Daily thread of Please fix Sombra, bug list inside!

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Fitzy even made a Top 5 video list of her bugs. TOP 5 (not even counting the dozen other bugs). You know a hero is messed up when a list like this shows up.


He uploaded this before the LOS patch. He could make a new top 5 bug list focusing on the LOS alone :expressionless:


@Hajile : thank you so much for taking the time to record upload all these examples! I will add links to your posts in the main post asap.

A month Later still no changes over 300 threads over 1000 post and they still don’t care When will my wife be restored
R.I.P Sombra most fun dps/support hybrid

Looks like she landed in that “good place”.


Thank you for putting this together. Still would love to see even one of these bugs get acknowledged by Blizzard or considered as a new addition to the “known bugs list” of which there are none for sombra as of 5-29-18


Another example of Tracer blink breaking hack while still in view

The highlight follows tracer when she blinks, the hack doesn’t.

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lmao this made me actually laugh, I needed that after all this depressing silence from blizz. thanks :slight_smile:

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This is all one hack


a little bump. who knows, maybe with the Symmetra rework, and her ult probably getting destroyed by EMP, people will have to use her more often, will find out even more about all the bugs that’s crippling her, that means more people complaining and maybe the devs will FINALLY have the guts to… answer? like just making the community KNOW that the bugs are known, so they are looked at. it’s nothing, it’s like just one line of text…

Oops. finally it was a big bump.

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Bumpity bump bump bump

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doomfist- fixed in a couple of months
Sombra- since release and still havent been fixed. (except for like a couple like the translocator under your feet and a couple of others.)

Yeah I’ve kinda become worse to be around because of these bugs

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What annoys me is when my friend denys there being any bugs with sombra and they say I just don’t hack at the right time. I can’t hack at the right time because of the bugs.

Another video of a common translocator bug. Hoping this will get fixed someday

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