RPPVP Realms

Hey everyone,
I’m really just here to make some noise about RPPVP realms and how I personally, am really hoping to see at least 1 US RPPVP realm on Aug 12/13th. its the only type of realm I have ever played on for any MMORPG, if offered.
the best part about having classic WoW is giving the players that game we have been craving ever sense it moved to far down a different path. so why not have the option available as it was in 1.12? I’m sure there will be a large enough population to sustain a server or two if they gave it a go and if not… oh well shut it down, and I was wrong. but at least give us all the chance. not everyone writes on the forums unfortunately. and this would give them that opportunity to prove that the classic rppvp community does exist and its larger then previously thought. is there anyone else who feels this way as well?
someone trying to make a difference with a post.


I plan to play on a rppvp server when they come out.

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There is actually quite a long thread on this and a huge petition as well. It gets bumped almost every hour or so. I agree with you on the stance that that would be the server I would choose over any others. I just don’t see why they wouldn’t include one especially since there is such a big community for it. I even know some people who are not roleplayers but love pvp and enjoy how a role play community makes the game feel more immersive.

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I’m sure it all comes down to community support for classic. If it is popular they can do pretty much anything they want with servers. If it is not popular, the population levels will dictate what they can and can not offer.

Yo, if you want to add more noise you could make a post here

Sorta our megathread going on, and 99% of people agree, RP-PVP servers should be a thing at launch, it does add a ton of vaule to the game but… We’ll see what happens.

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I won’t be rolling on a RPPVP server, but agree that type of server should be available at launch. They existed in Vanilla and should exist in Classic. Represent.