Rp guilds in classic?

Are there any RP classic guilds announced yet??

From all the guild threads that have been posted since like 3 months ago: probably at most 1. I think guilds in an RP server are straight up RP. Like you have to RP in-game to join the guild.

< Goldshire Dance Team > is still recruiting night Elf females, all classes.


They will be limited by the unfortunate decision to not include rp-pvp realms.

Hopefully, they reverse that bad decision.

There has to be demand for those realms…


Definitely is a demand. A main thread nearing 2100 posts, 22,600+ views and 9,100 Likes and still currently active:


I think the reason why they aren’t doing an PvP-RP server just because of trolls. They don’t want a non-RPer to join the server, reach level 60 or any twink level and just start killing people mid-RP.

Could be IDK. Just seems a bit out of place. Trolls would get ran off the server on either faction I would think. You can troll the pve rp servers.

I personally am unable to find that as a thing. On Emerald Dream we had a lot of RP on our RPPVP server, if they didn’t want to be bothered during RP they would do it in an area would they couldn’t be attacked.

If they were attacked out in the world they expected it to happen, or that was just another part of their story. There was tons of people on Emerald Dream who did not RP but they co-existed just fine.

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I’ve been waiting for someone, anyone, to start recruiting for an RP guild.

If this is it, consider me in.

As Susan said RP-PVP servers are much easyier to govern then normal RP servers. Trolling still happens all the time on them atm as well. RP-PVP if you’re going to a contested zone everyone 100% know’s you can get ganked etc, no one has delusions, about a contested zone being safe.

There have been a few, what are you looking for? I can link you to a few Discords about looking for guilds but on these forum

These folks may be what you’re looking for. They are going to be doing some raiding a while after launch, and are definitely going to be doing some RP.

You can troll the PvE RP servers to an extent. Only griefing mobs and stuff. But not straight up come and kill everyone who is having a rp at some town.

Yes back then, it was much easier to govern. But with how the gaming community has changed since 2005 is massive. A lot more trolls than there were before. Especially a decent pc and internet are much more acceptable now than back then.

Then at that point I would say the group failed to prepare. Either they are delusional that someone is going to take advantage and create world pvp, or they failed to bring body guards if they truly wanted to be that level of undisturbed in a contested zone.

To each their own. :woman_shrugging:

Yes back then, it was much easier to govern. But with how the gaming community has changed since 2005 is masssive. A lot more trolls than there were before.

Thankfully, we are going back to no cross servers. Their name and actions are their reputation they will earn and the consequences will come with it :slight_smile:

They will form, i played on Argent dawn back in the day, and there was several fairly succesfull guilds… Horde had Legion of lemmings… i ran with DRG, alliance side… cant remember if anyone got ctun down, i know we got twins, but never got ctun down… and we got a few of the bosses in naxx down, but the narrow window to tbc, made motivation fairly low…

Since there is likely only going to be one RP server, people will play and structures will form along the road… i dont see much point in planning ahead, and try beat the game even before its out… when people are 60, have the rep, can create the consumables, then things is a difrent story… but i think people forget, about the investment to get those last steps

I don’t get how any of that really involves RP.

Use your imagination, how you can use your avatar to interact with other players in a sandbox, that leads to these people getting to know each other and going on a adventure… alot of these people want to interact with people, interaction leads to ?

Depends on the guild.

Most guilds on an RP server are not that hardcore about it; most players on an RP server RP occasionally at most.

RP guilds that require in-character at all times are the “hardcore raid guild” equivalent for RP guilds. Most RP guilds are more like something you might see for a D&D discord; they’re made up of people who like to RP, and who play RP events together, but aren’t in-character most of the time. And not all guilds on an RP server are RP guilds, even to that extent.

I really hope there is more than one rp server in Classic. I do think they are underestimating the number of people who want rp.

@Heralf. No, rp guilds do not all expect you to rp all the time, that would be silly. Yes there will be some who like to keep their characters IC (in character) most of the time, but very few will do it exclusively.

I have not seen a ‘hard core’ rp guild in all my years of playing WOW. I would love it if it were true. Realistically though, there are too many things you need to do OOC (out of character) to make it feasible.

I’ll be rolling on an RP server. Both factions, most likely. I’m far from the Guild Leader type but I’m definitely on board for one that springs up. Thankfully in Classic (outside of layering), you’ll mostly be interacting with people on your server and everyone will be in either EK or Kalimdor, so it’s all but certain you’ll encounter loads of people in the wilds rather than Retail being a lobby game.

In Retail you NEED a guild if you want RP unless you skulk around inns in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. In Classic, hopefully since everyone is in either EK or Kalimdor, you’ll constantly be running into people at all levels. I can’t wait to experience a WoW like that.

Heck, even in TBC, there’s segregation between pre 60s and post 60s as the latter is dumped into Outland and stick to Shattrath instead of the faction cities. As a guy who was always on board with TBC Classic…I think that’s a part of Vanilla RP that’s going to really grip me.

I can’t friggin’ wait, dudes.