Development and History
Game Development Facts
- Andy jokes about when he got “Beta access” - AndyB - 3/29/2022 - Official Forums
- Jodie speculates Support is only the easist role mechanically and is harder with gamesense and positioning - Jodie - 1/17/2021 - Official Forums
- Jodie shares her experiences of enjoying Overwatch prior to joining Blizzard - Jodie - 1/16/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB claims that Jodie is a peak Masters Support player - AndyB - 12/20/2021 - Official Forums
- Jodie introduces herself on the forums - Jodie - 12/15/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains that he only recently joined Blizzard despite playing since beta - AndyB - 12/8/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB has been playing Overwatch since beta - AndyB - 11/10/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains Jon Spector’s new role with the Overwatch team - AndyB - 11/10/2021 - Reddit
- AndyB provides his reaction to Cassidy’s new name - AndyB - 10/22/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB reveals he sometimes gets too carried away playing games - AndyB - 9/17/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB reveals that he is more comfortable on the Support role in role queue modes - AndyB - 9/17/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB reveals his competitive rank - AndyB - 9/17/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB shares some details of his plans for the weekend - AndyB - 9/17/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB reveals he has nearly 15 years in community management experience - AndyB - 9/9/2021 - Reddit
- AndyB introduces himself to the forum community - AndyB - 8/26/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB jokes about being stuck in Bronze - AndyB - 8/25/2021 - Reddit
- David Kang comments on how the Roadhog Midas Championship skin was one of his favorite to make - David Kang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Arnold Tsang says Toxic roadhog was one of his favorite skins to make - Arnold Tsang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Arnold Tsang confirms that 3D animator Michael Biancalana no longer works for Blizzard - Arnold Tsang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Arnold Tsang opinion about pineapple on Pizza - Arnold Tsang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Aaron Keller reaction to pineapple on pizza - Aaron Keller - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- John LaFleur says rebuilding Overwatch from Project: Titan was the hardest challenge he overcame in the game’s development - John LaFleur - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- John LaFleur’s reaction to Geoff Goodman’s opinion about pineapple on pizza - John LaFleur - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman opinion about pineapple on pizza - Geoff Goodman - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke shares that the team has a wide variety of skill levels with around 4300 SR being the highest - Bill Warnecke - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke shares his favorite season of RuPaul’s Drag Race - Bill Warnecke - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan comments on the well-wishes received on his Birthday - Jeff Kaplan - 11/4/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke expresses the gratitute to his fellow Blizzard team members and the community - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke shares what are his favorite heroes to play - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan reminds that Overwatch is made a wide team of great people - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke explains the global outreach in developing Overwatch - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan share how much the team has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman speculates if Jeff Kaplan would ever be a hero in Overwatch - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Lead Engineer Bill Warnecke shares his favorite Workshop custom game - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman shares how much Overwatch he plays - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Lead Engineer Bill Warnecke comments how excited he sees the creativity in Workshop custom games - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Lead Engineer Bill Warnecke shares how much Overwatch he plays - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke how much the team has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Game Director Jeff Kaplan shares how much Overwatch he plays - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan explains that Torbjorn’s (the Developer’s) favorite food is pizza - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan explains the daily routine for the development team - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Lead Technical Artist Dylan Jones shares how much Overwatch he plays - Dylan Jones - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan’s sensitivity is the default setting in Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - November 2nd, 2018 - Twitch
- Lead Engineer Bill Warnecke answers questions about his role with the Overwatch Development Team - Bill Warnecke - 3/1/2018 - Official Forums
Lead Engineer Bill Warnecke answers questions about his role with the Overwatch Development Team - Bill Warnecke - 3/1/2018 - Reddit
- Community Manager Josh Engen also provides details about several developers for Overwatch - Josh Engen - 3/2/2018 - Official Forums
