“Were keeping a close eye on her to make sure she lands in a good place.”

I’m sorry if this sounds rude but someone has to say it, that “close eye” must be made of glass or something because it’s been over two months and Sombra now has the lowest Winrate and Pickrate out of every hero overall.

So glad I got to see my girl shine for two weeks before she got sent back into the trash that is now being put to flames since Brigitte got here! :blush:


Abilities are just not going to be very high-class in an FPS game.

No matter how much you change her hack to make it more effective-- you’re talking about changing the scenery when it is still affected by the weather.

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They definitely see it, but what did you expect? Overwatch to have patches at something other than a glacial pace?


The LoS change was necessary. Being hacked through Cryofreeze, Wraith Form, Recall, Walls etc. was one of the most stupidest things to get hit by.

You really think the only reason her win/pickrate has gone below her EMP Bot state is solely due to 2 Second Hack Cooldown on being Interrupted? No there’s a ton of bugs bringing her down.

It’s the Doomfist situation again. Fix the glaring bugs and then work out number tweaks and balance changes.


the LoS check didn’t change any of that. None of those abilities counted as the out of sight check because they just straight up make you invincible. That is called latency and bugs on the ability’s part because Mei has that happen a lot with more than just hack.


Well, first place is a good place.

Wait, i thought it’s brigitte topic. Nvm, sombra trash.


Never said the LoS change wasn’t necessary, never said anything is the way it is because of her 2s Hack nerf.

Sombra’s bugs aren’t the only thing holding her back, everything about her kit has some major drawback to it, she’s still a weak pick in general when you compare her to anyone else, and her gun might as well be classified as a water gun again with all the Armor Brigitte provides. I could go more indepth to prove a more valid point but I don’t feel like doing it for the millionth time.

It was 210% caused by the LoS check dude.


Sooo are you arguing the case that the recent Sombra buff felt more like previous Sombra Buffs? That they had a gradual improvement to being able to do her job and Quality of Life stuff but nothing that improves Sombra drastically such as other hero examples like Soldier 76’s Final Recoil change and the 19 damage finally making him a viable option or the Double Mine and Riptire Junkrat buff that shot him from F-Tier Troll pick to Viable on almost every map.

Are you asking for a complete utter rework like Symmetra’s getting?

Or are you just asking for a Brigitte nerf, which is happening anyway

As an ex-Mercy player who also got lied to, I feel your pain. Might as well accept it at this point. Even IF they do Sombra changes, it’ll be months from now.


The only thing that has to happen for Sombra to be ultimately viable is for her to damage to go up.

She’s probably even below Torbjorn or Symmetra in terms of overall damage during the match.

TELL ME ABOUT IT. I just lost a comp match with her because her damn hack kept breaking. No damage, no one even saw her. But her LoS is busted and the 2sec cooldown needs to GO. Being hacked is not worse than DEATH. You are not damaged and you still probably out-DPS her when you’re fighting her. Get over it.


It had nothing to do with latency. Initially, blizzard kept the old hack autolock mechanic but it resulted to a broken mess because of the hack cast speed boost.

Fixing her LoS issues, as you call them, will not fix her as a hero. Nor will prioritizing her hack ability over something as static and robust as ordinary damage in the game.

Imagine, for a second: if hacking someone meant they could not respond at all. Then it would be worth considering, much less playing.

Being rude or passive aggressive @ the blizz team is not how you win them over or draw positive attention to the character in question’s current state. :man_shrugging:


I think OP is just a bit fed up at this point.

Thing is? I had no trouble with her prior to the buff or during the buff. Can I make the nerfs work? YES. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want them to ignore her for another year when she is in DESPERATE need of bug fixes and a reversion that I know is never gonna come because people would whine and cry.

Her hack/EMP are fine - they do what needs to be done so long as her team is alive, knows it’s coming, and can y’know…AIM whether it’s with ult or just regular/secondary fire. I’d like to see her spread reduced further or just let her have the ability to charge ult from healing again because a LOT of the time, I still wind up having to hack health packs. I don’t set out that way. It just happens because of various issues. It doesn’t have to be as MUCH of a charge as she got before if it makes Blizzard feel better…even if she only gained around 15 points of ult charge from healing herself. It just sucks that she’s the only character who can heal herself and her team, but gets no credit for it whatsoever.




None of that is going to help her

Yeah, the fact that healing through health packs has no reward whatsoever seems like poor desing, contrary to every other character there’s nothing for you for helping your team. Before the nerf the charge was too much, yes, all the pros used her as an EMP bot. But they could’ve just nerf the charge instead of removing it.

LOS nerf I think it was necessary. As Rein, those two weeks i got hacked through my shield so many times I was losing my mind. But yeah, she like other characters are in desperate need of bug fixes and QoL changes. It’s such a shame that every balance issue takes so damn long to be solved.

Props to Sombra mains, she has such a high skill requirement and it’s so hard to be on par with other Dps heroes that whenever I see a good Sombra player I’m just in awe. VOLVAMOS A LA MEDIANOCHE

Sombra could use healer vision. From what I’ve played, her kit and primary do an ok amount of shredding. The foremost problem for me is that if you mess up the timing, you lose big time. A lot of this comes from the fact that Sombra is equal parts DPS and support, but the fact that she can’t see which assets she has where and properly manage said assets leaves her support aspects a lot harder to utilize. The ability to see hacked health packs is a plus, but it’s not entirely enough. This buff could make it easier to leverage both aspects of her character without making any significant changes to her kit, and also could make her a more viable hero in Quick Play and other lower communication settings.

I like to use Zenyatta as an example when I bring this idea up with friends. Zen is also a DPS and support. His Harmony orb is a little hacked health pack he throws to his buddies. His Discord Orb, with recent buffs, is basically a discount version of Sombra’s Opportunist passive. His Transcendence is an EMP to all incoming damage- making most abilities effectively useless during its duration. He’s actually better at retrieving and using information, because he can see his teammates and weakened enemies with a lot more ease and use his damage-dealing and cancelling kit accordingly.