Can Non-RPers just leave the RP realms?

Ideally? A force of currently non-existent GMs that need to be hired in order to restore the proper order of things as they were in Vanilla.

That’s honestly one of the biggest let-downs of Classic in general, that despite bringing back the game, Blizzard failed to add GMs to their payroll to play the role that they originally did back in the day to administer justice against exploiters, disruptive folks on RP servers, and general dickery.

That said, maybe a new RCR option that gets fed to a special queue for CS for “RP Disruption” might be handy since the whole #NOCHANGES thing went out the window with the utter lack of server moderation that exists.

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Probably one of the best things about Vanilla that they gutted out.

I use to play on an RP server and I’ll say the GM’s there were awesome individuals.

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people that get a forced name change too many time should be forced to only use the name generator and get only one shot at it.

Your apparent anger makes it difficult to agree with you, but I do, for the most part.

If you roll on an RP server you don’t have to RP, but you need to follow the rules and respect those who do RP.


They actually get an escalating ban.

Friendly reminder that we weren’t going to get RPPVP servers:

There were going to be 0 RPPVP at launch. Now we have 2. I know some people enjoy rolling on RPPVP for the more mature community, they usually pick a name that fits the guidelines and lets everyone play in peace.

Then we have Breakerhymen and Laythepipe who should go back to their plain PVP realms.


Rp’ers whine so dam much like just put someone on ignore if they are ruining your experience just like the rest of us. You are not entitled to some special privilege, we all pay 15$ a month to play the game



and also must avoid being disruptive to the world.


States they aren’t entitled.

Provides flimsy reason to enable bad behavior.



This is unnecessarily aggressive and makes you just as bad as them, but aren’t RP realms subjected to a different ruleset, like can’t you get people actioned for doing that stuff?


They should just implement a system where they filter the names through the guy at the DOMV who screens the vanity plate applications.

There are people being annoying on my realm too, but guess what I can put them on ignore so I don’t see it anymore. I guess this isn’t good enough for RP’ers they require some special punishment be handed down for “Their” servers because they are special!!

You’re a good reason I prefer RPPVP servers.

Other realms can keep that drama queen stuff over there.

I’m stealing those names for my alts.

Those are probably fine on PVP servers.

I like the concept of RP, but this thread is why I don’t go near RP realms. Feels very hostile for some reason like a hot, moist day in the south.

Just probably a more severe situation that hit a boiling point.

Most RP’ers I’ve known are pretty chill.

Some can be on the more ‘elaborate’ side.

But they are. The different rules for rp realms are clearly laid out in the tos we all agreed to, most of us who played for years agreed several times. If you didn’t bother to read the tos and rolled on the wrong realm the solution is to reroll on a different realm with some different rules. Same solution for those who rolled on pvp realms and didn’t like it.

On one hand I can see why it’s best to leave RP’ers to do their thing.
On the other hand you got super tilted about someone’s name like it’s going to ruin a 40 minute discussion about a worg you killed when you see them run past and that’s a bit childish.

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That is one ANGRY night elf.

Jeez, you think someone set fire to the great tree or something. Lol