- Lead Engineer Bill Warnecke details a little about himself - Bill Warnecke - 2/20/2018 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan shares some details about how much console Overwatch he plays - Jeff Kaplan - 10/31/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan reveals the highest experience level player he has seen in the game - Jeff Kaplan - 7/7/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains his interpretation of ‘GG’ - Jeff Kaplan - 9/18/2017 - Old Official Forums
Wolfenstein 3D was Chu’s first FPS - Michael Chu - 8/16/2017 - Old Official Forums
Wolfenstein 3D was Kaplan’s first FPS - Jeff Kaplan - 8/3/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan gives his tips on how to counter Tracer - 3/25/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan shares what his favorite maps are - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan was most excited with Pharah’s development - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan shares that he can’t really participate in the game’s voice chat due to being recognized too often - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan reveals he plays on all three platforms - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan reveals the first hero he played was Tracer (because it was the first hero developed) - Jeff Kaplan - 11/15/2016 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan gives detailed information about Team 4 - Jeff Kaplan - 8/2/2016 - Old Official Forums
- AndyB further explains the development challenges in the name change for Cassidy - AndyB - 9/13/2021 - Reddit
- AndyB explains that they understand the sentiment of players regarding Cassidy’s name change - AndyB - 8/27/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains that the decision to change Cassidy’s name was with the people who work on Overwatch in mind and that it was a polarizing choice - AndyB - 8/27/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB confirms that characters in Overwatch will no longer be named after real-life people - AndyB - 8/26/2021 - Reddit
- AndyB confirmed they identified Cassidy simply as “Cowboy” during the transition of the hero’s new name - AndyB - 8/25/2021 - Reddit
- AndyB explains that it will take time getting used to Cassidy’s new name - AndyB - 8/26/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains why it is important for the name change for Cassidy- AndyB - 8/26/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB states that a lot of feedback and consideration was made to changing the name for Cassidy - AndyB - 8/26/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB shares the challenges in making a change as signficant as changing the hero’s name - AndyB - 8/26/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB clarifies they are not yet ready to give detailed explination to how Cassidy’s name change will impact the game’s development - AndyB - 8/26/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains the reasoning to why Cassidy’s original name was changed - AndyB - 8/24/2021 - Official Forums
- David Kang says making the Echo Fleta MVP skin was one the most challenging skins he has made so far - David Kang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Arnold Tsang explains key decisions for skin design when it comes to how golden weapons appear or how the silhouette changes - Arnold Tsang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Arnold Tsang explains the challenges of making skins for complicated heroes like D.Va or Bastion - Arnold Tsang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- John LaFleur explains the challenges in developing heroes and new patches - John LaFleur - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke shares how challenging remote working has been for the development team - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Dylan Jones further explains on how Brigitte’s flail was difficult to animate - Dylan Jones - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan details how he responds to unconstructive critcism about the game - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Dylan Jones jokes about how simple making Hanzo’s old Scatter Ability was - Dylan Jones - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- John LaFleur explains that resource budgets often determine the challenges in making new hero abilities - John LaFleur - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Geoff Goodman explains how building Symmetra’s new photon barrier ultimate was more difficult than it first seemed - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke explains getting Overwatch launched on launch day was his biggest development challenge - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Dylan Jones explains how Brigitte’s flail was challenging to animate in-game - Dylan Jones - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- John Lafleur reacts to the idea of radical changes to Wrecking Ball’s grappling hook ability - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- John Lafleur shares how Moira had abilities that seemed simple but turned out challenging to develop - John Lafleur - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke explains that audio inclusion bugs may come from different causes - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Technical Director John Lafleur details how Echo’s duplicate was the most difficult ability to create for the game - John Lafleur - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke explains the version number hierarchy. - Bill Warnecke - 1/24/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke explains the difficulties of having a smooth patch launch in all parts of the world - Bill Warnecke - 1/25/2019 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan reassures the community that they are hard at work on the game and explains why they have not be active on the official forums - Jeff Kaplan - 12/10/2018 - Official Forums
