Anything on Sombra?

Arguably, shes in a worse spot than ever. Translocator is 6 seconds now instead of 4, hack and EMP lost a second from their duration, and it takes longer to cast EMP…

She is most certainly not in a good place. Is she going to be looked at?

Also, shamelessly putting my suggestions here since I’m not level 3 and can’t bump :x


Ha… Hahaha…
They can’t even do anything for Bastion, don’t expect anything for Sombra…


All the really need to do is revert EMP cast time and she’d be at least playable.

That’s definitely not enough in my opinion
Sombra’s whole kit makes her able to play without her team at all. Her hack will be useful to the team, but that’s all, she just hacks the enemy Rein, damage him to build her EMP, Translocate back to her pack, does the same multiple times until she has EMP, uses EMP and teamfight won.

She just does her life apart from the team, she can’t be pocket by Mercy since she’s always behind the enemies, won’t need any help from the Tanks since, again, she’s always behind the enemies, and yeah, I personally think that, like Bastio, she needs a total rework of the entiere kit


she needs a total rework of the entiere kit

That would be an incredibly difficult task. Literally all of her current abilities were shown in her cinematic, I don’t think Blizzard would ever change anything in her kit. Though they did get rid of Scatter.

Thats the point, she’s not supposed to be independent like Genji or Tracer. She’s supposed to set up her team to win a fight.

If you get rid of any of Sombra’s kit you delete a key part of what makes her unique from other heroes. It’s not like removing scatter, because Hanzo is still the only bow and arrow hero. With sombra if you remove parts of her kit, she just becomes a generic flanker. I’d rather her be underpowered and keep her uniqueness than become a 2$ flanker.


Ive never had a problem casting EMP…

People seem to not be doing it right then.

Sombra is fine. leave her alone. It is why they keep nerfing her when they “buff” her. Shes always been one of the most balanced heros in the game.

It is the OTHER heros that have been OP, thus is why there has been steady nerfs to them.


She needs help, she’s been heavily over nerfed.


She’s fine. She’s in a spot where she has little effect on the games outcome and you’ll have fun regardless of whether you win or lose.

You can lose a dozen games in a row and still have an epic time on each one. And that’s what really matters in a game doesn’t it? The ones that should be asking her to be buffed are her teammates.

That conversation went like this tho.

Teammate (Team): Why’d you pick Sombra! She’s so weak!
Me (Team): Then ask the dev’s to buff her
Teammate (All): Our Sombra is blaming the Dev’s.
Me: Wut???

Anyway, she’s fine. If they buff her, they’ll just end up ruining her. They’ll take the fun out of her and make her painful to play.

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I mean, knowing them, yea…

They’ll give her some random buff that wont make sense and then nerf her kit…again.

That much I can agree with

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I could see this argument back in 2017, before Hack was made faster and Sombra was a niche pick on 2 CP.

However, she’s never been good statistically. She hasn’t been fun to play as for years. And every buff she’s ever gotten has come with a compensation nerf for fear of Sombra being meta, but she’s never been close to being a regularly picked hero. Even at her arguable strongest in February 2018, for those 2 weeks after her rework, her pickrate didn’t go above 2% and was dropping before the kneejerk nerf.

You can’t say she’s balanced when, for most of her lifespan, picking Sombra has been a detriment to the team. Where you’re more likely to lose running a Sombra than running any other DPS.


That was over 2+ years ago. That promise was long broken, friend. lmao

She should gain ult charge from health packs again expect this time around it only works for herself.

turn sombra and sym into supports somehow.

Thats it, the entire cast is OP except for Sombra. Galaxy brain.

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speak for yourself. Shes absolutely fun to play for me, and a lot of other people.

Perhaps you are not using her correctly.

And ive already answered your last point. It is other Heros that are OP, thus overshadowed her, thus is why they are slowly but surely being nerfed.

I don’t see that you use her in comp, or have any time on her in Comp, so I am not entirely sure you can make a judgement based on experience…

It’s not hard, just reduce her spread! A lot, not all these little baby step improvements to spread. There’s no need for it to be so wide when it effectively instantly goes to max spread.

Reducing her spread actually hurts her, as her style is up close and personal. It becomes harder to hit moving targets.

You don’t actually think her gun spread is to reduce her effectiveness on purpose do you?

Shes fine the way she is. People want her buffed, without realizing how powerful her hack actually is. Now they want her to be killing people left and right without any effort? Shes a 3 star hero for a reason. Takes time to learn to be effective with her. a very very long time actually, especially for those that want to use her with a style of s76 or something.

Buffing her gun, will invite a nerf, such as reducing her magazine size or something.

I much prefer the large magazine size for the style of hero that she is.

Its also the reason she has a large magazine size. A good sombra can melt a roadhog, for example.

I know, but it still stings seeing it…