.1s Hack After Breaking LOS Shouldn't be a Thing With These New Sombra Buffs

Since sombra’s hack only takes .65s to complete, i think it is time that you get rid of her unfair “hack through the wall, or anything for that matter” capabilities.

When sombra is hacking somebody, and the person breaks LOS with her, sombra does the hack for .1 more seconds no matter what, be it the target is behind a wall/shield/whatever, it will proceed to hack for .1 more seconds no matter what. And it feels cheap cheese and unfair.

Since her hack time got buffed to be as fast as .65s, she now needs only .55s of LOS with her target to guarantee that the hack goes off if the target breaks LOS, which is extremely small.

I think its time for her .1s hack-proceeding-after-breaking-LOS mechanic to go away.

Edit: For anyone who doesn’t know the intricacies of the hero and is not aware of its mechanics and thinks this is latency: https://i.imgur.com/w5pf33w.png

Thank you very much.


Or… you can simply just shoot her.


How shooting her justifies her ability to hack through walls? can you elaborate?


You are talking about Breaking LoS. Well I was suggesting that just shooting her will fix your issue. What you are experiencing is latency.

Before Sombra 2.0 she had the same latency. On your screen you was behind walls, on the Sombra screen she got the hacked animation complete before you ran behind the wall.

I mention “shoot her” because in FPS games, the game itself aways favors the shooter. Always.


I don’t have issues, Sombra has.

No, devs confirmed this is how it works. I myself thought it was latency, but then i read a post by a dev that it actually continues to hack for .1s after breaking los.

And he also said they will revisit this feature in the future if needed, and i think the time has come with these new buffs. She doesn’t need it anymore.


Personally, I think she is fine with it.

A Sombra can easily be shut down by one chip of damage. Literally, 1hp of damage.

If it’s not latency , and the devs confirm it then I guess I don’t see the problem. If I am going be completely honest with you.


It feels nasty to be hacked behind walls. If you don’t see a problem with being hacked behind walls, i see a problem with your reasoning.

Just because you can hit her, doesn’t justify the cheese. Not everyone has spray and pray gun either. And nobody has a gun to shoot through a wall when she goes around a corner while hacking.


I can tell you bud, that I am certainly not the problem.

I know what you are talking about, and again I don’t see the problem of it at all. It exists before, and because she can hack 0.15 faster doesn’t change the fact that she can be easily neglected by 1hp of damage.

It’s okay man, but I can insure you that Sombra is definitely not the issue.

It’s like Mercy’s Beam healing and Symmetra’s beam having a legacy of a second from de-attaching from the target. Same applies to Sombra. The changes of “hacking through wall” issue that you are having is very slim as usually it will break LoS if the Sombra is not quick enough, or if an obstacle gets in the way of the Sombra and the target.


Does a hacker need to have line of sight of your computer to hack it? I mean in all honesty i dont see any problem here. Her hack is easy enough to counter with dva that can basically chip her for 1 damage with a massive spread which stops hack instantly.


This post is quite misconstrued because you really aren’t being hacked behind walls at all. You are running out of her LoS to get away from her hack when you could of more easily shot her as BoopHer suggests. A simple 180 click will solve your problems. Also latency is going to play a huge issue in this whether or not you want to agree or not. You are dealing with 200ms of time. I have issues playing players when i’m at 52png constant and they are down to 12png. It’s the difference of a widow 1v1 a lot of times. Tracers blink, hog hook. A lot of elements play key factors into latency. Overall I think she’s just fine, It’s a very minimal amount of time to worry about considering she would have already had to of gotten off a majority of her hack. A lot of peoples response time isn’t even that fast. The average is actually around 500ms when you ask Google.

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The ‘hack through walls’ is the same as the shooters advantage. No different then mercy healing through a wall momentarily. It’s just client / server communication.


Except Mercy’s is healing and is purposely lazy.

Stuff like hack should be similar to Hog hook and how Sym’s beam should work. Cut it at LOS break. It’s an offensive ability, stop rewinding time when it has a major impact on play


Sombra does actually have a lot of leeway with her hack line of sight, and if it’s sped up I do feel that making it a little tighter would be justified.

Most low tier players don’t know about the LOS trick, where you can turn away at the last .1-.2 seconds and still hack the target, while the hack speed increase means that a player who DOES know that trick, if the line of sight was stricter the time they spent looking at a target would be about identical to what it is now, just with less a window to be interrupted from damage.

The current duration in live allotted for breaking line of sight is pretty forgiving, I don’t think most people commenting against this suggestion know how lax it is. Tightening it up wouldn’t hurt her kit when paired with the other buffs she’s getting.


Average human response time including pro gamers is around .25 and so she has .65 to hack.

You basically have .4 to react to hack. Getting behind a wall with her .2 los loss means you really have .2 seconds to get behind some barrier to actually break the hack.

Or .4 to turn, spot her, and actually hit her. Even harder todo if you’re playing a projectile hero or Rein.

Even for a pro, that’ll be hard as hell to do.


when you are alone, yes that may be “challenging”

However, that falls on the individual and team for lack of self-awareness.


Since this is no longer PTR related, i’m moving it to general.

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No, this isn’t an actual thing implemented into her ability, it’s called latency, that’s just how games work. On Sombras screen your body was still in her LoS, and on your screen you were around the corner. It’s the same as saying “How did he kill me? I was around the corner!” and you watch the killcam and you weren’t fully around the corner yet.



Next time get your facts straight.


He isn’t talking about Tracer, I already knew that was intended that’s a completely different thing, what this guy is talking about is getting hacked when you were “around the corner”.

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One of the bug examples included getting hacked while translocating out of sight. While I don’t know how translocate affects Sombra’s hurtbox, expecially not on an example from months ago, there is a possibility that would still translate to slower movements getting you out of sight in the last 0.1 seconds of the hack. Some of the recall testing also showed the recall breaking line of sight, so it isn’t just ignoring the first 0.1s of invulnerability on a defensive ability.