- Bill Warnecke follow up with the challenges of bring servers to new regions in the world - Bill Warnecke - 9/29/2018 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke shares details on the challenges of bring servers to new regions in the world - Bill Warnecke - 2/1/2018 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke explains how Blizzard will process bug reports - Bill Warnecke - 1/31/2018 - Reddit
- Winston is the hardest character to animate - Jeff Kaplan - 4/18/2018 - Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains the legal challenges for creating national flag player icons - Jeff Kaplan - 12/6/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Bill Warnecke explains why Blizzard does not necessarily respond to bug reports - Bill Warnecke - 9/30/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan explains why many stats are not available to public - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan details about the hero design process - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan hints at how game design revolves around the game’s business model - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan shares details about the Business Intelligence Team at Blizzard - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan reveals Bastion has the most development changes in early development/beta - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan explains the “crawl, walk, run” pace of developing new heroes and new content into Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Overwatch for Switch would be ‘very challenging’ to do - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan states the hardest things to design is the Competitive Mode, Leaver System, and the overall business model of the game - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan reveals the team continues to work and develop hero and idea concepts when possible - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan shares that developing certain features takes more time and others depending on the complexity of the feature - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan explains the challenging in prioritizing content and development for Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 2/17/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan reflects on the reaction from the Sombra ARG - Jeff Kaplan - 2/16/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains challenges as they continue to develop Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 8/2/2016 - Old Official Forums
- AndyB clarifies that Cassidy is not directly tied to the historical outlaw Butch Cassidy - AndyB - 10/22/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB explains the process of choosing Cassidy’s new name - AndyB - 10/22/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB compare’s Cassidy’s name to historical outlaws - AndyB - 10/22/2021 - Official Forums
- AndyB clarifies the callsign for Cassidy - AndyB - 10/22/2021 - Official Forums
- David Kang comments on how special it is to create a place in the real world in the fantasy setting of Overwatch - David Kang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- David Kang says he would create a Pachimari skin for every character in Overwatch if he could - David Kang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- David Kang confirms he created the Pachimari and Yachemon characters in Overwatch - David Kang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- David Kang reveals a legendary skin version of the Roadhog Pachimari skin didn’t make the cut for release into Overwatch - David Kang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- David Kang says the belt buckle on Baptiste’s disco skin is suppose to say Groovy abbreviated - David Kang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- David Kang says that Echo is one of his favorte post-release heroes that have been added to the game - David Kang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Arnold Tsang explains how global cutures influence hero designs - Arnold Tsang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Arnold Tsang shares details about a hero concept called “Omniblade” that did not make it into Overwatch - Arnold Tsang - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Scott Mercer shares about an ability they experimented with called the “claw trap” for Torbjorn that confined the movement of an opponent to a localized area - Scott Mercer - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Aaron Keller explains that Blizzard World was one of the hardest maps they ever had to make - Aaron Keller - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Aaron Keller describes a underwater map concept called Galapagos that did not make the cut for the game - Aaron Keller - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke sahres the funniest bug he encountered - Bill Warnecke - 5/24/2021 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke explains why they use Perforce for Overwatch - Bill Warnecke - 5/21/2021 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke shoots down a pun by revealing the version control software used in Overwatch - Bill Warnecke - 5/21/2021 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan comments on his departure from Blizzard on Reddit - Jeff Kaplan - 4/22/2021 - Reddit
