So how do you feel about Genji’s deflect hitbox? Considering things that clearly miss are still deflected?
They should remove the .1 second leniency hack has. That’s a pretty fair thing to get rid of and it’d remove getting hacked behind walls, through shields, during blink, etc.
it is primarily an issue with how deflect interacts with certain architecture but i have never argued against the idea that it’s visual should be updated
Ermmm…so watching a video of someone playing a hero like it is supposed to be and someone else who can’t seem to adapt to it, is a problem and requires an immediate nerf?
Gosh darn! Then I am eager to check that nerf coming to Genji and Tracer!
We’re making some more changes to Sombra next patch to address these issues. There are two main changes coming:
Any time Sombra’s hack is interrupted by damage, hacking will go on cooldown for 2 seconds. With this change, Sombra will have to be more careful about choosing when and who to hack instead of just holding down the button and waiting for people to miss and/or reload etc.
There is currently a 0.1s window of time at the end of the hack where it cannot be canceled via line of sight or other effects (such as Tracer’s recall, Zarya bubbles, etc). This exists so it doesn’t constantly get broken by very small line of sight blockers such as light posts and signs, etc. We are removing this window and instead now using multiple LOS checks to make sure the small LOS blockers are still not a problem. In addition to this, we’re speeding up the update rate of her hacking so that it is more responsive in checking for these fail conditions. The combination of these things means it should be much more reasonable to respond to a hack targeting you.
The intent of all of her recent changes is still to increase her overall strength and viability. We’re keeping a close eye on her to make sure she lands in a good place.
#1 would be much better if you made it so that hack isn’t interrupted by a speck of dva fart from across the map. Can you please put some sort of very minimal damage threshold for interruption if you’re going to move forward with this change?