The Gilgoblin/Kelfin Megathread

It is.

Kelfin would be an amazing add to the Horde.


not bad but iā€™d just prefer murlocs and then give them like a skin or something w/ the fish helm or something similiar

New month and its a great time to suggest the races we want to see to the devs through the ingame suggestion menu!

Kelfin are one of my top picks!

Bagzak has written up a great guide for how to do so here.


An idea Iā€™ve presented before was Hunters being able to tame underwater animals as pets, where they would be encased in a water bubble in order to be used out of water. Some mini pets already do this, so I could see it working for some Hunter pets.

Itā€™s something I could see being given automatically to Kelfin and Ankoan/Jinyu Hunters, where Hunters of other races have to do a questline in order to learn how to do it. Itā€™d be an interesting addition for Hunter pets and would be pretty exciting to go search for and tame for these types of beasts.

Speaking of, one starting Hunter pet I could see for Kelfin would be the snapdragon. I could also see a type of crab for them also, which could mirror the Goblin Hunter starting pet. Not sure what is the most fitting here.

Anywa, just a fun thought I wanted to share. :japanese_goblin::trident:


That would be really cool, having the bubble around water pets and some races having instant access like Goblins and Gnomes have for mechanicals.

Iā€™d imagine the Snapdragon would be both an excellent hunter starting pet for kelfin as well as a potential mount.


Iā€™ve been working on a character dedicated to each of the main tradeskills, and I took my tailoring/enchanting character to Nazjatar and had all sorts of nostalgia.

I then remembered how abruptly we left the area without much word to the Unshackled or Ankoan. No real goodbyes or anything. And we have yet to hear from either of them again. Itā€™s very unfortunate. Moreso when seeing the Unshackled still standing on the shores of Durotar since the end of BfA.

Part of me wonders if a good way to reintroduce the Unshackled and Ankoan is if they return the favor by helping their respective factions with something, whether it is an attack by Azshara and her Naga forces or something else. Then afterwards, both the Unshackled and Ankoan get official invitations for their respective factions, seeing as there would be some really big mutual benefits to that happening to everyone involved.

I still feel like whenever we deal with Azshara again, that would be a great time to involve the Unshackled and Ankoan again. I donā€™t really see her seeing the true meaning of Winter Veil and doing a face turn, so itā€™s likely weā€™ll have to beat her and her minions up at some point and the Unshackled and Ankoan would have some big roles in such a storyline.

Of course, there is still the worry of Kelfin just becoming a Customization Race, which be utterly disappointing for many reasons Iā€™ve grumbled about, including them suddenly having the ability to drown in a cup of water despite living in the deep ocean almost all of their lives. Then again, with Earthen being a full race, there could still be a decent chance for Kelfin to be a full playable race.

So Iā€™m still keeping hope for playable Kelfin as a full race, with Ankoan to go with them. Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll see their storylines continue and that they both arenā€™t just forgotten after such an abrupt ending to Nazjatarā€™s storylines in general.

Now if I could just get an official Horde invite delivered to the Unshackled on the shores of Durotarā€¦so close, yet so farā€¦



Imagine if you can fly around on that mount as a KELFIN!


where is my gobfish person.


I didnā€™t see this here but one racial mount for Gilgoblin as playable race should be a snapdragon like this one:


Some pictures about a Gilgoblin in the Horde :dracthyr_yay_animated:

(Gilgoblin waiting with the other Unshackled to go in Ogrimmar and meet the council to try to be a part of the Horde)

(Gilgoblin coming to see Orgrimmar)

(Gilgoblin visiting Orgrimmar)

(Gilgoblin asking his way in Stormwind)

(Gilgoblin thinking itā€™s the perfect spot for him and the other Unshackled to live in Orgrimmar among the Horde)

(Gilgoblin speaking with his new allies of the Horde in Ogrimmar)


The Goblin raid gives me the hope of playable Kelfin.

LOL You gave me false hope :frowning:

1 Like

Signed. I want this 10000%


The Alliance taking Gilgoblin would mean passing on the awesome samurai fish folk from Nazjatar.

No gracias. Iā€™ll take my bushido Innsmouthers

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Other Allied Race and Customization Threads
Here I will post other Allied Race and Customization threads. If youā€™re interested in threads like this one and want to see more I implore you to seek out these other threads and their creators and support any and all that you like!

Several Other Threads Of Note

A Compilation of Customization threads - By Benhart

Ankoan and Jinyu Thread - By Rorrand

Arakkoa Thread - By Lore

Big Blood Elf Customization Thread - By Veras (Zandrae)

Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sinā€™dorei) - By Kyuu (Fenelon)

Broken/Krokul Allied Race Thread - By Mianyaue

Covenant Races Thread - By Emerril

Customization Suggestions Megathread - By Drede

Dark Iron and Magā€™har customization Thread - By Grymes

Dark Ranger Thread - By Balesong

Drakonid Thread - By Keldar

Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves - By Keldar

Eldritch Knight/Void Knight Concept - By Greatbrae

Ethereal Thread - By Lore

Forsaken Customization Thread - By Baalsamael

Forsaken and LFD Model Toggle Thread - By Greatbrae

Forest Troll AR thread - By Zurogrusel

Furbolg Discussion Thread - By Fenelon

Goblin customization! - By Hendry

Harrornir Discussion Thread - By Daisy

High Elf Customization Thread - By Fenelon

Human Customization Thread - By Anansi

Kelfin/Gilgoblin Thread - By Ruff

Kulā€™tiran and Zandalari Customization - By Kyzendra

Kulā€™tiran Love & Customization Thread - By Morbann (Fenelon)

LFD and Draenei customization - By Averyx

Manā€™ari Eredar more customizations - By Mianyaue

Mechagnome Customization - By Coaxial (Fenelon)

Mokā€™nathal Allied Race Thread - By Mianyaue

Naga Allied Race Thread - By Leotheras

Nathanos Style Forsaken - By Fallyn

Nightborne Customization Thread - By Ellinia

Night Elf Customization Thread - By Artanys

Ogre Thread - By Bagzak

Big Orc Customization Thread - By Zurogrusel

Rajani Allied Race Thread - By Mianyaue

Saberon Thread - By Lore

Sanā€™layn Thread - By Fallyn

Saurok Thread - By Bagzak

Sethrak Thread - By Nadezhdha

Taunka Thread - By Zitga

Tinker Megathread - by Tausnor

Tuskarr Playable Race Megathread - by Jorreno

Tuskarr Playable Race Discussion Thread - by Mianyaue

Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Renā€™dorei) - By Fenelon

Vrykul Discussion Thread - By Mianyaue

Vulpera Customization Thread - By Fokoru

Warlock Stables Customization - By Baalsamael

Worgen Customization Megathread - By Keori

Worgen Tails Thread - By Caelus