- Announcement of Jeff Kaplan’s departure and Aaron Keller taking over as game director - 4/20/2021 - News Article
- Jeff Kaplan explains the process of creating new heroes - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Dylan Jones shares how he once replaced the sleep dart object from Ana’s sleep dart with a ragdoll of Ana herself - Dylan Jones - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Lead Technical Artist Dylan Jones explains that prototyping very early forms of heroes helps speed up the development process - Dylan Jones - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke addresses how quickly the development team tackles bugs - Bill Warnecke - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan shares how he somewhat regrets certain directions in hero balance philosophy and the letdown of the Sombra ARG - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan shares which maps were the most challenge or the most exciting to develop - Jeff Kaplan - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- John Lafleur explains how passion projects come about for Overwatch - John Lafleur - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan shares that Sigma was one of his favorite new heroes to develop - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Principal Designer Geoff Goodman explains how different heroes go through various stages of prototyping - Geoff Goodman - 7/30/2020 - Reddit
- Principal Designer Josh Noh relives the experience of only have a game with 12 heroes when first demo’d at BlizzCon 2014 - Josh Noh - 6/10/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explains certain blockouts are merely placeholders in early development - Jeff Kaplan - 4/10/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan shares an early blockout of Temple of Anubis - Jeff Kaplan - 4/10/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan shares an early blockout of Tracer - Jeff Kaplan - 4/10/2020 - Official Forums
- Bill Warnecke shares how much the Overwatch Team has grown. - Bill Warnecke - 1/9/2020 - Reddit
- Bill Warnecke describes what the launch of Overwatch was like from their end - Bill Warnecke - 6/12/2019 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan shares a video of Baptiste’s early Immortality Field prototype - Jeff Kaplan - 3/22/2019 - Reddit
- Jeff Kaplan share what it was like when he first played Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 6/8/2018 - Official Forums
- An Interview from The Daily Mail with Matthew Hawley and Geoff Goodman explaining the early hero balance challenges when first making the game - Matthew Hawley and Geoff Goodman - 6/8/2017 - Internet Article
Overwatch - Archives - REQUIRES BLIZZCON VIRTUAL TICKET - Jeff Kaplan and Arnold Tsang - 11/6/2017 - BlizzCon
Jeff Kaplan gives details about Team 4 and the overall effort it takes to develop Overwatch. - Jeff Kaplan - 9/29/2017 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan gives a brief history into Project Titan - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan reveals that some concepts from Project Titan did get developed into Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan compares Overwatch to Team Fortress 2 - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan explains why he moved on from WoW to work on Project Titan - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan gives a brief history on planning Overwatch for consoles - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Jeff Kaplan answers multiple questions about the development of Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 3/13/2017 - Reddit
Michael Chu explains a bit of the hero development process - Michael Chu - 3/8/2017 - Old Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan’s DICE Summit - Explains how making Overwatch is meant to show a future world worth fighting for - Jeff Kaplan - 2/22/2017 - YouTube
Jeff Kaplan explains the decisions behind voice actors in comparison to providing authenticity - Jeff Kaplan - 12/21/2016 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan details on the internal development process of new heroes - Jeff Kaplan - 12/21/2016 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan explains how Ana is on top of the Temple of Anubis arch in her gameplay video - 7/12/2016 - Old Official Forums
Jeff Kaplan gives a preview to the development plan for Overwatch since launch - 6/9/2016 - Old Official Forums
- An Interview with Michael Chu explores how Global Inclusion is a major focus in the game - Michael Chu - 5/25/2016 - Internet Article
- The headshot sound effect is made by the sound of a beer cap opening - Paul Lackley - 5/24/2016 - Internet Article
BETA: Road to Launch (end of Closed Beta) - Jeff Kaplan - 4/18/2016 - Developer Update Video
BETA: Open Beta - Jeff Kaplan - 3/7/2016 - Developer Update Video
BETA: Beta is Back (Introduction of new progression system, Introduction of Control Maps, In - Jeff Kaplan - 2/9/2016 - Developer Update Video
BETA: Evolution of Progression System (Earning Cosmetics, Scraped systems which powered up specific heroes and had individual hero leveling to earn cosmetics) - Jeff Kaplan - 12/16/2015 - Developer Update Video
BETA: Popular Community Topics (Heroes and Maps are free when added, Quality of Life features) - Jeff Kaplan - 12/7/2015 - Developer Update Video
BETA: Matchmaking and Hero Balance - Jeff Kaplan - 11/28/2015 - Developer Update Video
BETA: Jeff Kaplan introduces the Closed Beta - Jeff Kaplan - 10/27/2015 - Developer Update Video
