Please leave Genji alone

This is what bothers me.

These are exploits that gave him an even further unfair advantage over the kit he already has that has a ton of freebies in it. And when these are removed, notably the broken hitbox on deflect, y’all act like it’s the same kind of nerf that Brigitte, Doomfist, or Sombra got. Those are real nerfs. Genji having his exploits and bugs fixed is not the same level of nerf as it is with every other hero in this game.

This did not change how Genji was fundamentally played, nor has it really even reduced his viability. In GOATs meta he’s still picked a lot in masters +, a meta where he should theoretically suck. Exploit fixes are NOT the same as the nerfs that every other hero is given for being a fraction of viable as Genji is.

So to sum up the arguments provided in this topic: Leave my OP hero alone BabyRage

That’s not really the argument since, you know…in the first few lines he lets everyone know that he’s not actually a Genji main and doesn’t even play him :man_shrugging:

And other supports, and all main tanks, and most off tanks, and most dps, and pretty much everybody idk who the hell your talking about everyone hated her

I can’t get stats that go back that far, and I can’t post images.

After the nerf she had the lowest pickrate of 0.5% which was in line with bastions, and just look up all of the videos with her bugs. There isn’t a shortage.

You can click his name on there to take you to the current topic, located here:

Kind of impossible to get those stats now IIRC because the time frame is beyond 6 months. We can’t collect them anymore.

Can’t show, as said before. But what I recall is that her stats were actually steadily dropping in ladder - she was declining in pickrates in GM (back to where she was before her nerfs) and her winrate also steadily decreased. :man_shrugging:

You can use the search function to look up topics revolving around this time, and hopefully there were level 3 users who posted screenshots.

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Sure yeah, because a Genji main would admit he is one, to support his defense. /s

That isn’t a reason for getting her nerfed. “I don’t like insert hero here so let’s nerf him for no reason”

He has, but it was so long ago, and didn’t last as long as Dva or Brig so you’re right :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, there are plenty of people who don’t main a hero and don’t want them nerfed. I hate Roadhog but don’t want him nerfed. I hate Reinhardt and Zarya atm but I don’t want them nerfed and they’re actually must-picks across ranks.

I don’t see how that is a conflict of interest. They can be mutually exclusive. Non-Genji mains can want Genji left alone.

I actually agree. I think your anger level regarding Genji would depend on which character you are playing. I usually play Moira and can deal with Genji so I don’t really feel the effects of his wrath. Unless they are a really good Genji.

Every character can be frustrating in the right situation.

Oh no I didnt say that balance should be based around that im just saying im.glad shes dead

But that isn’t fair is it? I bet if your favourite hero got killed for the sake of it, you wouldn’t like that.

[quote=“Mamalamadoo-1218, post:130, topic:285957, full:true”]

Control + F “bug” shows no result.

When did devs say those weren’t bugs?

O for 2

O for 3.

Only if you Genji players promise to leave Moira alone. You can’t have your cake and eat it too

Sure the nerfs were hard and unjust but this has happened alot to other heroes and Reinhardt used to be the glitchiest thing in overwatch, youll never know the pain of the double hammer down or the shadow q, ever…

I quoted the full post.

As for you asking for stats for almost year later, about 6 months too late, there’s no O - you’re asking for things that are literally unavailable to anyone except Blizzard/Overwatch devs. :man_shrugging: Would love to grab 'em if I could, but they are simply not available.

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Yeah i know, but i had the pain of invisibility not activating, translocator not translocating, dying after translocating, the spinning screen after translocating, hack randomly cancelling, hack cancelling on a movement ability, people being able to ult when hacked, hack taking longer than usual, translocator not translocating where it’s meant to be, hack switching targets at will, hack not completing but going on full cool down when somebody dies etc

You should probably read all of the posts between me and him so you understand the context.

By the way, the old deflect hitbox was also not an exploit. Jeff said they made it that big because pixel perfect one was not working the way they wanted.

So as someone who understands what it’s like to have their hero neutered, you’re happy another hero is?

That’s actually really hypocritical and an unfortunate mindset to carry. One thing to be okay with where she’s at, another to acknowledge she’s weak and you’re happy she is out of petty.

I don’t like Rein but rallied for his bug fixes, even though I hated playing against him - and now I see him every game. I still don’t want him ruined cause that’s unfair. :man_shrugging:

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