Did you mean “We’re keeping a closeD eye on her” ? Because that would explain a lot of things. Like, a lot.
I hate to use Mercy as an example, but…
Just because they don’t say when that someone sneezed while they were looking at some Sombra bugs doesn’t mean that they aren’t watching.
Currently I think Builders are taking priority in planned reworks.
Think Bastion would be next, then Sombra.
Eh, to be fair, Sombra warranted a response quite awhile ago. This is not like that random guy who got a response regarding Winston for whatever reason.
I agree, they’re watching and coming up with new ways to nerf–er, buff Sombra.
Why do people act like this. I’ve don’t see anyone else do this. Even when people talk about Rein or Sym people don’t act like this.
Sym mains spent weeks complaining about the Zarya-lite rework, what are you talking about?
Sombra’s buffs were almost immediately walked back due to forum complaining, but the compensation nerfs were left in place.
No one else from what I’ve seen acts like there’s a conspiracy about Blizzard hating Sombra and wanting her to be bad forever.
Yeah, this is just ridiculous tbh.
It’s the players more than Blizzard specifically. Every time Sombra gets something nice, the players complain and get it nerfed.
Hack is a really powerful ability. You can’t have Sombra be too much of a generalist hero because of how strong hack is. Tracer for example is pretty generalist, but she has little utility just damage. Flankers are the strongest heroes in this game. Sombra is really hard to balance.
Thing is, their characters didn’t go underpowered for a year before getting changes that made them even WORSE!
Rein’s not the best, sure, but at least he hasn’t been nerfed. And symmetra actually got a rework that made her BETTER than she used to be a long while ago (Not “good”, but still BETTER.)
Sombra, though? She was underpowered for the longest time, just to get some changes that finally made her viable, just to have nerfs thrown on top that made her even WORSE THAN BEFORE.
I’d much rather they revert her then leave her alone until they decide to come back to her after dealing with other characters than leave her as she is currently.
But you know Blizzard’s stance on Reverts Glances at Mercy.
Hack is powerful, but the LOS changes made it significantly worse than it was before the buff pass. It breaks randomly mid-channel, doesn’t always go off even though the animation completed and the target was in LOS the entire time…
The buff pass was intended to pump more power into hack and less into EMP, so Sombra could have more impact/uptime on disabling enemies without EMP spam.
The net result of all the adjustments is that not only is EMP still the more reliable way of actually hacking enemies, but EMP happens less often due to the compensation nerf on health pack ult gain.
How is Sombra stronger now than before the adjustment passes? Is a slightly smaller SMG spread and (select) passives being disabled worth hack breaking/fizzling randomly and EMP happening less often?
It sucks, too. I was about to get her golden gun right before her changes came. Then they came, and i knew, i KNEW, that Blizzard would find a way to mess it up and held back from getting her Golden Gun.
And wouldn’t you know, i was RIGHT. Blizzard royally messed up with her.
One could only hope
Well, by what I said… I meant that they said that they would keep an eye on her, but they didn’t really do anything. I’m hoping they don’t do that to Sombra. At least Mercy is balanced…
It’s a stealth mechanism problem in general and Blizzard punish those who play that play style.