- NEWS ARTICLE: Echoes of Echo: A History of Hero 32 - 3/19/2020
- NEWS ARTICLE: So Many Masks, So Little Time: A Look at Face Changer Sombra - 1/27/2020
- NEWS ARTICLE: Behind the Scenes on Ugly Sweater: 76 - 12/13/2019
- NEWS ARTICLE: The History of Mercy: From Guardian to Guardian Angel - 11/27/2019
Interviews with the Community
- Gamespot interviews several questions Jeff Kaplan at BlizzCon 2019
- Stylosa interviewed Jeff Kaplan about Baptiste - Jeff Kaplan - 2/26/2019 - Youtube
- Stylosa interviewed Jeff Kaplan about Role Queue and Limiting 2/2/2 - Jeff Kaplan - 2/26/2019 - Youtube
- Karq interviews with Jeff Kaplan in the Creator’s Residency about Baptiste - Jeff Kaplan - 2/26/2019 - Twitch
- Scott Mercer interview with YouTube personalities Freedo and Liam (Your Overwatch) - Scott Mercer - 11/5/2018 - YouTube
- Matthew Hawley and David Kang is interviewed by various press at the Korean Fan Festival - Matthew Hawley and David Kang - 8/22/2018 - YouTube
- Scott Mercer and Ben Dai is interviewed by the various press at the Korean Fan Festival - Matthew Hawley and David Kang - 8/22/2018 - YouTube
- Jeff Kaplan is interviewed by YouTube personality Stylosa (Unit Lost Gaming) - Jeff Kaplan - 6/14/2018 - YouTube
- Jeff Kaplan and Aaron Keller interview with YouTube personalities Freedo and Liam (Your Overwatch) - Jeff Kaplan and Aaron Keller - 11/6/2017 - YouTube
- Jeff Kaplan answers several game related questions about the first year of Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 5/26/2017 - Internet Article
- Jeff Kaplan answers several game related questions for Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan - 5/17/2017 - YouTube
- Michael Chu answers several game related questions including why no spellcasters, why no map selection, and why no scoreboards - Jeff Kaplan - 5/23/2016 - Internet Artcile
Technical Support
Connection Troubleshooting - PC
- Josh Nash explains how the NVidia Reflex feature works - Josh Nash - 3/25/2021 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan explains what happens when a player is missing when a game begins - Jeff Kaplan - 8/30/2018 - Official Forums
Bill Warnecke details how the game connects to certain servers and if there is a connection issue -Bill Warnecke - 6/19/2018 - Reddit
- PC Connection Troubleshooting - Blizzard Support
- Overwatch Network Diagnostic Tools - Blizzard Support
- If you need additional help with disconnections in Overwatch please visit the Tech Support forum or start a web ticket with Blizzard.
Connection Troubleshooting - Console
- Console Connection Troubleshooting - Official Forums
- Console Connection Troubleshooting - Blizzard Support
- Overwatch Network Diagnostic Tools - Blizzard Support
- If you need additional help with disconnections in Overwatch please visit the Tech Support forum or start a web ticket with Blizzard.
Performance/Crashes Troubleshooting - PC
Bill Warnecke explains the various causes of the Rendering Device Lost error - Bill Warnecke - 3/27/2019 - Reddit
- Crashes? Performance Issues? Known Issues Here! - Official Forums
- “Your Rendering Device Has Been Lost” - Official Forums
- Patching and Installation Troubleshooting - Official Forums
- Patching and Installation Troubleshooting - Blizzard Support
- Overwatch Lockups and Crash Errors - Blizzard Support
- Overwatch Performance Issues - Blizzard Support
- Scan and Repair Blizzard Games - Blizzard Support
- Overwatch PC System Requirements - Blizzard Support
- If you need additional help with crashes in Overwatch please visit the Tech Support forum or start a web ticket with Blizzard.
Performance/Crashes Troubleshooting - Console
- Xbox one console how tos - Official Forums
- PlayStation4 console how tos - Official Forums
- Link a Account to your Console Account - Blizzard Support
- If you need additional help with crashes in Overwatch please visit the Tech Support forum or start a web ticket with Blizzard.
Overwatch Esports
Overwatch League
- AndyB had his hopes that the San Francisco Shock would win the 2021 Grand Finals - AndyB - 9/13/2021 - Reddit
- Classic San Francisco Shock, Florida Mayhem, and Los Angeles Valiant skins and the Overwatch Contenders skins was not intended to be made available for Echo upon her release) - Josh Nash - 4/14/2020 - Official Forums
- Hero Pools in the live game will not be the same for during the 2020 season of the League. - Jeff Kaplan - 1/30/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan that any change that affects the Overwatch League is discussed with them. - Jeff Kaplan - 1/30/2020 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan details the features of the Overwatch League spectator client and how pros don’t see the skin team colors or effects from their view - Jeff Kaplan - 2/15/2019 - Official Forums
- Bill Warnecke shares details how the spectator highlight feature works for Overwatch Esports - Bill Warnecke - 1/31/2018 - Reddit
- Rules and Code-of-Conduct
- The inaugural season, explained
- Nate Nanzer explains the Overwatch League at BlizzCon 2017
- About the Overwatch League 2017-2018 season
- Official website for the Overwatch League
- Official Twitch for the Overwatch League
Overwatch World Cup
Overwatch Contenders
Overwatch Open Division
Legal Information
Legal Information | Copyright Trademark Usage
Paid Loot Boxes and Loot Chests Disabled for Players in Belgium - Vaneras - 8/27/2018 - European Official Forums
- Blizzard Battle.Net End User License Agreement - Blizzard Official Website
- Blizzard Legal F.A.Q. - Blizzard Official Website
Blizzard Trademark Usage Guidelines - Blizzard Official Website