amazing, as a sombra main im not ashamed to say this is a great change and a welcomed change.
you made me laught more then the usual with this. thanks im stealing this btw
And once again everyone overreacted for nothing
Forget it…
not playable… by this she will be nerfed to the ground…
you are eliminating all Sombra in game… period.
tears incoming
When’s this next patch coming?
Because I need it.
I agree entirely with the LOS checks. I appreciate the attention to detail.
That, is, fantastic. Thank you very kindly good sir, very well formulated changes.
Wow, this is actually quite good! Will she receive any compensation in return?
She deserves it. If you can’t hack the enemy with 0.65 cast time, then you deserve to lose the ability and reconsider repositioning.
I think the second change alone was more than enough but… eh… What can we do about it at this point…
If that’s how you interpret my previous post, you don’t understand Sombra challenges
looks at account
I can’t even find your account dude. What proof do you have that you’re a sombra main?
The first change is unreasonable unless you add a damage threshold.
The second change is what was really needed.
Time to pack it up because Sombra is going back to <.5% playrate.
Please don’t do this. Please. I’d take a hack speed nerf any time over this.
It’s only 2 seconds, you’re talkin’ like they’re holding a knife to her throat
yep. By this, sombra is even worse than before.
please, instead of killing sombra, just reverse all the changes and give us back the old playable sombra.
OMG, just revert her them. Sombra is dead if they go through with this. Giving her a 2 seconds cooldown after a failed hack is ridiculous.
Stop trying to hack mid firefight. If you try and are immediately inturrupted, trying 5 more times instead of outputting actual damage or getting out of there is the worst thing you can do.
I love these changes, particularly because the first gets sombra players to stop being bad and actually learn when to use hack instead of spamming it all the time, and the second because it should already be like that.
2 seconds matters a LOT in a fast-paced game like Overwatch, and for them to nerf her EMP charge because it ‘felt clunky and didn’t really mesh well with her kit’, and then implement this change? That’s straight up hypocritical.