.

If you are playing on PVP realm, then this isn’t really affecting you either way. :wink:


Whether I read the post or not, I’ve played on RP and non RP realms.

Not really. No there isn’t. But we all remember that dorf on DD who was going for Felstriker, if that’s your champion of community and maturity.

Anyway, we can agree to disagree, but do you really feel that more than 2 realms is a good idea? How long do you expect fresh to stay fresh?
